第 4 节
作者:恐龙王      更新:2021-02-21 15:30      字数:9322
  taking off his hat; he made some strange gestures to me; cringing;
  chattering; and showing his teeth; and shortly departed; muttering
  something about 'holy letters;' and talking to himself in a strange
  tongue。  The words of the Jew were in due course of time reported
  to my mother; who treasured them in her heart; and from that moment
  began to entertain brighter hopes of her youngest born than she had
  ever before ventured to foster。
  Barracks and lodgings … A camp … The viper … A delicate child …
  Blackberry time … MEUN and TUUM … Hythe … The Golgotha … Daneman's
  skull … Superhuman stature … Stirring times … The sea…bord。
  I HAVE been a wanderer the greater part of my life; indeed I
  remember only two periods; and these by no means lengthy; when I
  was; strictly speaking; stationary。  I was a soldier's son; and as
  the means of my father were by no means sufficient to support two
  establishments; his family invariably attended him wherever he
  went; so that from my infancy I was accustomed to travelling and
  wandering; and looked upon a monthly change of scene and residence
  as a matter of course。  Sometimes we lived in barracks; sometimes
  in lodgings; but generally in the former; always eschewing the
  latter from motives of economy; save when the barracks were
  inconvenient and uncomfortable; and they must have been highly so
  indeed; to have discouraged us from entering them; for though we
  were gentry (pray bear that in mind; gentle reader); gentry by
  birth; and incontestably so by my father's bearing the commission
  of good old George the Third; we were not FINE GENTRY; but people
  who could put up with as much as any genteel Scotch family who find
  it convenient to live on a third floor in London; or on a sixth at
  Edinburgh or Glasgow。  It was not a little that could discourage
  us:  we once lived within the canvas walls of a camp; at a place
  called Pett; in Sussex; and I believe it was at this place that
  occurred the first circumstance; or adventure; call it which you
  will; that I can remember in connection with myself:  it was a
  strange one; and I will relate it。
  It happened that my brother and myself were playing one evening in
  a sandy lane; in the neighbourhood of this Pett camp; our mother
  was at a slight distance。  All of a sudden; a bright yellow; and;
  to my infantine eye; beautiful and glorious; object made its
  appearance at the top of the bank from between the thick quickset;
  and; gliding down; began to move across the lane to the other side;
  like a line of golden light。  Uttering a cry of pleasure; I sprang
  forward; and seized it nearly by the middle。  A strange sensation
  of numbing coldness seemed to pervade my whole arm; which surprised
  me the more; as the object to the eye appeared so warm and sunlike。
  I did not drop it; however; but; holding it up; looked at it
  intently; as its head dangled about a foot from my hand。  It made
  no resistance; I felt not even the slightest struggle; but now my
  brother began to scream and shriek like one possessed。  'O mother;
  mother!' said he; 'the viper! … my brother has a viper in his
  hand!'  He then; like one frantic; made an effort to snatch the
  creature away from me。  The viper now hissed amain; and raised its
  head; in which were eyes like hot coals; menacing; not myself; but
  my brother。  I dropped my captive; for I saw my mother running
  towards me; and the reptile; after standing for a moment nearly
  erect; and still hissing furiously; made off; and disappeared。  The
  whole scene is now before me; as vividly as if it occurred
  yesterday … the gorgeous viper; my poor dear frantic brother; my
  agitated parent; and a frightened hen clucking under the bushes …
  and yet I was not three years old。
  It is my firm belief that certain individuals possess an inherent
  power; or fascination; over certain creatures; otherwise I should
  be unable to account for many feats which I have witnessed; and;
  indeed; borne a share in; connected with the taming of brutes and
  reptiles。  I have known a savage and vicious mare; whose stall it
  was dangerous to approach; even when bearing provender; welcome;
  nevertheless; with every appearance of pleasure; an uncouth; wiry…
  headed man; with a frightfully seamed face; and an iron hook
  supplying the place of his right hand; one whom the animal had
  never seen before; playfully bite his hair; and cover his face with
  gentle and endearing kisses; and I have already stated how a viper
  would permit; without resentment; one child to take it up in his
  hand; whilst it showed its dislike to the approach of another by
  the fiercest hissings。  Philosophy can explain many strange things;
  but there are some which are a far pitch above her; and this is
  I should scarcely relate another circumstance which occurred about
  this time but for a singular effect which it produced upon my
  constitution。  Up to this period I had been rather a delicate
  child; whereas; almost immediately after the occurrence to which I
  allude; I became both hale and vigorous; to the great astonishment
  of my parents; who naturally enough expected that it would produce
  quite a contrary effect。
  It happened that my brother and myself were disporting ourselves in
  certain fields near the good town of Canterbury。  A female servant
  had attended us; in order to take care that we came to no mischief:
  she; however; it seems; had matters of her own to attend to; and;
  allowing us to go where we listed; remained in one corner of a
  field; in earnest conversation with a red…coated dragoon。  Now it
  chanced to be blackberry time; and the two children wandered under
  the hedges; peering anxiously among them in quest of that trash so
  grateful to urchins of their degree。  We did not find much of it;
  however; and were soon separated in the pursuit。  All at once I
  stood still; and could scarcely believe my eyes。  I had come to a
  spot where; almost covering the hedge; hung clusters of what seemed
  fruit … deliciously…tempting fruit … something resembling grapes of
  various colours; green; red; and purple。  Dear me; thought I; how
  fortunate! yet have I a right to gather it? is it mine? for the
  observance of the law of MEUM and TUUM had early been impressed
  upon my mind; and I entertained; even at that tender age; the
  utmost horror for theft; so I stood staring at the variegated
  clusters; in doubt as to what I should do。  I know not how I argued
  the matter in my mind; the temptation; however; was at last too
  strong for me; so I stretched forth my hand and ate。  I remember;
  perfectly well; that the taste of this strange fruit was by no
  means so pleasant as the appearance; but the idea of eating fruit
  was sufficient for a child; and; after all; the flavour was much
  superior to that of sour apples; so I ate voraciously。  How long I
  continued eating I scarcely know。  One thing is certain; that I
  never left the field as I entered it; being carried home in the
  arms of the dragoon in strong convulsions; in which I continued for
  several hours。  About midnight I awoke; as if from a troubled
  sleep; and beheld my parents bending over my couch; whilst the
  regimental surgeon; with a candle in his hand; stood nigh; the
  light feebly reflected on the whitewashed walls of the barrack…
  Another circumstance connected with my infancy; and I have done。  I
  need offer no apology for relating it; as it subsequently exercised
  considerable influence over my pursuits。  We were; if I remember
  right; in the vicinity of a place called Hythe; in Kent。  One sweet
  evening; in the latter part of summer; our mother took her two
  little boys by the hand; for a wander about the fields。  In the
  course of our stroll we came to the village church; an old; gray…
  headed sexton stood in the porch; who; perceiving that we were
  strangers; invited us to enter。  We were presently in the interior;
  wandering about the aisles; looking on the walls; and inspecting
  the monuments of the notable dead。  I can scarcely state what we
  saw; how should I?  I was a child not yet four years old; and yet I
  think I remember the evening sun streaming in through a stained
  window upon the dingy mahogany pulpit; and flinging a rich lustre
  upon the faded tints of an ancient banner。  And now once more we
  were outside the building; where; against the wall; stood a low…
  eaved pent…house; into which we looked。  It was half filled with
  substances of some kind; which at first looked like large gray
  stones。  The greater part were lying in layers; some; however; were
  seen in confused and mouldering heaps; and two or three; which had
  perhaps rolled down from the rest; lay separately on the floor。
  'Skulls; madam;' said the sexton; 'skulls of the old Danes!  Long
  ago they came pirating into these parts; and then there chanced a
  mighty shipw