第 44 节
作者:闪啊闪      更新:2021-02-21 14:05      字数:9322
  and the old errors of the church; we should reject the former。〃 Said
  Melanchthon: 〃Every day; in full assembly; Faber casts some new stone at us
  gospelers。〃Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 5。
  Religious toleration had been legally established; and the evangelical
  states were resolved to oppose the infringement of their rights。 Luther;
  being still under the ban imposed by the Edict of Worms; was not permitted
  to be present at Spires; but his place was supplied by his colaborers and
  the princes whom God had raised up to defend His cause in this emergency。
  The noble Frederick of Saxony; Luther's
  former protector; had been removed by death; but Duke John; his brother and
  successor; had joyfully welcomed the Reformation; and while a friend of
  peace; he displayed great energy and courage in all matters relating to the
  interests of the faith。
  The priests demanded that the states which had accepted the Reformation
  submit implicitly to Romish jurisdiction。 The Reformers; on the other hand;
  claimed the liberty which had previously been granted。 They could not
  consent that Rome should again bring under her control those states that had
  with so great joy received the word of God。
  As a compromise it was finally proposed that where the Reformation had not
  become established; the Edict of Worms should be rigorously enforced; and
  that 〃in those where the people had deviated from it; and where they could
  not conform to it without danger of revolt; they should at least effect no
  new reform; they should touch upon no controverted point; they should not
  oppose the celebration of the mass; they should permit no Roman Catholic to
  embrace Lutheranism。〃 Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 5。 This measure passed the Diet;
  to the great satisfaction of the popish priests and prelates。
  If this edict were enforced; 〃the Reformation could neither be extended 。 。
  。 where as yet it was unknown; nor be established on solid foundations 。 。 。
  where it already existed。〃 Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 5。 Liberty of speech would be
  prohibited。 No conversions would be allowed。 And to these restrictions and
  prohibitions the friends of the Reformation were required at once to submit。
  The hopes of the world seemed about to be extinguished。 〃The
  re…establishment of the Romish hierarchy 。 。 。 would infallibly bring back
  the ancient abuses;〃 and an occasion would readily be found for 〃completing
  the destruction of a work already so violently shaken〃 by fanaticism and
  dissension。Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 5。
  As the evangelical party met for consultation; one looked to another in
  blank dismay。 From one to another passed the inquiry: 〃What is to be done?〃
  Mighty issues for the world were at stake。 〃Shall the chiefs of the
  submit; and accept the edict? How easily might the Reformers at this crisis;
  which was truly a tremendous one; have argued themselves into a wrong
  course! How many plausible pretexts and fair reasons might they have found
  for submission! The Lutheran princes were guaranteed the free exercise of
  their religion。 The same boon was extended to all those of their subjects
  who; prior to the passing of the measure; had embraced the reformed views。
  Ought not this to content them? How many perils would submission avoid! On
  what unknown hazards and conflicts would opposition launch them! Who knows
  what opportunities the future may bring? Let us embrace peace; let us seize
  the olive branch Rome holds out; and close the wounds of Germany。 With
  arguments like these might the Reformers have justified their adoption of a
  course which would have assuredly issued in no long time in the overthrow of
  their cause。
  〃Happily they looked at the principle on which this arrangement was based;
  and they acted in faith。 What was that principle? It was the right of Rome
  to coerce conscience and forbid free inquiry。 But were not themselves and
  their Protestant subjects to enjoy religious freedom? Yes; as a favor
  specially stipulated for in the arrangement; but not as a right。 As to all
  outside that arrangement; the great principle of authority was to rule;
  conscience was out of court; Rome was infallible judge; and must be obeyed。
  The acceptance of the proposed arrangement would have been a virtual
  admission that religious liberty ought to be confined to reformed Saxony;
  and as to all the rest of Christendom; free inquiry and the profession of
  the reformed faith were crimes; and must be visited with the dungeon and the
  stake。 Could they consent to localize religious liberty? to have it
  proclaimed that the Reformation had made its last convert? had subjugated
  its last acre? and that wherever Rome bore sway at this hour; there her
  dominion was to be perpetuated? Could the Reformers have pleaded that they
  were innocent of the blood of those hundreds and thousands who; in pursuance
  of this arrangement; would have to yield up their
  lives in popish lands? This would have been to betray; at that supreme hour;
  the cause of the gospel and the liberties of Christendom。〃Wylie; b。 9; ch。
  15。 Rather would they 〃sacrifice everything; even their states; their
  crowns; and their lives。〃D'Aubigne; b。 13; ch。 5。
  〃Let us reject this decree;〃 said the princes。 〃In matters of conscience the
  majority has no power。〃 The deputies declared: 〃It is to the decree of 1526
  that we are indebted for the peace that the empire enjoys: its abolition
  would fill Germany with troubles and divisions。 The Diet is incompetent to
  do more than preserve religious liberty until the council meets。〃Ibid。; b。
  13; ch。 5。 To protect liberty of conscience is the duty of the state; and
  this is the limit of its authority in matters of religion。 Every secular
  government that attempts to regulate or enforce religious observances by
  civil authority is sacrificing the very principle for which the evangelical
  Christian so nobly struggled。
  The papists determined to put down what they termed 〃daring obstinacy。〃 They
  began by endeavoring to cause divisions among the supporters of the
  Reformation and to intimidate all who had not openly declared in its favor。
  The representatives of the free cities were at last summoned before the Diet
  and required to declare whether they would accede to the terms of the
  proposition。 They pleaded for delay; but in vain。 When brought to the test;
  nearly one half their number sided with the Reformers。 Those who thus
  refused to sacrifice liberty of conscience and the right of individual
  judgment well knew that their position marked them for future criticism;
  condemnation; and persecution。 Said one of the delegates: 〃We must either
  deny the word of God; or be burnt。〃Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 5。
  King Ferdinand; the emperor's representative at the Diet; saw that the
  decree would cause serious divisions unless the princes could be induced to
  accept and sustain it。 He therefore tried the art of persuasion; well
  knowing that to employ force with such men would only render them the more
  determined。 He 〃begged the princes to accept the decree;
  assuring them that the emperor would be exceedingly pleased with them。〃 But
  these faithful men acknowledged an authority above that of earthly rulers;
  and they answered calmly: 〃We will obey the emperor in everything that may
  contribute to maintain peace and the honor of God。〃Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 5。
  In the presence of the Diet the king at last announced to the elector and
  his friends that the edict 〃was about to be drawn up in the form of an
  imperial decree;〃 and that 〃their only remaining course was to submit to the
  majority。〃 Having thus spoken; he withdrew from the assembly; giving the
  Reformers no opportunity for deliberation or reply。 〃To no purpose they sent
  a deputation entreating the king to return。〃 To their remonstrances he
  answered only: 〃It is a settled affair; submission is all that
  remains。〃Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 5。
  The imperial party were convinced that the Christian princes would adhere to
  the Holy Scriptures as superior to human doctrines and requirements; and
  they knew that wherever this principle was accepted; the papacy would
  eventually be overthrown。 But; like thousands since their time; looking only
  〃at the things which are seen;〃 they flattered themselves that the cause of
  the emperor and the pope was strong; and that of the Reformers weak。 Had the
  Reformers depended upon human aid alone; they would have been as powerless
  as the papists supposed。 But though weak in numbers; and at variance with
  Rome; they had their strength。 They appealed 〃from the report of the Diet to
  the word of God; and from the emperor Charles to Jesus Christ; the King of
  kings and Lord of lords。〃Ibid。; b。 13; ch。 6。
  As Ferdinand had refused to regard their conscientious convictions; the
  princes decided not to heed his absence; but to bring their Protest before
  the national council without delay。 A solemn declaration was therefore drawn
  up and presented to the Diet:
  〃We protest by these presents; before God; our only Creator; Preserver;
  Redeemer; and Saviour; and who will one day be our Judge; as well as before
  all men and all creatures;