第 43 节
作者:淋雨      更新:2021-02-21 13:47      字数:9322
  her work could not help saying:
  〃You will not be more beautiful on the day of your bridal!〃
  〃My bridal!〃 repeated Salammbo; she was musing with her elbow resting
  upon the ivory chair。
  But Taanach set up before her a copper mirror; which was so broad and
  high that she could see herself completely in it。 Then she rose; and
  with a light touch of her finger raised a lock of her hair which was
  falling too low。
  Her hair was covered with gold dust; was crisped in front; and hung
  down behind over her back in long twists ending in pearls。 The
  brightness of the candelabra heightened the paint on her cheeks; the
  gold on her garments; and the whiteness of her skin; around her waist;
  and on her arms; hands and toes; she had such a wealth of gems that
  the mirror sent back rays upon her like a sun;and Salammbo; standing
  by the side of Taanach; who leaned over to see her; smiled amid this
  dazzling display。
  Then she walked to and fro embarrassed by the time that was still
  Suddenly the crow of a cock resounded。 She quickly pinned a long
  yellow veil upon her hair; passed a scarf around her neck; thrust her
  feet into blue leather boots; and said to Taanach:
  〃Go and see whether there is not a man with two horses beneath the
  Taanach had scarcely re…entered when she was descending the galley
  〃Mistress!〃 cried the nurse。
  Salammbo turned round with one finger on her mouth as a sign for
  discretion and immobility。
  Taanach stole softly along the prows to the foot of the terrace; and
  from a distance she could distinguish by the light of the moon a
  gigantic shadow walking obliquely in the cypress avenue to the left of
  Salammbo; a sign which presaged death。
  Taanach went up again into the chamber。 She threw herself upon the
  ground tearing her face with her nails; she plucked out her hair; and
  uttered piercing shrieks with all her might。
  It occurred to her that they might be heard; then she became silent;
  sobbing quite softly with her head in the hands and her face on the
  The man who guided Salammbo made her ascend again beyond the pharos in
  the direction of the Catacombs; and then go down the long suburb of
  Molouya; which was full of steep lanes。 The sky was beginning to grow
  grey。 Sometimes palm…wood beams jutting out from the walls obliged
  them to bend their heads。 The two horses which were at the walk would
  often slip; and thus they reached the Teveste gate。
  Its heavy leaves were half open; they passed through; and it closed
  behind them。
  At first they followed the foot of the ramparts for a time; and at the
  height of the cisterns they took their way along the Taenia; a narrow
  strip of yellow earth separating the gulf from the lake and extending
  as far as Rhades。
  No one was to be seen around Carthage; whether on the sea or in the
  country。 The slate…coloured waves chopped softly; and the light wind
  blowing their foam hither and thither spotted them with white rents。
  In spite of all her veils; Salammbo shivered in the freshness of the
  morning; the motion and the open air dazed her。 Then the sun rose; it
  preyed on the back of her head; and she involuntarily dozed a little。
  The two animals rambled along side by side; their feet sinking into
  the silent sand。
  When they had passed the mountain of the Hot Springs; they went on at
  a more rapid rate; the ground being firmer。
  But although it was the season for sowing and ploughing; the fields
  were as empty as the desert as far as the eye could reach。 Here and
  there were scattered heaps of corn; at other places the barley was
  shedding its reddened ears。 The villages showed black upon the clear
  horizon; with shapes incoherently carved。
  From time to time a half…calcined piece of wall would be found
  standing on the edge of the road。 The roofs of the cottages were
  falling in; and in the interiors might be distinguished fragments of
  pottery; rags of clothing; and all kinds of unrecognisable utensils
  and broken things。 Often a creature clothed in tatters; with earthy
  face and flaming eyes would emerge from these ruins。 But he would very
  quickly begin to run or would disappear into a hole。 Salammbo and her
  guide did not stop。
  Deserted plains succeeded one another。 Charcoal dust which was raised
  by their feet behind them; stretched in unequal trails over large
  spaces of perfectly white soil。 Sometimes they came upon little
  peaceful spots; where a brook flowed amid the long grass; and as they
  ascended the other bank Salammbo would pluck damp leaves to cool her
  hands。 At the corner of a wood of rose…bays her horse shied violently
  at the corpse of a man which lay extended on the ground。
  The slave immediately settled her again on the cushions。 He was one of
  the servants of the Temple; a man whom Schahabarim used to employ on
  perilous missions。
  With extreme precaution he now went on foot beside her and between the
  horses; he would whip the animals with the end of a leathern lace
  wound round his arm; or would perhaps take balls made of wheat; dates;
  and yolks of eggs wrapped in lotus leaves from a scrip hanging against
  his breast; and offer them to Salammbo without speaking; and running
  all the time。
  In the middle of the day three Barbarians clad in animals' skins
  crossed their path。 By degrees others appeared wandering in troops of
  ten; twelve; or twenty…five men; many were driving goats or a limping
  cow。 Their heavy sticks bristled with brass points; cutlasses gleamed
  in their clothes; which were savagely dirty; and they opened their
  eyes with a look of menace and amazement。 As they passed some sent
  them a vulgar benediction; others obscene jests; and Schahabarim's man
  replied to each in his own idiom。 He told them that this was a sick
  youth going to be cured at a distant temple。
  However; the day was closing in。 Barkings were heard; and they
  approached them。
  Then in the twilight they perceived an enclosure of dry stones
  shutting in a rambling edifice。 A dog was running along the top of the
  wall。 The slave threw some pebbles at him and they entered a lofty
  vaulted hall。
  A woman was crouching in the centre warming herself at a fire of
  brushwood; the smoke of which escaped through the holes in the
  ceiling。 She was half hidden by her white hair which fell to her
  knees; and unwilling to answer; she muttered with idiotic look words
  of vengeance against the Barbarians and the Carthaginians。
  The runner ferreted right and left。 Then he returned to her and
  demanded something to eat。 The old woman shook her head; and murmured
  with her eyes fixed upon the charcoal:
  〃I was the hand。 The ten fingers are cut off。 The mouth eats no more。〃
  The slave showed her a handful of gold pieces。 She rushed upon them;
  but soon resumed her immobility。
  At last he placed a dagger which he had in his girdle beneath her
  throat。 Then; trembling; she went and raised a large stone; and
  brought back an amphora of wine with fish from Hippo…Zarytus preserved
  in honey。
  Salammbo turned away from this unclean food; and fell asleep on the
  horses' caparisons which were spread in a corner of the hall。
  He awoke her before daylight。
  The dog was howling。 The slave went up to it quietly; and struck off
  its head with a single blow of his dagger。 Then he rubbed the horses'
  nostrils with blood to revive them。 The old woman cast a malediction
  at him from behind。 Salammbo perceived this; and pressed the amulet
  which she wore above her heart。
  They resumed their journey。
  From time to time she asked whether they would not arrive soon。 The
  road undulated over little hills。 Nothing was to be heard but the
  grating of the grasshoppers。 The sun heated the yellowed grass; the
  ground was all chinked with crevices which in dividing formed; as it
  were; monstrous paving…stones。 Sometimes a viper passed; or eagles
  flew by; the slave still continued running。 Salammbo mused beneath her
  veils; and in spite of the heat did not lay them aside through fear of
  soiling her beautiful garments。
  At regular distances stood towers built by the Carthaginians for the
  purpose of keeping watch upon the tribes。 They entered these for the
  sake of the shade; and then set out again。
  For prudence sake they had made a wide detour the day before。 But they
  met with no one just now; the region being a sterile one; the
  Barbarians had not passed that way。
  Gradually the devastation began again。 Sometimes a piece of mosaic
  would be displayed in the centre of a field; the sole remnant of a
  vanished mansion; and the leafless olive trees looked at a distance
  like large bushes of thorns。 They passed through a town in which
  houses were burnt to the ground。 Human skeletons might be seen along
  the walls。 There were some; too; of dromedaries and mules。 Half…gnawed
  carrion bl