第 23 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:21      字数:9306
  The Lost Road and Other Stories           by Davis; Richard Harding
  The Lost World                        by Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan
  Louis Lambert                             by Balzac; Honore de
  Louisa of Prussia and Her Times                by Muhlbach; Luise
  Louise de la Valliere                    by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  The Love Affairs of A Bibliomaniac                by Field; Eugene
  Love and Friendship                             by Austen; Jane
  Love Eternal                            by Haggard; Henry Rider
  Love For Love                             by Congreve; William
  The Love of Books : the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  by Bury; Richard de
  Love of Life;  and Other Stories                   by London; Jack
  The Love of Ulrich Nebendahl                 by Jerome; Jerome K。
  Love Songs                                   by Teasdale; Sara
  A Lover's Complaint                      by Shakespeare; William
  Love's Labours Lost                      by Shakespeare; William
  The Love…Chase                      by Knowles; James Sheridan
  Love…Songs of Childhood                         by Field; Eugene
  The Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man       by Drummond; Henry
  The Lucasta Poems                          by Lovelace; Richard
  Lucile                                      by Meredith; Owen
  The Lumley Autograph                  by Cooper; Susan Fenimore
  The Lure of the Dim Trails                        by Bower; B。 M。
  Lysis                                                by Plato
  Lysistrata                                     by Aristophanes
  Machiavelli                      by Macaulay; Thomas Babington
  The Mad King                          by Burroughs; Edgar Rice
  Madam How and Lady Why                   by Kingsley; Charles
  Madame Bovary                            by Flaubert; Gustave
  Madame Firmiani                          by Balzac; Honore de
  The Madonna of the Future                       by James; Henry
  Maggie… A Girl of the Streets                    by Crane; Stephen
  The Magic Egg and Other Stories                by Stockton; Frank
  The Magic Skin                             by Balzac; Honore de
  The Magic of Oz                              by Baum; L。 Frank
  The Mahatma and the Hare                by Haggard; Henry Rider
  Maid Marian                              by Peacock; Thomas Love
  Main Street and Other Poems                     by Kilmer; Joyce
  The Maintenance of Free Trade               by Malynes; Gerard de
  Main…Travelled Roads                        by Garland; Hamlin
  Maitre Cornelius                           by Balzac; Honore de
  Maiwa's Revenge ; or; The War of the Little Hand
  by Haggard; Henry Rider
  The Major                                    by Connor; Ralph
  Majorie Daw                       by Aldrich; Thomas Bailey
  The Make…Believe Man                  by Davis; Richard Harding
  The Malay Archipelago                  by Wallace; Alfred Russell
  Malbone: An Oldport Romance     by Higginson; Thomas Wentworth
  The Malefactor                         by Oppenheim; E。 Phillips
  Malvina of Brittany                         by Jerome; Jerome K。
  The Man                                      by Stoker; Bram
  Man a Machine                     by La Mettrie; Julien Offray de
  Man and Superman                      by Shaw; George Bernard
  The Man against the Sky              by Robinson; Edwin Arlington
  Man and Wife                                by Collins; Wilkie
  The Man Between                             by Barr; Amelia E。
  The Man From Glengarry                       by Connor; Ralph
  The Man from Snowy River              by Paterson; Andrew Barton
  The Man in the Iron Mask                by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  A Man of Business                          by Balzac; Honore de
  The Man of the Forest                             by Grey; Zane
  The Man of Letters as a Man of Business    by Howells; William Dean
  Man of Property                            by Galsworthy; John
  The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and other stories by Twain; Mark
  The Man Versus the State                      by Spencer; Herbert
  The Man Who Could Not Lose             by Davis; Richard Harding
  The Man Who Knew Too Much                 by Chesterton; G。 K。
  The Man Who Was Afraid                       by Gorky; Maxim
  The Man Who Was Thursday                   by Chesterton; G。 K。
  The Man Who Would Be King                  by Kipling; Rudyard
  Manalive                                  by Chesterton; G。 K。
  Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples
  by Nadaillac; Marquis de
  Manon Lescaut                                by Prevost; Abbe
  Mansfield Park                                 by Austen; Jane
  The Mansion                               by Van Dyke; Henry
  A Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States
  by Jefferson; Thomas
  Many Voices                                      by Nesbit; E。
  The Marble Faun (or; The Romance of Monte Beni)
  by Hawthorne; Nathaniel
  Margaret Ogilvy                                by Barrie; J。 M。
  Maria; or; The Wrongs of Woman           by Wollstonecraft; Mary
  Marie                                 by Haggard; Henry Rider
  Marie Antoinette And Her Son                  by Muhlbach; Luise
  Mark Twain; A Biography                 by Paine; Albert Bigelow
  Mark Twain's Letters (6 volumes)                   by Twain; Mark
  Mark Twain's Speeches                           by Twain; Mark
  The Market…Place                            by Frederic; Harold
  Marm Lisa                             by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  Marquise de Brinvilliers                 by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  Marquise de Ganges                    by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  The Marriage Contract                      by Balzac; Honore de
  The Marriages                                 by James; Henry
  Martin Chuzzlewit                           by Dickens; Charles
  Martin Eden                                   by London; Jack
  Martin Guerre                         by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  Martin Luther's 95 Theses                       by Luther; Martin
  The Marvelous Land of Oz                      by Baum; L。 Frank
  Mary Barton                             by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  Mary…'Gusta                           by Lincoln; Joseph Crosby
  Mary Stuart                           by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  The Mason…bees                            by Fabre; Jean…Henri
  The Masque of the Red Death                  by Poe; Edgar Allan
  Massacre at Paris                       by Marlowe; Christopher
  Massacres of the South                  by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  Massimilla Doni                           by Balzac; Honore de
  Master and Man                                by Tolstoy; Leo
  Master Humphrey's Clock                     by Dickens; Charles
  The Master Key                               by Baum; L。 Frank
  The Master of Ballantrae                   by Stevenson; Robert L。
  The Master of Mrs。 Chilvers                  by Jerome; Jerome K。
  Masterman Ready                          by Marryat; Frederick
  A Master's Degree                     by McCarter; Margaret Hill
  Mauprat                                      by Sand; George
  Maurine and Other Poems                 by Wilcox; Ella Wheeler
  The Mayor of  Casterbridge                    by Hardy; Thomas
  Mazelli; and Other Poems                    by Sands; George W。
  McTeague                                    by Norris; Frank
  Measure for Measure                     by Shakespeare; William
  Medea                                           by Euripides
  Medical Essays                        by Holmes; Oliver Wendell
  Meditations                        by Antoninus; Marcus Aurelius
  Meditations on First Philosophy                 by Descartes; Rene
  Melmoth Reconciled                         by Balzac; Honore de
  Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin                 by Stevenson; Robert L。
  Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Arizona     by Mowry; Sylvester
  Memories and Portraits                    by Stevenson; Robert L。
  The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz               by Retz; Cardinal de
  Memoirs of Carwin; the Biloquist        by Brown; Charles Brockden
  Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions     by MacKay; Charles
  The Memoirs of General the Baron de Marbot    by Marbot; Baron de
  Memoirs of General William T。 Sherman
  by Sherman; William Tecumseh
  The Memoirs of Louis XV/XVI                      by Du Hausset
  The Memoirs of Louis XIV; His Court and The Regency(15 volumes)
  by Saint…Simon; Duc de
  The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan by Montespan; La Marquise De
  The Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois         by Marguerite de Valois
  The Memoirs of Marie Antoinette  by Campan; Jeanne Louise Henriette
  Memoirs of Mr。 Charles J。 Yellowplush; or; The Yellowplush Papers
  by Thackeray; William M。
  Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte(16 volumes)