第 16 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:21      字数:9318
  A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy     by Marx; Karl
  Contributions to: All The Year Round            by Dickens; Charles
  Copy…Cat and Other Stories       by Freeman; Mary Eleanor Wilkins
  Coral and Coral Reefs                   by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Coral Island                            by Ballantyne; R。 M。
  Coral Reefs                                 by Darwin; Charles
  Coriolanus                             by Shakespeare; William
  Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police by Connor; Ralph
  The Cost                              by Phillips; David Graham
  The Cost of Kindness                        by Jerome; Jerome K。
  Count Bunker                              by Clousten; J。 Storer
  The Count of Monte Cristo               by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  The Counterpane Fairy                         by Pyle; Katharine
  Countess Kate                               by Yonge; Charlotte
  The Countess of Saint Geran             by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  The Country Doctor                         by Balzac; Honore de
  The Country of the Pointed Firs               by Jewett; Sarah Orne
  The Count's Millions                          by Gaboriau; Emile
  The Courtship of Susan Bell                    by Trollope; Antony
  Cousin Betty                               by Balzac; Honore de
  Cousin Maude                             by Holmes; Mary Jane
  Cousin Phillis                            by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  Cousin Pons                               by Balzac; Honore de
  Cow…Country                                  by Bower; B。 M。
  Cowley's Essays                            by Cowley; Abraham
  The Coxon Fund                                by James; Henry
  Cranford                                by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  Cratylus                                             by Plato
  Creatures That Once Were Men                  by Gorky; Maxim
  Cressy                                          by Harte; Bret
  The Cricket on the Hearth                     by Dickens; Charles
  Crime and Punishment                     by Dostoevsky; Fyodor
  The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard                 by France; Anatole
  Criminal Psychology                  by Gross; Hans Gustav Adolf
  Criminal Sociology                              by Ferri; Enrico
  The Crimson Fairy Book                        by Lang; Andrew
  Critias                                              by Plato
  Critical and Historical Essays       by Macaulay; Thomas Babington
  A Critical Examination of 〃On The Origin of Species〃
  by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  Criticism and Fiction                    by Howells; William Dean
  Criticisms on 〃The Origin of Species〃       by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Critique of Judgement                      by Kant; Immanuel
  The Critique of Practical Reason                by Kant; Immanuel
  The Critique of Pure Reason                    by Kant; Immanuel
  Crito                                                by Plato
  The Crock of Gold                            by Stephens; James
  The Crossing                              by Churchill; Winston
  Crotchet Castle                         by Peacock; Thomas Love
  The Crowd; Study of Popular Mind              by Le Bon; Gustave
  The Crown of Thorns                            by Chapin; E。 H。
  The Cruise of the Cachalot (Round the World After Sperm Whales)
  by Bullen; Frank T。
  The Cruise of the Dolphin             by Aldrich; Thomas Bailey
  The Cruise of the Jasper B。                       by Marquis; Don
  The Cruise of the Snark                          by London; Jack
  The Crusade of the Excelsior                        by Harte; Bret
  The Crystal Stopper                         by LeBlanc; Maurice
  The Culprit Fay and Other Poems          by Drake; Joseph Rodman
  Culture and Anarchy                         by Arnold; Matthew
  A Cumberland Vendetta                             by Fox; John
  Cupid's Understudy                     by Field; Edward Salisbury
  Curious Republic of Gondour                      by Twain; Mark
  Cy Whittaker's Place                    by Lincoln; Joseph Crosby
  The Cyclops                                      by Euripides
  Cymbeline                              by Shakespeare; William
  Cyrano de Bergerac                         by Rostand; Edmond
  Cyprus; as I Saw it in 1879                 by Baker; Samuel White
  Cyropaedia: The Education of Cyrus                  by Xenophon
  Daddy…Long…Legs                              by Webster; Jean
  The Daisy Chain; or Aspirations                by Yonge; Charlotte
  Daisy Miller                                   by James; Henry
  Damaged Goods                              by Brieux; Eugene
  The Damnation of Theron Ware                 by Frederic; Harold
  The Danish History; Books I…IX               by Grammaticus; Saxo
  Danny's Own Story                             by Marquis; Don
  The Dark Flower                            by Galsworthy; John
  Dark Lady of the Sonnets                 by Shaw; George Bernard
  A Dark Night's Work                      by Gaskell; Elizabeth C。
  The Darrow Enigma                   by Severy; Melvin Linwood
  Darwin and Modern Science              by Seward; Albert Charles
  The Darwinian Hypothesis                by Huxley; Thomas Henry
  The Daughter of An Empress                     by Muhlbach; L。
  A Daughter of Eve                         by Balzac; Honore de
  David Copperfield                          by Dickens; Charles
  David Elginbrod                         by MacDonald; George
  The Dawn of A To…morrow            by Burnett; Frances Hodgson
  The Day of the Confederacy            by Stephenson; Nathaniel W。
  Days with Sir Roger de Coverley                by Addison; Joseph
  The Day's Work… Part 1                      by Kipling; Rudyard
  De Cive  (Philosophicall Elements of a true Citizen)
  by Hobbes; Thomas
  De Profundis                                  by Wilde; Oscar
  Dead Men Tell No Tales                       by Hornung; E。 W。
  Dead Souls                         by Gogol; Nikolai Vasilievich
  Dear Enemy                                   by Webster; Jean
  The Death of Ivan Ilych                           by Tolstoy; Leo
  The Death of Olivier Becaille                       by Zola; Emile
  Death of the Lion                               by James; Henry
  The Decameron                          by Boccaccio; Giovanni
  A Defence of Free…Thinking in Mathematics       by Berkeley; George
  A Defence of Poesie and Poems                by Sidney; Philip; Sir
  Defence of Usury                            by Bentham; Jeremy
  Deirdre of the Sorrows                           by Synge; J。 M。
  The Deliverance:  A Romance of the Virginia Tobacco Fields  by Glasgow; Ellen
  Democracy                             by Lowell; James Russell
  Democracy An American Novel            by Adams; Henry
  Democracy In America                   by Tocqueville; Alexis de
  The Depot Master                      by Lincoln; Joseph Crosby
  The Deputy of Arcis                         by Balzac; Honore de
  Derrick Vaughan … Novelist                       by Lyall; Edna
  Derues                               by Dumas; Alexandre; pere
  The Descent of Man; and Selection in Relation to Sex
  by Darwin; Charles
  The Description of Wales                 by Cambrensis; Giraldus
  Desert Gold                                    by Grey; Zane
  The Deserted Woman                       by Balzac; Honore de
  The Desire of Ages                            by White; Ellen G。
  Desperate Remedies                           by Hardy; Thomas
  The Devil's Dictionary                       by Bierce; Ambrose
  The Devil's Disciple                     by Shaw; George Bernard
  Devil's Ford                                    by Harte; Bret
  The Devil's Paw                       by Oppenheim; E。 Phillips
  Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion            by Hume; David
  The Diary of a Goose Girl                by Wiggin; Kate Douglas
  The Diary of a Man of Fifty                      by James; Henry
  Diary of a Nobody              by Grossmith; George and Weedon
  Diary of a Pilgrimage                       by Jerome; Jerome K。
  The Diary of Samuel Pepys                      by Pepys; Samuel
  Dickory Cronke                                by Defoe; Daniel
  A Discourse of Coin and Coinage                 by Vaughan; Rice
  A Discourse on Method                        by Descartes; Rene
  Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason
  by Descartes; Rene
  A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
  by Rousseau; Jean…Jacques
  The Discourses                                    by Epictetus
  Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry               by Dryden; John
  The Discovery of Guiana                       by Raleigh; Walter
  The Discovery of The Source of the Nile       by Speke; John Hanning
  Dissertation on First Principles of Government      by Paine; Thomas
  A Dissertation on the Poor Laws               by Townsend; Joseph
  A Dissertation Upon Parties