第 9 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:21      字数:9322
  The Antichrist
  Thus Spake Zarathustra
  Norris; Frank  (1870…1902)
  Moran of the Lady Letty
  The Octopus… A Story of California
  The Pit
  Norton; Caroline  (1808…1877)
  English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century
  A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranford's Marriage and Divorce Bill
  Ogden; Ruth  (1853…1927)
  Okakura; Kakuzo  (1862…1913)
  The Book of Tea
  Oliphant; Mrs。 Margaret  (1828…1897)
  Jeanne d'Arc
  Oliver; Charles  (1858…1932)
  ABC's of Science
  Ollivant; Alfred  (1874…1927)
  Bob Son of Battle
  Omar Khayyam   (1048…1122)
  Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
  Oppenheim; E。 Phillips  (1866…1946)
  The Devil's Paw
  The Illustrious Prince
  Kingdom of the Blind
  The Malefactor
  A Millionaire of Yesterday
  Peter Ruff and the Double Four
  The Vanished Messenger
  The Yellow Crayon
  The Zeppelin's Passenger
  Optic; Oliver   (1822…1897)
  Poor and Proud
  Orczy; Baroness Emmuska  (1865…1947)
  El Dorado; An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel
  The Elusive Pimpernel
  The Scarlet Pimpernel
  Orleans; Elizabeth…Charlotte; Duchesse d' (1652…1722)
  The Memoirs of the Louis XIV and the Regency
  Orr; Mrs。 Sutherland  (1828…1903)
  Life and Letters of Robert Browning
  Orth; Samuel Peter  (1873…1922)
  The Armies of Labor
  The Boss and the Machine
  Osler; William  (1849…1919)
  The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  Ossendowski; Ferdinand  (1876…1944)
  Beasts; Men and Gods
  Owen; Robert  (1771…1858)
  A New View of Society
  Owen; Wilfred  (1893…1918)
  Packard; Frank L。  (1877…1942)
  The Adventures of Jimmie Dale
  The White Moll
  Page; Thomas Nelson  (1853…1922)
  The Burial of the Guns
  Paine; Albert Bigelow  (1861…1937)
  The Boys' Life of Mark Twain
  Mark Twain; A Biography(6 volumes)
  Paine; Ralph Delahaye  (1871…1925)
  The Old Merchant Marine
  Paine; Thomas  (1737…1809)
  Age of Reason
  Common Sense
  The American Crisis
  Dissertation on First Principles of Government
  The Rights Of Man
  Palmer; Alice Freeman  (1855…1902)
  Why Go To College? An Address
  Parkman; Francis  (1823…1893)
  The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky…Mountain Life
  Parlette; Ralph  (1870…1930)
  The University of Hard Knocks
  Pascal; Blaise  (1623…1662)
  The Provincial Letters
  Pensees (Thoughts)
  Paterson; Andrew Barton   (1864…1941)
  The Man from Snowy River
  Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses
  Saltbush Bill; J。 P。
  Three Elephant Power And Other Stories
  Peacock; Thomas Love   (1785…1866)
  Crotchet Castle
  Maid Marian
  Peattie; Elia W。  (1862…1935)
  A Mountain Woman
  Painted Windows
  The Shape of Fear
  Pellico; Silvio  (1789…1854)
  My Ten Years' Imprisonment
  Pepys; Samuel  (1633…1703)
  The Diary of Samuel Pepys
  Perez Galdos; Benito  (1843…1920)
  Dona Perecta
  Perkins; Lucy Fitch  (1865…1937)
  The Belgian Twins
  The Japanese Twins
  The Swiss Twins
  Petty; William  (1623…1687)
  Political Arithmetick
  Treatise on Taxes and Contributions
  Pfeiffer; Ida; Madame  (1797…1858)
  A Visit to Iceland
  Phillips; David Graham  (1867…1911)
  The Conflict
  The Cost
  The Fortune Hunter
  The Grain of Dust
  The Price She Paid
  Susan Lenox: Her Rise and Fall
  Pinches; Theophilus Goldridge  (1856…1934)
  The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  Pinkerton; John  (1758…1826)
  Early Australian Voyages
  Piozzi; Hester Lynch  (1741…1821)
  Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson
  Plaatje; Sol  (1876…1932)
  Native Life in South Africa
  Plato  ( ca。427…347BC )
  The Republic
  The Seventh Letter
  Other Spurious and doubtful works
  Alcibiades I
  Alcibiades II
  Lesser Hippias
  Plotinus  (270…204BC)
  The Six Enneads
  Plutarch  (ca。46…126 )
  Boys' and Girls' Plutarch ( Edited for Boys and Girls)
  Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  Poe; Edgar Allan  (1809…1849)
  The Cask of Amontillado
  The Fall of the House of Usher
  The Masque of the Red Death
  The Raven and Others
  The Works of Edgar Allan Poe ( 5 Volumes )
  Pope; Alexander  (1688…1744)
  An Essay on Man; Moral Essays and Satires
  Porter; Eleanor H。 (1868…1920)
  Just David
  Miss Billie Married
  Miss Billie's Decision
  Miss Billy
  Post; Melville Davisson  (1871…1930)
  The Sleuth of St。 James Street
  Potter; Beatrix  (1866…1943)
  A Collection of Beatrix Potter Stories
  The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter
  Prentiss; Elizabeth  (1818…1878)
  Stepping Heavenward
  Prescott; William Hickling  (1796…1859)
  History of the Conquest of Peru
  Prevost; Abbe  (1697…1763)
  Manon Lescaut
  Proctor; Adelaide Anne  (1825…1864)
  Legends and Lyrics
  Proudhon; P。 J。  (1809…1865)
  System of Economical Contradications (or; The Philosophy of Misery)
  What is Property?
  Punshon; E。 R。  (1872…     )
  The Bittermeads Mystery
  Pyle; Howard  (1853…1911)
  Book of Pirates
  Men of Iron
  The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
  Otto Of the Silver Hand
  The Ruby of Kishmoor
  Twilight Land
  Pyle; Katharine  (    …1938)
  The Counterpane Fairy
  Rabelais; Francis  (1494… ca。1553)
  Gargantua and Pantagruel
  Racine; Jean Baptiste  (1639…1699)
  Radcliffe; Ann Ward  (1764…1823)
  The Mysteries of Udolpho
  Rae; John  (1796…1872)
  New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy
  Raleigh; Walter  (1861…1922)
  The Discovery of Guiana
  Robert Louis Stevenson
  Ralphson; G。 Harvey   (1879…     )
  Boy Scouts in Mexico; or; On Guard with Uncle Sam
  Raspe; Rudolph Erich  (1737…1794)
  The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  Rawle; William  (1759…1836)
  A View of the Constitution of the United States of America
  Ray; Anna Chapin  (1865…1945)
  On The Firing Line
  Reade; Charles  (1814…1884)
  Christie Johnstone
  The Cloister and the Hearth
  Foul Play
  Hard Cash
  Peg Woffington
  Put Yourself in His Place
  A Simpleton
  White Lies
  A Woman…Hater
  Redgrove; H。 Stanley  (1887…1943)
  Bygone Beliefs
  Reed; Myrtle  (1874…1911)
  Lavender and Old Lace
  Reeve; Arthur B。  (1880…1936)
  The Poisoned Pen
  The Silent Bullet
  Retz; Cardinal de  (1613…1679)
  The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz
  Reynolds; Joshua; Sir  (1723…1792)
  Seven Discourses on Art
  Rhodius; Apollonius  (ca。 3rd Century BC)
  The Argonautica
  Ricardo; David  (1772…1823)
  An Essay on Profits
  The High Price of Bullion
  On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
  Ridpath; John Clark  (1840…1900)
  James Otis; The Pre…Revolutionist
  Robinson; Edwin Arlington (1869…1935)
  The Children of the Night
  The Man against the Sky
  The Three Taverns
  Roe; Edward Payson  (1838…1888)
  A Face Illumined
  He Fell In Love With His Wife
  Roosevelt; Theodore  (1858…1919)
  Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
  An autobiography
  Ross; Edmund Gibson  (1826…1907)
  History of the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
  President of the United States
  Rossetti; Dante Gabriel  (1828…1882)
  The House of Life
  Rostand; Edmond  (1868…1918)
  Cyrano de Bergerac
  Rougemont; Louis de  (1844…    )
  Adventures of Louis de Rougemont
  Rousseau; Jean…Jacques  (1712…1778)
  The Confessions of Jean…Jacques Rousseau
  A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
  The Social Contract
  Rowlandson; Mary White  (1637…1711)
  Narrative of the Captivity and Removes of Mrs。 Mary Rowlandson
  Rowson; Susanna  (1762…1824)
  Charlotte Temple
  Rudd; Steele  (1899…1935)
  On Our Selection
  Rumford; Benjamin; Graf von  (1753…1814)
  Essays ( Political; Economical; and Philosophical )
  Ruskin; John  (1819…1900)
  The King of the Golden River
  Sesame And Lilies
  Unto This Last
  Sabatini; Rafael (1875…1950)
  Bardelys the Magnificent
  Captain Blood
  The Historical Nights' Entertainment
  The Lion's Skin
  Mistress Wilding
  The Snare
  St。 Martin's Summer
  The Trampling of the Lilies
  Saint…Simon; Duc de  (1675…1755)
  The Memoirs of Louis XIV; His Court and The Regency(15 volumes)
  Sand; George  (1804…1876)
  Sands; George W。  (ca。1824…1874)
  Mazelli; and Other Poems
  Saunders; Marshall  (1861…1947)
  Beautiful Joe
  Say; Jean Baptiste  (1776…1832)
  Letters to Thomas Robert Malthus on Political Economy
  Schiller; J。 C。 F。  (1759…1805)
  The History of the Thirty Years' War
  Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man
  Wilhelm Tell
  Schmoller; Gustav (1838…1917)
  The Idea of Justice in Political Economy
  The Mercantile System and its Historical Significance
  On Class Conflict in General
  Schreiner; Oliver  (1855…192