第 8 节
作者:暖暖      更新:2021-02-21 12:21      字数:9317
  History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance to the French Revolution
  MacClintock; William Darnall  (1858…1936)
  Song and Legend From the Middle Ages
  MacDonald; George  (1824…1905)
  At the Back of the North Wind
  A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul
  David Elginbrod
  Donal Grant
  The Light Princess
  Phantastes; A Faerie Romance for Men and Women
  The Princess and Curdie
  The Princess and Goblin
  Robert Falconer
  Sir Gibbie
  MacGrath; Harold  (1871…1932)
  The Drums Of Jeopardy
  The Puppet Crown
  Machen; Arthur  (1863…1947)
  The Great God Pan
  Machiavelli; Niccolo  (1469…1527)
  History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy
  The Prince
  MacKay; Charles  (1814…1889)
  Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions  ( 3 Volumes )
  Mackenzie; Alexander  (1833…1898)
  History Of The Mackenzies
  Macy; Jesse  (1842…1919)
  The Anti…Slavery Crusade
  Maeterlinck; Maurice  (1862…1949)
  The Unknown Guest
  Maine; Henry Summer  (1822…1888)
  Ancient Law
  International Law
  Lectures on the Early History of Institutions
  Maitland; Frederic William  (1850…1906)
  Domesday Book and Beyond: Three Essays in the Early History of England
  Malthus; Thomas R。  (1766…1834)
  An Essay on the Principle of Population
  The Nature of Rent
  Malynes; Gerard de  (1586…1623)
  The Maintenance of Free Trade
  Malory; Thomas  (    …1471)
  Le Mort d'Arthur
  Mansfield; Katherine  (1888…1923)
  The Garden Party and Other Stories
  In a German Pension
  Marbot; Baron de  (1782…1854)
  The Memoirs of General the Baron de Marbot
  Marguerite de Valois  (1553…1615)
  The Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois
  Marlowe; Christopher  (1564…1593)
  Dr。 Faustus
  The Jew of Malta
  Massacre at Paris
  Tamburlaine the Great (Part1; Part2)
  Marquis; Don  (1878…1937)
  The Cruise of the Jasper B。
  Danny's Own Story
  Dreams and Dust
  Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers
  Marryat; Frederick  (1792…1848)
  Masterman Ready
  Marshall; Alfred  (1842…1924)
  The Principles of Economics
  Marx; Karl  (1818…1883) and Engles; Frederick  (1820…1895)
  Pre…1840: The Writings of A Young Karl Marx (M)
  Book of Verse
  1835: Reflections of a Young Man on the Choice of a Profession
  1836: Jenny
  1836: Feelings
  1836: My World
  1837: Wild Songs
  1837: Transformation
  1844: Comments on James Mill's 〃Elements of Political Economy〃 (M)
  1844: Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (M)
  1844…5: Condition of the Working Class in England (E)
  1845…6: The German Ideology (M/E)
  1847: Communist League (M/E)
  1847: The Poverty of Philosophy (M)
  1848: Manifesto of the Communist Party (M/E)
  1849: Wage…Labor and Capital (M)
  1850: The Class Struggle in France; 1848 to 1850 (M)
  1850: The Peasants' War in Germany (E)
  1852: Revolution and Counter…Revolution in Germany (M)
  1852: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (M)
  1852: The Heroes of the Exile! (M/E)
  1857…60: Articles on the China War for the New York Daily Tribune (M/E)
  1857: Introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (M)
  1857: Pre…Capitalist Economic Formations (M)
  1859: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (M)
  1861: Articles on the U。S。 Civil War (M)
  1867: Capital; Volume 1 (M)
  1873: The Housing Question (E)
  1877: Anti…Dühring (E)
  1880: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (E)
  1884:  The Origin of the Family; Private Property and the State
  1885: Capital; volume 2 (M)
  1885: History of the Communist League (E)
  1886: The End of Classical German Philosophy (E)
  1894: Capital; volume 3 (M)
  Mason; Amelia Gere
  The Women of the French Salons (1891)
  Masters; Edgar Lee  (1868…1950)
  Spoon River Anthology
  Maupassant; Guy De  (1850…1893)
  Bel Ami
  Original Short Stories (13 volumes)
  Selected Writings of Guy De Maupassant
  McAfee; Cleland Boyd  (1866…1944)
  A Study of the King James Bible
  McCarter; Margaret Hill  (1860…1938)
  A Master's Degree
  McClure; Alexander K。  (1828…1909)
  Lincoln's Yarns and Stories
  McCosh; James  (1811…1894)
  The Scottish Philosophy
  McCrae; John  (1872…1918)
  In Flanders Fields and Other Poems
  McElroy; John  (1846…1929)
  The Red Acorn
  McLaughlin; Marie L。  (1842…    )
  Myths and Legends of the Sioux
  McNeill; John Charles  (1874…1907)
  Songs; Merry and Sad
  Melanchthon; Philip  (1497…1560)
  The Augsburg Confession
  Melville; Herman  (1819…1891)
  Benito Cereno
  Billy Budd
  I and My Chimney
  Moby Dick
  Meredith; George  (1818…1909)
  The Egoist
  An Essay on Comedy
  Poems ( 3 Volumes )
  A Reading of Life and Other Poems
  Meredith; Owen  (1831…1891)
  Merimee; Prosper (1803…1870 )
  Merritt; Abraham  (1882…1943)
  The Metal Monster
  The Moon Pool
  Meynell; Alice  (1847…1922)
  Ceres' Runaway and Other Essays
  The Children
  The Colour of Life
  Hearts of Controversy
  Flower of the Mind and Later Poems
  The Rhythm of Life
  The Spirit of Place and Other Essays
  Michelson; Miriam  (1870…1942)
  In the Bishop's Carriage
  Mill; James
  Elements of Political Economy (3rd Edition; 1844)
  Mill; John Stuart  (1806…1873)
  On Liberty
  The Principles of Political Economy
  Representative Government
  The Subjection of Women
  Thornton on Labour and Its Claims
  Millar; John  (1735…1801)
  The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks
  Millay; Edna St。 Vincent  (1892…1950)
  Renascence and Other Poems
  Second April
  Miller; Gustavus Hindman  (1857…    )
  Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted
  What's in a Dream: A Scientific and Practical Interpretation of Dreams
  Milton; John  (1608…1674)
  Areopagitica; A Speech
  Four Poems
  L'Allegro; Il Penseroso; Comus; and Lycidas
  Paradise Lost
  Paradise Regained
  Poetical Works
  Misseldon; Edward  (1608…1654)
  Free Trade
  Mitchell; S。 Weir  (1829…1914)
  The Autobiography of a Quack
  Mitford; Mary Russell  (1787…1855)
  Our Village
  Moliere  (1622…1673)
  The Middle Class Gentleman
  Molloy; J。 Fitzgerald  (1858…1908)
  Royalty Restored
  Montaigne; Michel de  (1533…1592)
  The Essays of Montaigne (19 volumes)
  Montespan; La Marquise De  (1641…1707)
  The Memoirs of Madame de Montespan
  Montgomery; L。 Maud  (1874…1942)
  Anne of Avonlea
  Anne of Green Gables
  Anne of the Island
  Anne's House of Dreams
  Chronicles of Avonlea
  The Golden Road
  Moore; Frank Frankfort  (1855…1931)
  Phyllis of Philistia
  More; Thomas  (1478…1535)
  Morley; Henry  (1822…1894)
  A Bundle of Ballads
  Morris; George P。  (1802…1864)
  Morris; William  (1834…1896)
  Chants for Socialists
  Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
  A Dream of John Ball and A King's Lesson
  The House of the Wolfings
  News from Nowhere
  The Pilgrims of Hope
  Signs of Change
  The Story of the Glittering Plain (or The Land of Living Men)
  The Well At The World's End
  The Wood Beyond the World
  Mowry; Sylvester  (1830…1871)
  Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Arizona
  Muhlbach; Luise  (1814…1873)
  Andreas Hofer
  The Daughter of An Empress
  Frederick the Great and His Family
  Henry VIII and His Court
  Louisa of Prussia and Her Times
  Marie Antoinette And Her Son
  Mohammed Ali and His House
  Old Fritz and the New Era
  Muir; John  (1838…1914)
  Steep Trails
  Mun; Thomas  (1571…1641)
  England's Treasure by Foreign Trade
  Munk; J。 A。  (1847…1927)
  Arizona Sketches
  Munro; H。 H。  (Saki) (1870…1916)
  Beasts and Super…Beasts
  Reginald in Russia and Other Sketches
  The Toys of Peace
  The Unbearable Bassington
  Munro; J。  (1849…1930)
  Heroes of the Telegraph
  Murray; Robert F。  (1863…1894)
  Robert F。 Murray: His Poems with a Memoir
  Myerson; Abraham  (1881…1948)
  The Foundations of Personality
  Nadaillac; Marquis de  (1818…1904)
  Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples
  Naidu; Sarojini  (1879…1949)
  The Golden Threshold
  Nasmyth; James  (1808…1890)
  Engineer; An Autobiography
  Nation; Carrie Amelia  (1846…1911)
  The Use and Need of the Life of Carrie A。 Nation
  Naunton; Robert; Sir  (1563…1635)
  Travels in England AND Fragmenta Regalia
  Nennius  (fl。 796)
  History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum)
  Nesbit; E。  (1858…1924)
  Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare
  The Enchanted Castle
  Five Children and It
  Many Voices
  The Phoenix and the Carpet
  The Railway Children
  The Story of the Amulet
  The Story of the Treasure Seekers
  The Wouldbegoods
  Niemann; August  (1839…1919)
  The Coming Conquest of England
  Nietzsche; Friedrich Wilhelm  (1844…1900)
  The Antichrist
  Thus Spake Zarathustra
  Norris; Frank  (1870…1902)