第 4 节
作者:僻处自说      更新:2021-02-21 12:01      字数:9322
  bred me of your virtues! Whence comes this changing child?
  The    thirteenth   generation;    Unlucky    number     this!  My    grandma
  loved a Pirate; And all my faults are his!
  A  gallant;   ruffled   rover;   With   beauty…loving   eye;   He   swept   Colonial
  waters Of coarser; bloodier fry。
  He waved his hat to danger; At Law he shook his fist。 Ah; merrily he
  plundered; He sang and fought and kissed!
  Though none have found his treasure; And none his part would take;…
  … I bless that thirteenth lady Who chose him for my sake!
  … Page 21…
  O HEARKEN; all ye little weeds That lie beneath the snow; (So low;
  dear   hearts;   in   poverty   so   low!)   The   sun   hath   risen   for   royal   deeds;   A
  valiant   wind   the  vanguard    leads;  Now    quicken    ye;  lest  unborn   seeds
  Before ye rise and blow。
  O furry living things; adream On winter's drowsy breast; (How rest ye
  there; how softly; safely rest!) Arise and follow where a gleam Of wizard
  gold unbinds the stream; And all the woodland windings seem With sweet
  expectance blest。
  My birds; come back! the hollow sky Is weary for your note。 (Sweet…
  throat;   come   back!   O   liquid;  mellow   throat!)  Ere   May's   soft  minions
  hereward   fly;   Shame   on   ye;   Laggards;   to   deny  The   brooding   breast;   the
  sun…bright eye; The tawny; shining coat!
  … Page 22…
  O   SWIFT   forerunners;   rosy   with   the   race!   Spirits   of   dawn;   divinely
  manifest   Behind   your   blushing   banners   in   the   sky;   Daring   invaders   of
  Night's tenting…ground; How do ye strain on forward…bending foot; Each
  to be first in heralding of joy!
  With   silence   sandalled; so   they  weave   their   way; And   so   they  stand;
  with   silence   panoplied;   Chanting;   through   mystic   symbollings   of   flame;
  Their solemn invocation to the light。
  O   changeless   guardians!   0   ye   wizard   first!   What   strenuous       philter
  feeds your potency。 That thus ye rest; in sweet wood…hardiness; Ready to
  learn of all and utter naught? What breath may move ye; or what breeze
  invite To odorous hot lendings of the heart? What wind…but all the winds
  are   yet   afar; And   e'en   the   little   tricksy   zephyr   sprites;   That   fleet   before
  them; like their elfin locks; Have lagged in sleep; nor stir nor waken yet To
  pluck the robe of patient majesty。
  Too   still   for   dreaming;   too   divine   for   sleep;   So   range   the   firs;   the
  constant; fearless ones。 Warders of mountain secrets; there they wait; Each
  with   his   cloak   about   him;   breathless;   calm。   And   yet   expectant;   as   who
  knows the dawn;
  And all night thrills with   memory and   desire; Searching   in what   has
  been for what shall be:
  The marvel of the ne'er familiar day; Sacred investiture of life renewed;
  The   chrism   of   dew;     the  coronal   of   flame。   Low    in  the   valley   lies  the
  conquered rout Of man's poor; trivial turmoil; lost and drowned Under the
  mist; in gleaming rivers rolled; Where oozy marsh contends with frothing
  main。 And   rounding   all;   springs   one   full;   ambient   arch;   One   great   good
  limpid worldso still; so still! For no sound echoes from its crystal curve
  Save four clear notes; the song of that lone bird Who; brave but trembling;
  tries   his   morning   hymn;   And   has   no   heart   to   finish;   for   the   awe   And
  wonder of this pearling globe of dawn。
  Light; light eternal! veiling…place of stars! Light; the revealer of dread
  … Page 23…
  beauty's face! Weaving whereof the hills are lambent clad! Mighty libation
  to the Unknown God! Cup whereat pine…trees slake their giant thirst And
  little leaves drink sweet delirium! Being and breath and potion! living soul
  And all…informing heart of all that lives! How can we magnify thine awful
  name   Save   by   its   chanting:   Light!   and   Light!   and   Light! An   exhalation
  from far sky retreats; It grows in silence; as 'twere self…create; Suffusing
  all the dusky web of night。 But one lone corner it invades not yet; Where
  low above a black and rimy crag Hangs the old moon; thin as a battered
  shield; The holy; useless shield of long…past wars; Dinted and frosty; on the
  crystal dark。 But lo! the east;let none forget the east; Pathway ordained
  of old where He should tread。 Through some sweet magic common in the
  skies; The rosy banners are with saffron tinct; The saffron grows to gold;
  the   gold   is  fire;  And    led  by   silence   more    majestical    Than   clash   of
  conquering   arms;   He   comes!   He   comes!   He   holds   His   spear   benignant;
  sceptrewise; And strikes out flame from the adoring hills。
  … Page 24…
  BURNT are the petals of life as a rose fallen and crumbled to dust。
  Blackened the heart of the past is; ashes that must Forever be sifted;
  more precious than sunbeams that open the budding to…morrow。 Once was
  a   passion   completed;…too   perfect;   the   Gods   have   not   broken   to   borrow…
  Blackened the heart of the past is;  ashes that  must Forever   be sifted。  O;
  loving to…morrow The rose of the past is; Life…Eternity's dust。
  … Page 25…
  FRESH mists of Roman dawn; For water search the cattle; Faintlv on
  damp air sounds the shepherd's horn Above fountain Giulia's prattle。
  Triton;  joyous   and  loud  Of  Naiads  summons     troops;  A   frenziedly
  leaping and mingling crowd; Dancing; pursuing groups。
  At high noon the trumpets peal; Neptune's chariot passes by; Trains of
  sirens; tritons; Trevi's jets heat Then trumpets' echoes sigh。
  Tolling bell and sunset; Twittering birds and calm; Medici's fountain;
  shimmering net; Into the night brings balm。
  … Page 26…
  THE cretonne in your willow chair Shows through a zone of rosy air;
  A tree of parrots; agate…eyed; With blue…green crests and plumes of pride
  And beaks most formidably curved。 I hear the river; silver…nerved; To their
  shrill protests make reply; And the palm forest stir and sigh。
  Curious; the spell that colors cast; Binding the fancy coweb…fast; And
  you would smile if you could know I like your cretonne parrots so! But I
  have seen them sail toward night Superbly homeward; the last light Lifting
  them like a   purple sea   Scorned   and made   use of arrogantly; And   I have
  heard    them   cry  aloud   》From   out   a  tall  palm's  emerald   cloud;   And   I
  brought home a brilliant feather; Lost like a flake of sunset weather。
  Here in the north the sea is white And mother…of…pearl in morning light;
  Quite lovely; but   there is a   glare That daunts me。 Now   the willow   chair
  Suggests   a   more   perplexing   sea;   Till   my   heart   aches   with   memory And
  parrots    dye  the  air  around;   And    I  forget  the  pallid  Sound。    GRACE
  … Page 27…
  ENOUGH has been said about roses To fill thirty thick volumes; There
  are   as  many   songs    about   roses  As   there  are  roses   in  the  world   That
  includes Mexico 。 。 。 the Azores 。。。 Oregon 。。。
  It is a pity your roses Are too late for Omar 。 。 。 It is a pity Keats has
  gone 。 。 。
  Yet    there   must   be  something     left  to  say   Of  flowers    like  these!
  Adventurers;   They   pushed   their   way   Through   dewy   tunnels   of   the   June
  night Now they confer。。。。。 A little tremulous。。。。。 Dazzled by the yellow sea…
  beach of morning
  If   Herrick   would   tiptoe   back   。   。   。   If   Blake   were   to   look   this   way
  Ledwidge; even!