第 38 节
作者:圈圈      更新:2021-02-21 10:20      字数:3472
  forgetfulness; and the Abb Fricot led on to the
  … 139
  final and the detected crime。  Now Fricot had noted the loss of money
  and of bonds; and though he refrained from exposure he had confessed to
  a knowledge of the criminal。  M。 Bruneau was naturally sensitive to
  suspicion; and he determined upon the immediate removal of this danger
  to his peace。  On January 2; 1894; M。 Fricot returned to supper after
  administering the extreme unction to a parishioner。  While the meal was
  preparing; he went into his garden in sabots and bareheaded; and never
  again was seen alive。  The supper cooled; the vicar was still absent; the
  murderer; hungry with his toil; ate not only his own; but his victim's share
  of the food; grimly hinting that Fricot would not come back。  Suicide was
  dreamed of; murder hinted; up and down the village was the search made;
  and none was more zealous than the distressed curate。
  At last a peasant discovered some blocks of wood in the well; and
  before long blood…stains revealed themselves on the masonry。  Speedily
  was the body recovered; disfigured and battered beyond recognition; and
  the voice of the village went up in denunciation of the Abb
  The childhood of the Abb's capital sin。
  Not only did he entertain his leisure with wrecking the happiness of a
  united family; but he was an enemy open and declared of France。  It was
  his amiable pastime at the dinner… table; when he had first helped himself
  to such delicacies as tempted his dainty palate; to pronounce a pompous
  eulogy upon the German Emperor。  France; he would say with an
  exultant smile; is a pays pourri; which exists merely to be the football of
  Prussia。  She has but one hope of salvationstill the monster speaksand
  that is to fall into the benign occupation of a vigorous race。  Once upon a
  timethe infamy is scarce credible he was conducting his young charges
  past a town…hall; over the lintel of whose door glittered those proud initials
  ‘R。 F。'  ‘What do they stand for?' asked this demon Barlow。  And when
  the patriotic Tommy hesitated for an answer; the preceptor exclaimed with
  ineffable contempt; ‘Race de fous'!  It is no wonder; then; that this foe of
  his fatherland feared to receive a letter openly addressed; rather he would
  slink out under cover of night and seek his correspondence at the poste
  restante; like a guilty lover or a British tourist。
  The Chteau de Presles was built for his reception。  It was
  haunted by a secret; which none dare murmur in the remotest garret。
  There was no more than a whisper of murder in the air; but the Marquis
  shuddered when his wife's eye frowned upon him。  True; the miserable
  Menaldo had disappeared from his seminary ten years since; but threats of
  disclosure were uttered continually; and respectability might only be
  purchased by a profound silence。  Here was the Abb he received with a grin
  complacent as Shylock's; for was he not conscious that when he liked the
  pound of flesh was his own!
  With a fiend's duplicity he laid his plans of ruin and death。  The
  Marquise; swayed to his will; received him secretly in the blue room
  (whose very colour suggests a guilty intrigue); though never; upon the oath
  of an Abb's
  dictation; and when her husband returned to St。