第 2 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-02-20 18:50      字数:9322
  ensued; crowds began to form; and cries of 〃To the church! to the
  church!〃 were heard。  Captain Bouillargues happened to be in the
  neighbourhood; and being very methodical set about organising the
  insurrection; then putting himself at its head; he charged the
  cathedral; carrying everything before him; in spite of the barricades
  which had been hastily erected by the Papists。  The assault was over
  in a few moments; the priests and their flock fled by one door; while
  the Reformers entered by another。  The building was in the twinkling
  of an eye adapted to the new form of worship: the great crucifix from
  above the altar was dragged about the streets at the end of a rope
  and scourged at every cross…roads。  In the evening a large fire was
  lighted in the place before the cathedral; and the archives of the
  ecclesiastical and religious houses; the sacred images; the relics of
  the saints; the decorations of the altar; the sacerdotal vestments;
  even the Host itself; were thrown on it without any remonstrance from
  the consuls; the very wind which blew upon Nimes breathed heresy。
  For the moment Nimes was in full revolt; and the spirit of
  organisation spread: Moget assumed the titles of pastor and minister
  of the Christian Church。  Captain Bouillargues melted down the sacred
  vessels of the Catholic churches; and paid in this manner the
  volunteers of Nimes and the German mercenaries; the stones of the
  demolished religious houses were used in the construction of
  fortifications; and before anyone thought of attacking it the city
  was ready for a siege。  It was at this moment that Guillaume
  Calviere; who was at the head of the Presidial Court; Moget being
  president of the Consistory; and Captain Bouillargues
  commander…in…chief of the armed forces; suddenly resolved to create a
  new authority; which; while sharing the powers hitherto vested solely
  in the consuls; should be; even more than they; devoted to Calvin:
  thus the office of les Messieurs came into being。  This was neither
  more nor less than a committee of public safety; and having been
  formed in the stress of revolution it acted in a revolutionary
  spirit; absorbing the powers of the consuls; and restricting the
  authority of the Consistory to things spiritual。  In the meantime the
  Edict of Amboise; was promulgated; and it was announced that the
  king; Charles IX; accompanied by Catherine de Medicis; was going to
  visit his loyal provinces in the South。
  Determined as was Captain Bouillargues; for once he had to give way;
  so strong was the party against him; therefore; despite the murmurs
  of the fanatics; the city of Nimes resolved; not only to open its
  gates to its sovereign; but to give him such a reception as would
  efface the bad impression which Charles might have received from the
  history of recent events。  The royal procession was met at the Pont
  du Gare; where young girls attired as nymphs emerged from a grotto
  bearing a collation; which they presented to their Majesties; who
  graciously and heartily partook of it。  The repast at an end; the
  illustrious travellers resumed their progress; but the imagination of
  the Nimes authorities was not to be restrained within such narrow
  bounds: at the entrance to the city the king found the Porte de la
  Couronne transformed into a mountain…side; covered with vines and
  olive trees; under which a shepherd was tending his flock。  As the
  king approached the mountain parted as if yielding to the magic of
  his power; the most beautiful maidens and the most noble came out to
  meet their sovereign; presenting him the keys of the city wreathed
  with flowers; and singing to the accompaniment of the shepherd's
  pipe。  Passing through the mountain; Charles saw chained to a palm
  tree in the depths of a grotto a monster crocodile from whose jaws
  issued flames: this was a representation of the old coat of arms
  granted to the city by Octavius Caesar Augustus after the battle of
  Actium; and which Francis I had restored to it in exchange for a
  model in silver of the amphitheatre presented to him by the city。
  Lastly; the king found in the Place de la Salamandre numerous
  bonfires; so that without waiting to ask if these fires were made
  from the remains of the faggots used at the martyrdom of Maurice
  Secenat; he went to bed very much pleased with the reception accorded
  him by his good city of Nimes; and sure that all the unfavourable
  reports he had heard were calumnies。
  Nevertheless; in order that such rumours; however slight their
  foundation; should not again be heard; the king appointed Damville
  governor of Languedoc; installing him himself in the chief city of
  his government; he then removed every consul from his post without
  exception; and appointed in their place Guy…Rochette; doctor and
  lawyer; Jean Beaudan; burgess; Francois Aubert; mason; and Cristol
  Ligier; farm labourerall Catholics。  He then left for Paris; where
  a short time after he concluded a treaty with the Calvinists; which
  the people with its gift of prophecy called 〃The halting peace of
  unsure seat;〃 and which in the end led to the massacre of St。
  Gracious as had been the measures taken by the king to secure the
  peace of his good city of Nimes; they had nevertheless been
  reactionary; consequently the Catholics; feeling the authorities were
  now on their side; returned in crowds: the householders reclaimed
  their houses; the priests their ;churches; while; rendered ravenous
  by the bitter bread of exile; both the clergy and the laity pillaged
  the treasury。  Their return was not; however; stained by bloodshed;
  although the Calvinists were reviled in the open street。  A few stabs
  from a dagger or shots from an arquebus might; however; have been
  better; such wounds heal while mocking words rankle in the memory。
  On the morrow of Michaelmas Daythat is; on the 31st September
  1567a number of conspirators might have been seen issuing from a
  house and spreading themselves through the streets; crying 〃To arms!
  Down with the Papists!〃 Captain Bouillargues was taking his revenge。
  As the Catholics were attacked unawares; they did not make even a
  show of resistance: a number of Protestantsthose who possessed the
  best armsrushed to the house of Guy…Rochette; the first consul; and
  seized the keys of the city。  Guy Rochette; startled by the cries of
  the crowds; had looked out of the window; and seeing a furious mob
  approaching his house; and feeling that their rage was directed
  against himself; had taken refuge with his brother Gregoire。  There;
  recovering his courage and presence of mind; he recalled the
  important responsibilities attached to his office; and resolving to
  fulfil them whatever might happen; hastened to consult with the other
  magistrates; but as they all gave him very excellent reasons for not
  meddling; he soon felt there was no dependence to be placed on such
  cowards and traitors。  He next repaired to the episcopal palace;
  where he found the bishop surrounded by the principal Catholics of
  the town; all on their knees offering up earnest prayers to Heaven;
  and awaiting martyrdom。  Guy…Rochette joined them; and the prayers
  were continued。
  A few instants later fresh noises were heard in the street; and the
  gates of the palace court groaned under blows of axe and crowbar。
  Hearing these alarming sounds; the bishop; forgetting that it was his
  duty to set a brave example; fled through a breach in the wall of the
  next house; but Guy…Rochette and his companions valiantly resolved
  not to run away; but to await their fate with patience。  The gates
  soon yielded; and the courtyard and palace were filled with
  Protestants: at their head appeared Captain Bouillargues; sword in
  hand。  Guy…Rochette and those with him were seized and secured in a
  room under the charge of four guards; and the palace was looted。
  Meantime another band of insurgents had attacked the house of the
  vicar…general; John Pebereau; whose body pierced by seven stabs of a
  dagger was thrown out of a window; the same fate as was meted out to
  Admiral Coligny eight years later at the hands of the Catholics。  In
  the house a sum of 800 crowns was found and taken。  The two bands
  then uniting; rushed to the cathedral; which they sacked for the
  second time。
  Thus the entire day passed in murder and pillage: when night came the
  large number of prisoners so imprudently taken began to be felt as an
  encumbrance by the insurgent chiefs; who therefore resolved to take
  advantage of the darkness to get rid of them without causing too much
  excitement in the city。  They were therefore gathered together from
  the various houses in which they had been confined; and were brought
  to a large hall in the Hotel de Ville; capable of containing from
  four to five hundred persons; and which was soon full。  An irregular
  tribunal arrogating to itself powers of life and death was formed;
  and a clerk was appointed to register its decrees。  A list of all the
  prisoners was given him; a cross placed before a name indicating that
  its bearer was condemned to death; and; list in hand; he went from
  group to group calling out the names distinguished by the fatal sign。
  Those thus sorted out were then conducted to a spot which had been
  chosen beforeha