第 1 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2021-02-20 18:04      字数:9322
  Chapter the Last
  A parting glance at such of the actors in this little history as
  it has not; in the course of its events; dismissed; will bring it
  to an end。
  Mr Haredale fled that night。  Before pursuit could be begun; indeed
  before Sir John was traced or missed; he had left the kingdom。
  Repairing straight to a religious establishment; known throughout
  Europe for the rigour and severity of its discipline; and for the
  merciless penitence it exacted from those who sought its shelter as
  a refuge from the world; he took the vows which thenceforth shut
  him out from nature and his kind; and after a few remorseful years
  was buried in its gloomy cloisters。
  Two days elapsed before the body of Sir John was found。  As soon as
  it was recognised and carried home; the faithful valet; true to his
  master's creed; eloped with all the cash and movables he could lay
  his hands on; and started as a finished gentleman upon his own
  account。  In this career he met with great success; and would
  certainly have married an heiress in the end; but for an unlucky
  check which led to his premature decease。  He sank under a
  contagious disorder; very prevalent at that time; and vulgarly
  termed the jail fever。
  Lord George Gordon; remaining in his prison in the Tower until
  Monday the fifth of February in the following year; was on that
  day solemnly tried at Westminster for High Treason。  Of this crime
  he was; after a patient investigation; declared Not Guilty; upon
  the ground that there was no proof of his having called the
  multitude together with any traitorous or unlawful intentions。  Yet
  so many people were there; still; to whom those riots taught no
  lesson of reproof or moderation; that a public subscription was set
  on foot in Scotland to defray the cost of his defence。
  For seven years afterwards he remained; at the strong intercession
  of his friends; comparatively quiet; saving that he; every now and
  then; took occasion to display his zeal for the Protestant faith in
  some extravagant proceeding which was the delight of its enemies;
  and saving; besides; that he was formally excommunicated by the
  Archbishop of Canterbury; for refusing to appear as a witness in
  the Ecclesiastical Court when cited for that purpose。  In the year
  1788 he was stimulated by some new insanity to write and publish
  an injurious pamphlet; reflecting on the Queen of France; in very
  violent terms。  Being indicted for the libel; and (after various
  strange demonstrations in court) found guilty; he fled into Holland
  in place of appearing to receive sentence: from whence; as the
  quiet burgomasters of Amsterdam had no relish for his company;
  he was sent home again with all speed。  Arriving in the month of
  July at Harwich; and going thence to Birmingham; he made in the
  latter place; in August; a public profession of the Jewish
  religion; and figured there as a Jew until he was arrested; and
  brought back to London to receive the sentence he had evaded。  By
  virtue of this sentence he was; in the month of December; cast
  into Newgate for five years and ten months; and required besides to
  pay a large fine; and to furnish heavy securities for his future
  good behaviour。
  After addressing; in the midsummer of the following year; an appeal
  to the commiseration of the National Assembly of France; which the
  English minister refused to sanction; he composed himself to
  undergo his full term of punishment; and suffering his beard to
  grow nearly to his waist; and conforming in all respects to the
  ceremonies of his new religion; he applied himself to the study of
  history; and occasionally to the art of painting; in which; in his
  younger days; he had shown some skill。  Deserted by his former
  friends; and treated in all respects like the worst criminal in the
  jail; he lingered on; quite cheerful and resigned; until the 1st
  of November 1793; when he died in his cell; being then only three…
  and…forty years of age。
  Many men with fewer sympathies for the distressed and needy; with
  less abilities and harder hearts; have made a shining figure and
  left a brilliant fame。  He had his mourners。  The prisoners
  bemoaned his loss; and missed him; for though his means were not
  large; his charity was great; and in bestowing alms among them he
  considered the necessities of all alike; and knew no distinction of
  sect or creed。  There are wise men in the highways of the world who
  may learn something; even from this poor crazy lord who died in
  To the last; he was truly served by bluff John Grueby。  John was at
  his side before he had been four…and…twenty hours in the Tower; and
  never left him until he died。  He had one other constant attendant;
  in the person of a beautiful Jewish girl; who attached herself to
  him from feelings half religious; half romantic; but whose virtuous
  and disinterested character appears to have been beyond the censure
  even of the most censorious。
  Gashford deserted him; of course。  He subsisted for a time upon his
  traffic in his master's secrets; and; this trade failing when the
  stock was quite exhausted; procured an appointment in the
  honourable corps of spies and eavesdroppers employed by the
  government。  As one of these wretched underlings; he did his
  drudgery; sometimes abroad; sometimes at home; and long endured the
  various miseries of such a station。  Ten or a dozen years agonot
  morea meagre; wan old man; diseased and miserably poor; was found
  dead in his bed at an obscure inn in the Borough; where he was
  quite unknown。  He had taken poison。  There was no clue to his
  name; but it was discovered from certain entries in a pocket…book
  he carried; that he had been secretary to Lord George Gordon in the
  time of the famous riots。
  Many months after the re…establishment of peace and order; and even
  when it had ceased to be the town…talk; that every military
  officer; kept at free quarters by the City during the late alarms;
  had cost for his board and lodging four pounds four per day; and
  every private soldier two and twopence halfpenny; many months after
  even this engrossing topic was forgotten; and the United Bulldogs
  were to a man all killed; imprisoned; or transported; Mr Simon
  Tappertit; being removed from a hospital to prison; and thence to
  his place of trial; was discharged by proclamation; on two wooden
  legs。  Shorn of his graceful limbs; and brought down from his high
  estate to circumstances of utter destitution; and the deepest
  misery; he made shift to stump back to his old master; and beg for
  some relief。  By the locksmith's advice and aid; he was established
  in business as a shoeblack; and opened shop under an archway near
  the Horse Guards。  This being a central quarter; he quickly made a
  very large connection; and on levee days; was sometimes known to
  have as many as twenty half…pay officers waiting their turn for
  polishing。  Indeed his trade increased to that extent; that in
  course of time he entertained no less than two apprentices; besides
  taking for his wife the widow of an eminent bone and rag collector;
  formerly of MilIbank。  With this lady (who assisted in the
  business) he lived in great domestic happiness; only chequered by
  those little storms which serve to clear the atmosphere of wedlock;
  and brighten its horizon。  In some of these gusts of bad weather;
  Mr Tappertit would; in the assertion of his prerogative; so far
  forget himself; as to correct his lady with a brush; or boot; or
  shoe; while she (but only in extreme cases) would retaliate by
  taking off his legs; and leaving him exposed to the derision of
  those urchins who delight in mischief。
  Miss Miggs; baffled in all her schemes; matrimonial and otherwise;
  and cast upon a thankless; undeserving world; turned very sharp and
  sour; and did at length become so acid; and did so pinch and slap
  and tweak the hair and noses of the youth of Golden Lion Court;
  that she was by one consent expelled that sanctuary; and desired to
  bless some other spot of earth; in preference。  It chanced at that
  moment; that the justices of the peace for Middlesex proclaimed by
  public placard that they stood in need of a female turnkey for the
  County Bridewell; and appointed a day and hour for the inspection
  of candidates。  Miss Miggs attendi