第 6 节
作者:点绛唇      更新:2021-02-20 17:41      字数:9322
  human being; whether physical or mental; would be very imperfectly
  performed。 Thus it is with men and women; each has a distinct
  position to fill in the great social body; and is especially qualified for
  it。 These distinct positions are each highly important。 And it is
  reasonable to believe that; by filling their own peculiar position
  thoroughly well; women can best serve their Creator; their fellow…
  creatures; and themselves。 No doubt you may; if you choose; by
  especial education from childhood upward; make your girls very
  respectable politicians; as much so as the majority of your sons。 But
  in that case you must give up your womanly daughtersyou must be
  content with manly daughters。 This essential difference between the
  sexes is a very striking fact; yet the advocates of female suffrage
  constantly lose sight of it; they talk and write as if it had no
  existence。 It is not lack of intellect on the part of women; but
  difference of intellect; or rather a difference of organization and
  affinities giving a different bias to the intellect; which is the cause of
  their distinct mental character as a sex。 And; owing to this essential
  difference; the great majority of women are naturally disinclined to
  politics; and partially unfitted for action in that field。
  Part II。
  LET us now look for a moment at the actual condition of women in
  America; in connection with the predicted elevation。 We are told they
  are to be elevated by the suffrageand that by hanging on to the
  election tickets in the hands of their wives; the men are to be
  elevated with them。 What; therefore; is the ground women now
  occupy; and from whence they are to soar upward on the paper wings
  of the ballot? The principal facts connected with that position are
  self…evident; there is nothing vague or uncertain here; we have but
  to look about us and the question is answered。 We already know; for
  instance; from daily observation and actual experience; that; as a
  general rule; the kindness and consideration of American men have
  been great; both in public and in private life。 We know that in
  American society women have been respected; they have been
  favored; they have been protected; they have been beloved。 There
  has been a readiness to listen to their requests; to redress
  grievances; to make changes whenever these have become necessary
  or advisable。 Such; until very recently; has been the general current
  of public feeling; the general tendency of public action; in America。 If
  there appear to…day occasional symptoms of a change in the tone of
  men on this point; it is to be attributed to the agitation of the very
  question we are now discussing。 Whenever women make ill…judged;
  unnatural; extravagant demands; they must prepare to lose ground。
  Yes; even where the particular points in dispute are conceded to
  their reiterated importunity; they must still eventually lower their
  general standing and consideration by every false step。 There are
  occasions where victory is more really perilous than a timely defeat;
  a temporary triumph may lead to ground which the victors can not
  permanently hold to their own true and lasting advantage。 On the
  other hand; every just and judicious demand women may now make
  with the certainty of successful results。 This is; indeed; the great
  fact which especially contributes to render the birthright of American
  women a favorable one。  If the men of the country are already
  disposed to redress existing grievances; where women are
  concerned; as we know them to be; and if they are also ready; as we
  know them to be; to forward all needful future development of true
  womanly action; what more; pray; can we reasonably ask of them?
  Where lies this dim necessity of thrusting upon women the burdens
  of the suffrage? And why should the entire nation be thrown into the
  perilous convulsions of a revolution more truly formidable than any
  yet attempted on earth? Bear in mind that this is a revolution which;
  if successful in all its aims; can scarcely fail to sunder the family
  roof…tree; and to uproot the family hearth…stone。 It is the avowed
  determination of many of its champions that it shall do so; while
  with another class of its leaders; to weaken and undermine the
  authority of the Christian faith in the household is an object if not
  frankly avowed yet scarcely concealed。 The great majority of the
  women enlisted in this movementmany of them; it is needless to
  say; very worthy persons as individualsare little aware of all the
  perils into which some of their most zealous male allies would lead
  them。 Degradation for the sex; and not true and lasting elevation;
  appear to most of us likely to be the end to which this movement
  must necessarily tend; unless it be checked by the latent good
  sense; the true wisdom; and the religious principle of women
  themselves; aroused; at length; to protest; to resist。 If we are called
  upon for proof of the assertion; that American men are already
  prepared to redress actual grievances; we find that proof in their
  course at the present moment。 Observe the patience with which our
  legislative bodies are now considering the petitions of a clamorous
  minority demanding the redress of a fictitious grievancea minority
  demanding a political position which the majority of their sex still
  utterly rejecta position repugnant to the habits; the feelings; the
  tastes; and the principles of that majority。 If men are willing to give
  their attention to these querulous demands of a small minority of our
  sex; how much more surely may we rely on their sympathy; and their
  efficient support; when
  some measure in which the interests of the whole sex are clearly
  involved shall be brought before them by all their wives and
  And again: they are not only already prepared to redress grievances;
  but also to forward all needed development of true womanly action。
  Take; in proof of this; assertion; the subject of education。 This is;
  beyond all doubt the vital question of the age; embracing within its
  limits all others。 Education is of far more importance than the
  suffrage; which is eventually subject to it; controlled by it。 This is;
  indeed; a question altogether too grave; too comprehensive; and too
  complicated in some of its bearings to be more than briefly alluded
  to here。 But let us consider education for a moment as the mere
  acquirement of intellectual knowledge。 This is but one of its phases;
  and that one not the most important; but such is the popular;
  though very inadequate; idea of the subject in America。 Observe how
  much has already been done in this sense for the instruction of the
  woman of our country。 In the common district schools; and even in
  the high schools of the larger towns; the same facilities are generally
  offered to both sexes; in the public schools brother and sister have;
  as a rule; the same books and the same teachers。 And we may go
  much further and say that every woman in the country may already
  IF SHE IS DETERMINED TO DO SOobtain very much the same
  intellectual instruction which her own brother receives。 If that
  education is a highly advanced one she will; no doubt; have some
  special difficulties to contend against; but those difficulties are not
  insurmountable。 The doors of most colleges and universities are
  closed; it is true; against women; and we can not doubt that this
  course is taken for sound reasons; pointed out by good sense and
  true sagacity。 It is impossible not to believe that between the ages
  of fifteen and five…and…twenty young men and young women will
  carry on their intellectual training far more thoroughly and
  successfully apart than thrown into the same classes。 At that age of
  vivid impressions and awakening passions; the two sexes are
  sufficiently thrown together in family life and in general society for
  all purposes of mutual influence and improvement。 Let them chat;
  walk; sing; dance together; at that period of their lives; but if you
  wish to make them good scholars; let them study apart。 Let their
  loves and jealousies be carried on elsewhere than in the college
  halls。 But already female colleges; exclusively adapted to young
  women; are talked ofnay; here and there one or two such colleges
  now exist。 There is nothing in which American men more delight;
  nothing more congenial to their usual modes of thought and action;
  than to advance the intellectual instruction of the whole nation;
  daughters as well as sons。 We may rest assured that they will not
  fail to grant all needful development in this direction。 One female
  college; of the very highest intellectual standard; would probably be
  found sufficient for a population of some millions。 The number of
  women desiring a full college education will always; for many
  different reasons; be much smaller than the number of male
  students。 But there is no good reason why such colleges; when found
  desirable; should not enter into our future American civilization。
  Individual American women may yet; by these means; make high
  progress in science; and render good service to the country and the
  race。 Every branch of study which may be carried on thoroughly and
  successfully; without impairing womanl