第 5 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-02-20 17:29      字数:9319
  wildly to his side; caught convulsively at his sleeve; and fell on her knees
  beside him。
  〃Save me! save me!〃 she gasped; in a voice broken by terror。 〃Save me
  from those hideous creatures。           No; no!〃 she implored; as he endeavored
  to   lift   her   to   her   feet。 〃Nolet   me   stay   here   close   beside   you。 So;〃
  clutching   the  fringe of   his   leather  hunting…shirt;  and dragging herself  on
  her knees nearer him 〃sodon't leave me; for God's sake!〃
  〃They   are   gone;〃   he   replied;   gazing   down   curiously   at   her;   as   she
  wound the fringe around her hand to strengthen her hold; 〃they're only a
  lot of cowardly coyotes and wolves; that dare not attack anything that lives
  and can move。〃
  The   young   woman   responded   with   a   nervous   shudder。          〃Yes;   that's
  it;〃  she   whispered;     in  a  broken    voice;   〃it's  only   the  dead   they   want。
  Promise meswear to me; if I'm caught; or hung; or shot; you won't let me
  be left here to be torn andah! my God! what's that?〃
  She had thrown her arms around his knees; completely pinioning him
  to her frantic breast。      Something like a smile of disdain passed across his
  face as he answered; 〃It's nothing。          They will not return。       Get up!〃
  Even in her terror she saw the change in his face。              〃I know; I know!〃
  she   cried。   〃I'm   frightenedbut   I   cannot   bear   it   any   longer。  Hear   me!
  Listen!     Listenbut     don't   move!    I   didn't  mean     to  kill  Cursonno!     I
  swear to God; no!         I didn't mean to kill the sheriffand I didn't。           I was
  only braggingdo you hear?            I lied!   I lieddon't move; I swear to God
  I   lied。  I've   made   myself   out   worse   than   I   was。   I   have。   Only   don't
  leave me nowand if I dieand it's not far off; may beget me away from
  hereand from THEM。            Swear it!〃
  〃All right;〃 said the young man; with a scarcely concealed movement
  of irritation。    〃But get up now; and go back to the cabin。〃
  … Page 16…
  〃No; not THERE alone。〃            Nevertheless; he quietly but firmly released
  〃I will stay here;〃 he replied。        〃I would have been nearer to you; but I
  thought it better for your safety that my camp…fire should be further off。
  But I can build it here; and that will keep the coyotes off。〃
  〃Let me stay with youbeside you;〃 she said imploringly。
  She looked so broken; crushed; and spiritless; so unlike the woman of
  the morning that; albeit with an ill grace; he tacitly consented; and turned
  away to bring his blankets。           But in the next moment she was at his side;
  following him like a dog; silent and wistful; and even offering to carry his
  burden。      When he had built the fire; for which she had collected the pine…
  cones and broken branches near them; he sat down; folded his arms; and
  leaned back against the tree in reserved and deliberate silence。
  Humble and submissive; she did not attempt to break in upon a reverie
  she   could   not   help   but   feel   had   little   kindliness   to   herself。 As   the   fire
  snapped and sparkled; she pillowed her head upon a root; and lay still to
  watch it。
  It   rose   and   fell;   and   dying   away   at   times   to   a   mere   lurid   glow;   and
  again;   agitated   by   some   breath   scarcely   perceptible   to   them;   quickening
  into   a   roaring   flame。    When   only   the   embers   remained;   a   dead   silence
  filled   the   wood。     Then   the   first   breath   of   morning   moved   the   tangled
  canopy   above;   and   a   dozen   tiny   sprays   and   needles   detached   from   the
  interlocked boughs winged their soft way noiselessly to the earth。                    A few
  fell   upon   the   prostrate   woman   like   a   gentle   benediction;   and   she   slept。
  But even then; the young man; looking down; saw that the slender fingers
  were still aimlessly but rigidly twisted in the leather fringe of his hunting…
  … Page 17…
  It   was   a   peculiarity   of   the   Carquinez   Wood   that   it   stood   apart   and
  distinct in its gigantic individuality。            Even where the integrity of its own
  singular species was not entirely preserved; it admitted no inferior trees。
  Nor   was   there   any   diminishing   fringe   on   its   outskirts;   the   sentinels   that
  guarded   the   few   gateways   of   the   dim   trails   were   as   monstrous   as   the
  serried ranks drawn up in the heart of the forest。                   Consequently; the red
  highway   that   skirted   the   eastern   angle   was   bare   and   shadeless;   until   it
  slipped a league off into a watered valley and refreshed itself under lesser
  sycamores   and   willows。          It   was   here   the   newly   born   city   of   Excelsior;
  still   in   its   cradle;   had;   like   an   infant   Hercules;   strangled   the   serpentine
  North   Fork   of   the   American   river;   and   turned   its   life   current   into   the
  ditches and flumes of the Excelsior mines。
  Newest of the new houses that seemed to have accidentally formed its
  single; straggling street was the residence of the Rev。 Winslow Wynn; not
  unfrequently known as 〃Father Wynn;〃 pastor of the First Baptist church。
  The 〃pastorage;〃 as it was cheerfully called; had the glaring distinction of
  being   built   of brick;  and   was;  as   had   been   wickedly  pointed out   by  idle
  scoffers;   the   only  〃fireproof〃   structure   in   town。        This   sarcasm  was   not;
  however;   supposed   to   be   particularly   distasteful   to   〃Father   Wynn;〃   who
  enjoyed   the   reputation   of   being   〃hail   fellow;   well   met〃   with   the   rough
  mining   element;   who   called   them   by   their   Christian   names;   had   been
  known   to   drink   at   the   bar   of   the   Polka   Saloon   while   engaged   in         the
  conversion   of   a   prominent   citizen;   and   was   popularly   said   to   have   no
  〃gospel starch〃 about him。             Certain conscious outcasts and transgressors
  were touched at this apparent unbending of the spiritual authority。                          The
  rigid tenets of Father Wynn's faith were lost in the supposed catholicity of
  his   humanity。      〃A  preacher  that   can   jine   a   man   when   he's   histin'   liquor
  into   him;   without   jawin'   about   it;   ought   to   be   allowed   to   wrestle   with
  sinners   and   splash   about   in   as   much   cold   water   as   he   likes;〃   was   the
  criticism   of   one   of   his   converts。     Nevertheless;   it   was   true   that   Father
  Wynn was somewhat loud and intolerant in his tolerance。                       It was true that
  he was a little more rough; a little more frank; a little more hearty; a little
  … Page 18…
  more impulsive than his disciples。             It was true that often the proclamation
  of   his   extreme   liberality   and   brotherly  equality   partook   somewhat   of   an
  apology。      It is true that a few who might have been most benefited by this
  kind   of   gospel   regarded   him  with   a  singular   disdain。       It   is   true   that   his
  liberality was of an ornamental; insinuating quality; accompanied with but
  little   sacrifice;   his  acceptance   of   a    collection   taken   up     in   a  gambling
  saloon   for   the   rebuilding   of   his   church;   destroyed   by   fire;   gave   him   a
  popularity   large   enough;   it   must   be   confessed;   to   cover   the   sins   of   the
  gamblers   themselves;   but   it   was   not   proven   that   HE   had   ever   organized
  any form of relief。         But it was true that local history somehow accepted
  him as an exponent of mining Christianity; without the least reference to
  the opinions of the Christian miners themselves。
  The  Rev。  Mr。 Wynn's   liberal   habits   and   opinions   were  not;   however;
  shared by his only daughter; a motherless young lady of eighteen。                       Nellie
  Wynn       was    in  the    eye   of   Excelsior     an   unapproachable         divinity;   as
  inaccessible      and    cold   as  her   father   was    impulsive     and    familiar。    An
  atmosphere   of   chaste   and   proud   virginity   made   itself   felt   even   in   the
  starched integrity of her spotless skirts; in her neatly gloved finger…tips; in
  her clear amber eyes;  in her imperious red