第 3 节
作者:中国必胜      更新:2021-02-20 17:19      字数:6898
  To lead them away from the right and the truth;
  and then he reaches the highest point。 Such a Will…o'…the…Wisp can
  attain to the honor of being a runner before the devil's state
  coach; and then he'll wear clothes of fiery yellow; and breathe
  forth flames out of his throat。 That's enough to make a simple
  Will…o'…the…Wisp smack his lips。 But there's some danger in this;
  and a great deal of work for a Will…o'…the…Wisp who aspires to play so distinguished a part。 If the eyes of the man are opened to what he is; and if the man can then blow him away; it's all over with him; and
  he must come back into the marsh; or if; before the year is up; the
  Will…o'…the…Wisp is seized with a longing to see his family; and so
  returns to it and gives the matter up; it is over with him likewise;
  and he can no longer burn clear; and soon becomes extinguished; and
  cannot be lit up again; and when the year has elapsed; and he has
  not led three hundred and sixty…five people away from the truth and
  from all that is grand and noble; he is condemned to be imprisoned
  in decayed wood; and to lie glimmering there; without being able to
  move; and that's the most terrible punishment that can be inflicted on
  a lively Will…o'…the…Wisp。
  〃Now; all this I know; and all this I told to the twelve little
  Will…o'…the…Wisps whom I had on my lap; and who seemed quite crazy with joy。
  〃I told them that the safest and most convenient course was to
  give up the honor; and do nothing at all; but the little flames
  would not agree to this; and already fancied themselves clad in
  fiery yellow clothes; breathing flames from their throats。
  〃'Stay with us;' said some of the older ones。
  〃'Carry on your sport with mortals;' said the others。
  〃'The mortals are drying up our meadows; they've taken to
  draining。 What will our successors do?'
  〃'We want to flame; we will flame… flame!' cried the new…born
  〃And thus the affair was settled。
  〃And now a ball was given; a minute long; it could not well be
  shorter。 The little elf…maidens whirled round three times with the
  rest; that they might not appear proud; but they preferred dancing
  with one another。
  〃And now the sponsors' gifts were presented; and presents were
  thrown them。 These presents flew like pebbles across the sea…water。
  Each of the elf…maidens gave a little piece of her veil。
  〃'Take that;' they said; 'and then you'll know the higher dance;
  the most difficult turns and twists… that is to say; if you should
  find them necessary。 You'll know the proper deportment; and then you can show yourself in the very pick of society。'
  〃The night raven taught each of the young Will…o'…the…Wisps to
  say; 'Goo…goo…good;' and to say it in the right place; and that's a
  great gift which brings its own reward。
  〃The owl and the stork… but they said it was not worth mentioning;
  and so we won't mention it。
  〃King Waldemar's wild chase was just then rushing over the moor;
  and when the great lords heard of the festivities that were going
  on; they sent a couple of handsome dogs; which hunt on the spoor of
  the wind; as a present; and these might carry two or three of the
  Will…o'…the…Wisps。 A couple of old Alpas; spirits who occupy
  themselves with Alp…pressing; were also at the feast; and from these
  the young Will…o'…the…Wisps learned the art of slipping through
  every key…hole; as if the door stood open before them。 These Alpas
  offered to carry the youngsters to the town; with which they were well
  acquainted。 They usually rode through the atmosphere on their own back hair; which is fastened into a knot; for they love a hard seat; but
  now they sat sideways on the wild hunting dogs; took the young
  Will…o'…the…Wisps in their laps; who wanted to go into the town to
  mislead and entice mortals; and; whisk! away they were。 Now; this is
  what happened last night。 To…day the Will…o'…the…Wisps are in the
  town; and have taken the matter in hand… but where and how? Ah; can
  you tell me that? Still; I've a lightning conductor in my great toe;
  and that will always tell me something。〃
  〃Why; this is a complete story;〃 exclaimed the man。
  〃Yes; but it is only the beginning;〃 replied the woman。 〃Can you
  tell me how the Will…o'…the…Wisps deport themselves; and how they
  behave? and in what shapes they have aforetime appeared and led people into crooked paths?〃
  〃I believe;〃 replied the man; 〃that one could tell quite a romance
  about the Will…o'…the…Wisps; in twelve parts; or; better still; one
  might make quite a popular play of them。〃
  〃You might write that;〃 said the woman; 〃but it's best let alone。〃
  〃Yes; that's better and more agreeable;〃 the man replied; 〃for
  then we shall escape from the newspapers; and not be tied up by
  them; which is just as uncomfortable as for a Will…o'…the…Wisp to
  lie in decaying wood; to have to gleam; and not to be able to stir。〃
  〃I don't care about it either way;〃 cried the woman。 〃Let the rest
  write; those who can; and those who cannot likewise。 I'll grant you an
  old bung from my cask that will open the cupboard where poetry's
  kept in bottles; and you may take from that whatever may be wanting。
  But you; my good man; seem to have blotted your hands sufficiently
  with ink; and to have come to that age of satiety that you need not be
  running about every year for stories; especially as there are much
  more important things to be done。 You must have understood what is
  going on?〃
  〃The Will…o'…the…Wisp is in town;〃 said the man。 〃I've heard it;
  and I have understood it。 But what do you think I ought to do? I
  should be thrashed if I were to go to the people and say; 'Look;
  yonder goes a Will…o'…the…Wisp in his best clothes!'
  〃They also go in undress;〃 replied the woman。 〃The
  Will…o'…the…Wisp can assume all kinds of forms; and appear in every
  place。 He goes into the church; but not for the sake of the service;
  and perhaps he may enter into one or other of the priests。 He speaks
  in the Parliament; not for the benefit of the country; but only for
  himself。 He's an artist with the color…pot as well as in the
  theatre; but when he gets all the power into his own hands; then the
  pot's empty! I chatter and chatter; but it must come out; what's
  sticking in my throat; to the disadvantage of my own family。 But I
  must now be the woman that will save a good many people。 It is not
  done with my good will; or for the sake of a medal。 I do the most
  insane things I possibly can; and then I tell a poet about it; and
  thus the whole town gets to know of it directly。〃
  〃The town will not take that to heart;〃 observed the man; 〃that
  will not disturb a single person; for they will all think I'm only
  telling them a story if I say; 'The Will…o'…the…Wisp is in the town;
  says the Moor…woman。 Take care of yourselves!'〃
  Written By Anderson