第 23 节
作者:冥王      更新:2021-02-20 16:47      字数:9322
  desperate work that is usually imposed on a forlorn hope。
  To carry out the purpose now in view; I instructed Captain Alger to
  follow the wood road as it led around the left of the enemy's
  advancing forces; to a point where 'it joined the Blackland road;
  about three miles from Booneville; and directed him; upon reaching
  the Blackland road; to turn up it immediately; and charge the rear of
  the enemy's line。  Under no circumstances was he to deploy the
  battalion; but charge in column right through whatever he came upon;
  and report to me in front of Booneville; if at all possible for him
  to get there。  If he failed to break through the enemy's line; he was
  to go ahead as far as he could; and then if any of his men were left;
  and he was able to retreat; he was to do so by the same route he had
  taken on his way out。  To conduct him on this perilous service I sent
  along a thin; sallow; tawny…haired Mississippian named Beene; whom I
  had employed as a guide and scout a few days before; on account of
  his intimate knowledge of the roads; from the public thoroughfares
  down to the insignificant by…paths of the neighboring swamps。  With
  such guidance I felt sure that the column would get to the desired
  point without delay; for there was no danger of its being lost or
  misled by taking any of the many by…roads which traversed the dense
  forests through which it would be obliged to pass。  I also informed
  Alger that I should take the reserve and join the main line in front
  of Booneville for the purpose of making an advance of my whole force;
  and that as a signal he must have his men cheer loudly when he struck
  the enemy's rear; in order that my attack might be simultaneous with
  I gave him one hour to go around and come back through the enemy; and
  when he started I moved to the front with the balance of the reserve;
  to put everything I had into the fight。  This meant an inestimable
  advantage to the enemy in case of our defeat; but our own safety
  demanded the hazard。  All along our attenuated line the fighting was
  now sharp; and the enemy's firing indicated such numerical strength
  that fear of disaster to Alger increased my anxiety terribly as the
  time set for his cheering arrived and no sound of it was heard。
  Relying; however; on the fact that Beene's knowledge of the roads
  would prevent his being led astray; and confident of Alger's
  determination to accomplish the purpose for which he set out; as soon
  as the hour was up I ordered my whole line forward。  Fortunately;
  just as this moment a locomotive and two cars loaded with grain for
  my horses ran into Booneville from Corinth。  I say fortunately;
  because it was well known throughout the command that in the morning;
  when I first discovered the large numbers of the enemy; I had called
  for assistance; and my troops; now thinking that reinforcements had
  arrived by rail from Rienzi; where a division of infantry was
  encamped; and inspirated by this belief; advanced with renewed
  confidence and wild cheering。  Meantime I had the engineer of the
  locomotive blow his whistle loudly; so that the enemy might also
  learn that a train had come; and from the fact that in a few moments
  he began to give way before our small force; I thought that this
  strategem had some effect。  Soon his men broke; and ran in the utmost
  disorder over the country in every direction。  I found later;
  however; that his precipitous retreat was due to the pressure on his
  left from the Second Iowa; in concert with the front attack of the
  Second Michigan; and the demoralization wrought in his rear by Alger;
  who had almost entirely accomplished the purpose of his expedition;
  though he had failed to come through; or so near that I could hear
  the signal agreed upon before leaving Booneville。
  After Alger had reached and turned up the Blackland road; the first
  thing he came across was the Confederate headquarters; the officers
  and orderlies about which he captured and sent back some distance to
  a farm…house。  Continuing on a gallop; he soon struck the rear of the
  enemy's line; but was unable to get through; nor did he get near
  enough for me to hear his cheering; but as he had made the distance
  he was to travel in the time allotted; his attack and mine were
  almost coincident; and the enemy; stampeded by the charges in front
  and rear; fled toward Blackland; with little or no attempt to capture
  Alger's command; which might readily have been done。  Alger's
  troopers soon rejoined me at Booneville; minus many hats; having
  returned by their original route。  They had sustained little loss
  except a few men wounded and a few temporarily missing。  Among these
  was Alger himself; who was dragged from his saddle by the limb of a
  tree that; in the excitement of the charge; he was unable to flank。
  The missing had been dismounted in one way or another; and run over
  by the enemy in his flight; but they all turned up later; none the
  worse except for a few scratches and bruises。
  My effective strength in this fight was 827 all told; and Alger's
  command comprised ninety officers and men。  Chalmers's force was
  composed of six regiments and two battalions; and though I have been
  unable to find any returns from which to verify his actual numbers;
  yet; from the statements of prisoners and from information obtained
  from citizens along his line of march; it is safe to say that he had
  in the action not less than five…thousand men。  Our casualties were
  not manyforty…one in all。  His loss in killed and wounded was
  considerable; his most severely woundedforty menfalling into our
  hands; having been left at farm…houses in the vicinity of the
  The victory in the face of such odds was most gratifying; and as it
  justified my disinclinationin fact; refusalto retire from
  Booneville without fighting (for the purpose of saving my
  transportation; as directed by superior authority when I applied in
  the morning for reinforcements); it was to me particularly grateful。
  It was also very valuable in; view of the fact that it increased the
  confidence between the officers and men of my brigade and me; and
  gave us for the balance of the month not only comparative rest; but
  entire immunity from the dangers of a renewed effort to gobble my
  isolated outpost。  In addition to all this; commendation from my
  immediate superiors was promptly tendered through oral and written
  congratulations; and their satisfaction at the result of the battle
  took definite form a few days later; in the following application for
  my promotion; when; by an expedition to Ripley; Miss。; most valuable
  information as to the enemy's location and plans was captured:
  〃JULY 30; 1862。3。05 P。 M。
  〃Washington; D。 C。
  〃Brigadiers scarce; good ones scarce。  Asboth goes on the month's
  leave you gave him ten months since; Granger has temporary command。
  The undersigned respectfully beg that you will obtain the promotion
  of Sheridan。  He is worth his weight in gold。  His Ripley expedition
  has brought us captured letters of immense value; as well as
  prisoners; showing the rebel plans and dispositions; as you will
  learn from District Commander。
  〃W。 S。 ROSECRANS; Brigadier…General。
  〃C。 C。 SULLIVAN;      〃       〃
  〃G。 GRANGER;          〃       〃
  〃W。 L。 ELLIOTT;       〃       〃
  〃A。 ASBOTH;           〃       〃
  After the battle of Booneville; it was decided by General Rosecrans;
  on the advice of General Granger; that my position at Booneville was
  too much exposed; despite the fact that late on the evening of the
  fight my force had been increased by the addition of; a battery of
  four guns and two companies of infantry; and by the Third Michigan
  Cavalry; commanded by Colonel John K。 Mizner; so I was directed to
  withdraw from my post and go into camp near Rienzi; Mississippi;
  where I could equally well cover the roads in front of the army; and
  also be near General Asboth's division of infantry; which occupied a
  line in rear of the town。  This section of country; being higher and
  more rolling than that in the neighborhood of Booneville; had many
  advantages in the way of better camping…grounds; better grazing and
  the like; but I moved with reluctance; because I feared that my
  proximity to Asboth would diminish to a certain extent my
  independence of command。
  General Asboth was a tall; spare; handsome man; with gray mustache
  and a fierce look。  He was an educated soldier; of unquestioned
  courage; but the responsibilities of outpost duty bore rather heavily
  on him; and he kept all hands in a state of constant worry in
  anticipation of imaginary attacks。  His ideas of discipline were not
  very rigid eithe