第 41 节
作者:浮游云中      更新:2021-02-20 16:28      字数:9318
  childhood she had slept; and as she sat there on the brink of the precipice;
  the late summer sun threw its red lustre upon her and upon the fogs that
  came drifting up from the deep。              With her eyes she followed the drifting
  masses of fog; and wondered; as they rose higher and higher; when they
  would   reach   her;   in   her   fancy   she   saw   herself   dancing   over   the   wide
  expanse of heaven; clad in the sun…gilded evening fogs; and Saint Olaf; the
  great and holy king; came riding to meet her; mounted on a flaming steed
  made of the glory of a thousand sunsets; then Saint Olaf took her hand and
  lifted   her   up;   and   she   sat   with   him   on   the   flaming   steed:   but   the   fog
  lingered   in   the   deep   below;   and   as   it   rose   it   spread   like   a   thin;   half…
  invisible gauze over the forests and the fields; and at last vanished into the
  infinite space。      But hark! a huge stone rolls down over the mountain…side;
  then another; and another; the noise grows; the birches down there in the
  gorge tremble and shake。            Aasa leaned out over the brink of the ravine;
  and;   as   far   as   she   could   distinguish   anything   from   her   dizzying   height;
  thought   she   saw   something   gray   creeping   slowly   up   the   neck…breaking
  mountain path; she watched it for a while; but as it seemed to advance no
  farther she again took refuge in her reveries。              An hour might have passed;
  or perhaps more; when suddenly she heard a noise only a few feet distant;
  and; again stooping out over the brink; saw the figure of a man strug… gling
  desperately to climb the last great ledge of the rock。                With both his hands
  he clung to a little birch…tree which stretched its slender arms down over
  the black wall; but with every  moment that passed seemed less likely to
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  accomplish       the  feat。   The    girl  for  a  while    stood   watching     him   with
  unfeigned curiosity; then; suddenly reminding herself that the situation to
  him   must   be   a   dangerous   one;   seized   hold   of   a   tree   that   grew   near   the
  brink;    and   leaned   out   over   the  rock   to  give   him   her   assistance。    He
  eagerly grasped her extended hand; and with a vigorous pull she flung him
  up   on   the   grassy   level;   where   he   remained   lying   for   a   minute   or   two;
  apparently   utterly   unable   to   account   for   his   sudden   ascent;   and   gazing
  around him with a half…frightened; half…bewildered look。                 Aasa; to whom
  his appearance was no less strange than his demeanor; unluckily hit upon
  the idea that perhaps her rather violent treatment had momentarily stunned
  him; and when; as answer to her sympathizing question if he was hurt; the
  stranger     abruptly    rose   to  his  feet  and   towered     up   before   her   to  the
  formidable height of six feet four or five; she could no longer master her
  mirth; but burst out into a most vehement fit of laughter。                He stood calm
  and silent; and looked at her with a timid but strangely bitter smile。                  He
  was so   very  different   from any  man   she   had ever seen   before; therefore
  she laughed; not necessarily because he amused her; but because his whole
  person was a surprise to her; and there he stood; tall and gaunt and timid;
  and    said   not  a  word;    only   gazed    and   gazed。    His   dress   was    not  the
  national costume of the valley; neither was it like anything that Aasa had
  ever known。        On his head he wore a cap that hung all on one side; and
  was decorated with a long; heavy silk tassel。               A threadbare coat; which
  seemed to be made expressly not to fit him; hung loosely on his sloping
  shoulders; and a pair of gray pantaloons; which were narrow where they
  ought to have been wide; and wide where it was their duty to be narrow;
  extended their service to a little more than the upper half of the limb; and;
  by a kind of compromise with the tops of the boots; managed to protect
  also   the   lower   half。  His   features   were   delicate;   and   would   have   been
  called handsome had they belonged to a proportionately delicate body; in
  his eyes hovered a dreamy vagueness which seemed to come and vanish;
  and to flit from one feature to another; suggesting the idea of remoteness;
  and a feeling of hopeless strangeness to the world and all its concerns。
  〃Do I inconvenience you; madam?〃 were the first words he uttered; as
  Aasa in her usual abrupt manner stayed her laughter; turned her back on
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  him; and hastily started for the house。
  〃Inconvenience?〃 said she; surprised; and again slowly turned on her
  heel; 〃no; not that I know。〃
  〃Then tell me if there are people living here in the neighborhood; or if
  the light deceived me; which I saw from the other side of the river。〃
  〃Follow   me;〃   answered   Aasa;   and   she   navely   reached   him   her
  hand; 〃my father's name is Lage Ulfson Kvaerk; he lives in the large house
  you see straight before you; there on the hill; and my mother lives there
  And hand in hand they walked together; where a path had been made
  between two adjoining rye…fields; his serious smile seemed to grow milder
  and happier; the longer he lingered at her side; and her eye caught a ray of
  more human intelligence; as it rested on him。
  〃What do you do up here in the long winter?〃 asked he; after a pause。
  〃We   sing;〃   answered   she;   as   it   were   at   ran…   dom;   because   the   word
  came into her mind; 〃and what do you do; where you come from?〃
  〃I gather song。〃
  〃Have you ever heard the forest sing?〃 asked she; curiously。
  〃That is why I came here。〃
  And again they walked on in silence。
  It   was   near  midnight   when   they   entered   the   large     hall   at  Kvaerk。
  Aasa     went   before;    still  leading  the   young    man    by  the   hand。    In   the
  twilight which filled the house; the space between the black; smoky rafters
  opened a vague vista into the region of the fabulous; and every object in
  the    room    loomed     forth   from    the   dusk    with    exaggerated     form    and
  dimensions。       The room appeared at first to be but the haunt of the spirits
  of   the   past;   no   human   voice;   no   human   footstep;   was   heard;   and     the
  stranger instinctively pressed the hand he held more tightly; for he was not
  sure but that he was standing on the boundary of   dream…land; and   some
  elfin   maiden   had   reached   him   her   hand   to   lure   him   into   her   mountain;
  where   he   should   live   with   her   forever。    But   the   illusion   was   of   brief
  duration; for Aasa's thoughts had taken a widely different course; it was
  but seldom she had found herself under the necessity of making a decision;
  and now it evidently devolved upon her to find the stranger a place of rest
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  for the night; so instead of an elf…maid's kiss and a silver palace; he soon
  found himself huddled into a dark little alcove in the wall; where he was
  told to go to sleep; while Aasa wandered over to the empty cow…stables;
  and threw herself down in the hay by the side of two sleeping milkmaids。
  There   was   not   a   little   astonishment   manifested   among   the   servant…
  maids at Kvaerk the next morning; when the huge; gaunt figure of a man
  was seen to launch forth from Aasa's alcove; and the strangest of all was;
  that Aasa   herself   appeared   to   be   as   much   astonished   as   the   rest。   And
  there they stood; all gazing at the bewildered traveler; who indeed was no
  less startled than they; and as utterly unable to account for his own sudden
  apparition。      After a long pause; he summoned all his courage; fixed his
  eyes intently on the group of the girls; and with a few rapid steps advanced
  toward Aasa;   whom  he   seized   by  the   hand   and   asked;   〃Are   you   not   my
  maiden of yester…eve?〃
  She   met   his   gaze   firmly;   and   laid   her   hand   on   her   forehead   as   if   to
  clear her thoughts; as the memory of the night flashed through her mind; a
  bright smile lit up her features; and she answered; 〃You are the man who
  gathers   song。     Forgive   me;   I   was   not   sure   but   it   was   all   a   dream;   for   I
  dream so much。〃
  Then one of the maids ran o