第 2 节
作者:大刀阔斧      更新:2021-02-20 16:03      字数:9322
  good faith and charity; are; to say the least; in no way inferior
  to the Mexicans。 After the massacre of four of Crabbe's
  unfortunate party near Sonoita by the Mexicans; the Papago
  Indians buried carefully the bodies to which Mexican inhumanity
  had denied this last charitable office。 It is a curious and
  suggestive fact that the latitude of places upon Gila; Santa
  Cruz; and San Pedro; determined by the Jesuits about 1750; has
  lately been verified by the observations of Park Michler; and
  Emory。 The instruments used by the Jesuits were constructed by
  them; the lenses being made from pebbles。
  From 1757 down to 1820; the Spaniards and Mexicans continued to
  work many valuable mines near Barbacora; and the notes in my
  possession speak of many silver mines; most of which contained a
  percentage of gold。 〃The San Pedro gold mine in 1748 was worked
  with extraordinary success。〃 Among the mines anciently worked; as
  laid down in the authorities heretofore referred to; were the
  Dolores; San Antonio; Casa Gordo; Cabrisa; San Juan Batista;
  Santa Anna; (which was worked to the depth of one hundred and
  twenty yards;) Rosario; Cata de Agua; Guadaloupe; Connilla;
  Prieta; Santa Catarina; Guzopa; Huratano; Arpa; Descuhidara;
  Nacosare; Arguage; Churinababi; Huacal; Pinal; and a great number
  of others which it would only be tedious to mention。
  The most celebrated modern localities are Arivaca; (also
  anciently famous as Aribac;) Sopori; the Arizona mountains; the
  Santa Rita range; the Cerro Colorado; the entire vicinity of
  Tubac; the Del Ajo; or Arizona copper mine; the Gadsonia copper
  mine; and the Gila river copper mines。 These last are situated
  directly upon the Gila; only twenty…five miles from its mouth。
  The writer assures the public that there is no room for doubt as
  to the authenticity of these statements; or the immense resources
  of the new Territory in silver; copper; and probably gold。 As
  late as 1820; the Mina Cobre de la Plata; (silver copper mines;)
  near Fort Webster; north of the Gila; were worked to great
  advantage; and so rich was the ore that it paid for
  transportation on muleback more than a thousand miles to the city
  of Mexico。
  Every exploration within the past few years has confirmed the
  statements of the ancient records。 The testimony of living
  Mexicans; and the tradition of the country; all tend to the same
  end。 Col。 A。 B。 Gray; Col。 Emory; Lt。 Michler; Lt。 Parke; the
  Hon。 John R。 Bartlett; late of the United States Boundary
  Commission; all agree in the statement that the Territory has
  immense resources in silver and copper。 Col。 Emory says in his
  〃On account of the Gold Mania in California I kept the search for
  gold and other precious metals as much out of view as possible;
  scarcely allowing it to be a matter of conversation; much less of
  actual search。 Yet; enough was ascertained to convince us that
  the whole region was teeming with the precious metals。 We
  everywhere saw the remains of mining operations; conducted by the
  Spaniards; and more recently by the Mexicans。〃
  The report enumerates at considerable length the various
  localities examined by Col。 Emory's party; and others; of which
  there could be no doubt。
  In view of these authorities; it is hoped that those who will not
  believe upon any evidence; will be content in their own
  incredulity。 The most authentic reports of these immense mineral
  resources have been used as authorities against their existence。
  The authors of these denials either have never read what they
  pretend to quote; or think no one else has。 The Hon。 T。 Butler
  King; who was the first to reveal to an incredulous public the
  wonders of the California gold mines; has had the singular good
  fortune to be also among the first to publish correct and
  authentic information relating to the silver treasures of
  Arizona。 His report upon the resources of the new Territory has
  all the charm to the reader that his California report had; and
  its brilliant predictions will be as fully realized。 To Gray and
  Emory is the country most indebted for the earliest and most
  important discoveries。
  The agricultural resources of Arizona; are sufficient to sustain
  a large mining population; and afford abundant supplies for the
  great immigration which will follow the development of its
  mineral resources。 The whole valley of the Gila; more than four
  hundred miles in length; can be made with proper exertion to
  yield plentiful crops。 The Pimos Indians; who live in villages on
  the Gila; one hundred and seventy miles from its mouth; raise
  large crops of cotton; wheat; and corn; and have for years
  supplied the thousands of emigrants who traverse the Territory en
  route to California。 These Indians manufacture their cotton into
  blankets of fine texture and beautiful pattern; which command a
  high price。 They also grind their corn and wheat; and make bread。
  In fact; the Pimos realize in their everyday life something of
  our ideas of Aztec civilization。 A town will probably grow up
  just above the Pimos villages; as there is a rich back country;
  and the streams afford a valuable water power for running mills。
  The valley of the Santa Cruz traverses the territory from South
  to North; sinking near the town of Tueson; and probably finding
  its way to the Gila; as a subterranean stream。 This valley; of
  the richest land; is about one hundred miles long; in many places
  of great width; and has on each side of it many rich valleys of
  limited extent; watered by streams from the mountains; which flow
  into the Santa Cruz。 The valleys and Ranches of Arivaca; Sopori;
  Calabazas; and Tueson; are those at present most thickly settled。
  These produce all the fruits known to a Southern climegrapes;
  wheat; corn; and cotton in great abundance。 The San Pedro river
  and valley is also one of great richness; and is reported by
  Lieut。 Parke as capable of sustaining a large population。 The
  Valle de Sauz; still farther East; more limited than the San
  Pedro or Santa Cruz; can be made available for a considerable
  population。 The Mimbres River also can; by a small outlay; be
  made to irrigate a large surface and supply a moderate
  settlement。 The various springs laid down by Gray; Emory; Parke;
  and Bartlett; will all afford water for small settlements; and
  their supply can be much increased by a judicious outlay of
  money。 The Rio Grande valley is very rich; and in places of great
  width。 The Mesilla valley already contains a population of about
  five thousand souls; and there is ample room for many more。
  If; as proposed; the Northern boundary of the Arizona Territory
  should enclose the Northern branches of the Gila; an agricultural
  region will be opened to settlement sufficient in itself to
  sustain the population of an immense agricultural State。 Col。
  Bonneville; who is now at the head of a large force exploring
  this region; writes to the Secretary of War that it is the finest
  country he has ever seen; 〃valleys capable of sustaining a
  population of twenty thousand each; teeming at every step with
  evidences of an immense population long ago…and an ancient and
  superior civilization。〃 The Hon。 John R。 Bartlett says of the
  〃Salinas;〃 one of the Northern branches of the Gila; that it
  alone will supply food for a great State。 It must be recollected;
  in this connection; that the great mineral wealth of Arizona will
  call for and amply repay for the redemption and expensive
  cultivation of all the available lands; and that irrigation
  produces immensely greater crops than the other method of
  planting。 Throughout the whole of Utah; irrigation has been
  resorted to with the greatest success。 The soil in Utah; in no
  place that the writer saw it; could in any way be compared to
  that of the bottom lands of Arizona。
  Captain Whipple in his valuable report of exploration for the
  Pacific Railroad; published by order of Congress; crossed the
  upper part of the region alluded to; and which is watered by the
  Rio Verde and Salinas。 He fully sustains me in my remarks on
  those rich valleys。
  〃We are in the pleasantest region we have seen since leaving the
  Choctaw country。 Here are clear rivulets; with fertile valleys
  and forest trees。 The wide belt of country that borders the Black
  Forest; and probably extends along the Rio Verde to the Salinas
  and Gila; bears every indication of being able to support a large
  agricultural and pastoral population。 The valley of the Rio Verde
  is magnificently wooded with furs and oaks; affording excellent
  timber。 Ancient ruins are said by trappers to be scattered over
  its whole length to the confluence with the Salinas。 We;
  therefore; seem to have skirted the boundary of a country once
  populous; and worthy of becoming so again。 Besides the advantages
  already enumerated; the mountains in this vicinity bear
  indications of mineral wealth。 Vol。 3; p。 93。〃
  The notes before referred to; in the possession of the writer;
  speak of great farming and grazing establishments scattered over
  the whole face of the Territory; between 1610 and 1800; which
  produced abundant crops of cereals; fruits; and grapes。 These
  statements are confirmed by the testimony of Major Emory and his
  report; where he enumerates several of the most extensiveb