第 21 节
作者:莫再讲      更新:2021-02-20 15:52      字数:869
  this assumption。 It is therefore no fault in our deduction of the
  supreme principle of morality; but an objection that should be made to
  human reason in general; that it cannot enable us to conceive the
  absolute necessity of an unconditional practical law (such as the
  categorical imperative must be)。 It cannot be blamed for refusing to
  explain this necessity by a condition; that is to say; by means of
  some interest assumed as a basis; since the law would then cease to be
  a supreme law of reason。 And thus while we do not comprehend the
  practical unconditional necessity of the moral imperative; we yet
  comprehend its incomprehensibility; and this is all that can be fairly
  demanded of a philosophy which strives to carry its principles up to
  the very limit of human reason。