第 47 节
作者:摄氏0度      更新:2021-02-20 15:49      字数:6133
  Baron Bourlac; whom Godefroid now saw dressed in a manner suitable for
  a man of his rank and position; rose and came forward; holding out his
  hand to Godefroid; saying as he did so:
  〃I was sure of it。〃
  Godefroid made a gesture denying that he shared in this noble
  vengeance; but the former attorney…general gave him no chance to
  〃Ah! monsieur;〃 he said; continuing; 〃Providence could not be more
  powerful; love more ingenious; motherhood more clear…sighted than your
  friends have been for us。 I bless the chance that has brought you here
  to…day; for Monsieur Joseph has disappeared forever; he has evaded all
  the traps I set to discover his true name and residence。 Here; read
  his last letter。 But perhaps you already know it。〃
  Godefroid read as follows:
  Monsieur le Baron Bourlac;The sums which we have spent for you;
  under the orders of a charitable lady; amount to fifteen thousand
  francs。 Take note of this; so that you may return that sum either
  yourself; or through your descendants; whenever the prosperity of
  your family will admit of it;for that money is the money of the
  poor。 When you or your family are able to make this restitution;
  pay the sum you owe into the hands of Messrs。 Mongenod and
  Company; bankers。
  May God forgive you。
  Five crosses formed the mysterious signature of this letter; which
  Godefroid returned to the baron。
  〃The five crosses are there;〃 he said as if to himself。
  〃Ah! monsieur;〃 said the old man; 〃you do know all; you were sent to
  me by that mysterious ladytell me her name!〃
  〃Her name!〃 exclaimed Godefroid; 〃her name! Unhappy man! you must not
  ask it; never seek to find it out。 Ah! madame;〃 he cried; taking
  Madame de Mergi's hand; 〃tell your father; if he values his peace of
  mind; to remain in his ignorance and make no effort to discover the
  〃No; tell it!〃 said Vanda。
  〃Well; then; she who saved your daughter;〃 said Godefroid; looking at
  the old man; 〃who returns her to you young and beautiful and fresh and
  happy; who rescued her from her coffin; she who saved your grandson
  from disgrace; and has given you an old age of peace and honor〃 He
  stopped short〃is a woman whom you sent innocent to prison for twenty
  years; to whom; as a magistrate; you did the foulest wrong; whose
  sanctity you insulted; whose beautiful daughter you tore from her arms
  and condemned to the cruellest of all deaths; for she died on the
  Godefroid; seeing that Vanda had fallen back half fainting on her
  chair; rushed into the corridor and from there into the street;
  running at full speed。
  〃If you want your pardon;〃 said Baron Bourlac to his grandson; 〃follow
  that man and find out where he lives。〃
  Auguste was off like an arrow。
  The next morning at eight o'clock; Baron Bourlac knocked at the old
  yellow door in the rue Chanoinesse; and asked for Madame de la
  Chanterie。 The portress showed him the portico。 Happily it was the
  breakfast hour。 Godefroid saw the baron; through one of the casements
  on the stairs; crossing the court…yard; he had just time to get down
  into the salon where the friends were all assembled and to cry out:
  〃Baron Bourlac is here!〃
  Madame de la Chanterie; hearing the name; rose; supported by the Abbe
  de Veze she went to her room。
  〃You shall not come in; tool of Satan!〃 cried Manon; recognizing their
  former prosecutor and preventing his entrance through the door of the
  salon。 〃Have you come to kill Madame?〃
  〃Manon; let the gentleman come in;〃 said Monsieur Alain。
  Manon sat down on a chair as if both her legs had given way at once。
  〃Monsieur;〃 said the baron in an agitated voice; recognizing Monsieur
  Joseph and Godefroid; and bowing to Monsieur Nicolas; 〃mercy gives
  rights to those it benefits。〃
  〃You owe us nothing; monsieur;〃 said the good old Alain; 〃you owe
  everything to God。〃
  〃You are saints; and you have the calmness of saints;〃 said the former
  magistrate; 〃you will therefore listen to me。 I know that the vast
  benefits I have received during the last eighteen months have come
  from the hand of a person whom I grievously injured in doing my duty。
  It was fifteen years before I was convinced of her innocence; and that
  case is the only one; gentlemen; for which I feel any remorse as to
  the exercise of my functions。 Listen to me! I have but a short time to
  live; but I shall lose even that poor remnant of a life; still so
  important to my children whom Madame de la Chanterie has saved; unless
  she will also grant me her pardon。 Yes; I will stay there on my knees
  on the pavement of Notre…Dame until she says to me that word。 I; who
  cannot weep; whom the tortures of my child have dried like stubble; I
  shall find tears within me to move her〃
  The door of Madame de la Chanterie's room opened; the Abbe de Veze
  glided in like a shadow and said to Monsieur Joseph:
  〃That voice is torturing Madame。〃
  〃Ah! she is there!〃 exclaimed the baron。
  He fell on his knees and burst into tears; crying out in a heart…
  rending voice: 〃In the name of Jesus dying on the cross; forgive;
  forgive me; for my daughter has suffered a thousand deaths!〃
  The old man fell forward on the floor so prone that the agitated
  spectators thought him dead。 At that instant Madame de la Chanterie
  appeared like a spectre at the door of her room; against the frame of
  which she supported herself。
  〃In the name of Louis XVI。 and Marie…Antoinette whom I see on their
  scaffold; in the name of Madame Elisabeth; in the name of my daughter
  and of yours; and for Jesus' sake; I forgive you。〃
  Hearing those words the old man raised his head。 〃It is the vengeance
  of angels!〃 he said。
  Monsieur Joseph and Monsieur Nicolas raised him and led him to the
  courtyard; Godefroid went to fetch a carriage; and when they put the
  old man into it Monsieur Nicolas said to him gravely:
  〃Do not return here; monsieur; the power of God is infinite; but human
  nature has its limits。〃
  On that day Godefroid was admitted to the order of the Brotherhood of