第 12 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2021-02-20 15:46      字数:9322
  called Charles。
  Now; 〃Old Charley Goodfellow;〃 although he had been in Rattleborough not
  longer than six months or thereabouts; and although nobody knew any thing
  about him before he came to settle in the neighborhood; had experienced no
  difficulty in the world in making the acquaintance of all the respectable
  people in the borough。 Not a man of them but would have taken his bare
  word for a thousand at any moment; and as for the women; there is no
  saying what they would not have done to oblige him。 And all this came of
  his having been christened Charles; and of his possessing; in consequence;
  that ingenuous face which is proverbially the very 〃best letter of
  I have already said that Mr。 Shuttleworthy was one of the most respectable
  and; undoubtedly; he was the most wealthy man in Rattleborough; while 〃Old
  Charley Goodfellow〃 was upon as intimate terms with him as if he had been
  his own brother。 The two old gentlemen were next…door neighbours; and;
  although Mr。 Shuttleworthy seldom; if ever; visited 〃Old Charley;〃 and
  never was known to take a meal in his house; still this did not prevent
  the two friends from being exceedingly intimate; as I have just observed;
  for 〃Old Charley〃 never let a day pass without stepping in three or four
  times to see how his neighbour came on; and very often he would stay to
  breakfast or tea; and almost always to dinner; and then the amount of wine
  that was made way with by the two cronies at a sitting; it would really be
  a difficult thing to ascertain。 〃Old Charleys〃 favorite beverage was
  Chateau…Margaux; and it appeared to do Mr。 Shuttleworthy's heart good to
  see the old fellow swallow it; as he did; quart after quart; so that; one
  day; when the wine was in and the wit as a natural consequence; somewhat
  out; he said to his crony; as he slapped him upon the back  〃I tell you
  what it is; 'Old Charley;' you are; by all odds; the heartiest old fellow
  I ever came across in all my born days; and; since you love to guzzle the
  wine at that fashion; I'll be darned if I don't have to make thee a
  present of a big box of the Chateau…Margaux。 Od rot me;〃  (Mr。
  Shuttleworthy had a sad habit of swearing; although he seldom went beyond
  〃Od rot me;〃 or 〃By gosh;〃 or 〃By the jolly golly;〃)  〃Od rot me;〃 says
  he; 〃if I don't send an order to town this very afternoon for a double box
  of the best that can be got; and I'll make ye a present of it; I will!
  ye needn't say a word now  I will; I tell ye; and there's an end of it;
  so look out for it  it will come to hand some of these fine days;
  precisely when ye are looking for it the least!〃 I mention this little bit
  of liberality on the part of Mr。 Shuttleworthy; just by way of showing you
  how very intimate an understanding existed between the two friends。
  Well; on the Sunday morning in question; when it came to be fairly
  understood that Mr。 Shuttleworthy had met with foul play; I never saw any
  one so profoundly affected as 〃Old Charley Goodfellow。〃 When he first
  heard that the horse had come home without his master; and without his
  master's saddle…bags; and all bloody from a pistol…shot; that had gone
  clean through and through the poor animal's chest without quite killing
  him; when he heard all this; he turned as pale as if the missing man had
  been his own dear brother or father; and shivered and shook all over as if
  he had had a fit of the ague。
  At first he was too much overpowered with grief to be able to do any thing
  at all; or to concert upon any plan of action; so that for a long time he
  endeavored to dissuade Mr。 Shuttleworthy's other friends from making a
  stir about the matter; thinking it best to wait awhile  say for a week
  or two; or a month; or two  to see if something wouldn't turn up; or if
  Mr。 Shuttleworthy wouldn't come in the natural way; and explain his
  reasons for sending his horse on before。 I dare say you have often
  observed this disposition to temporize; or to procrastinate; in people who
  are labouring under any very poignant sorrow。 Their powers of mind seem to
  be rendered torpid; so that they have a horror of any thing like action;
  and like nothing in the world so well as to lie quietly in bed and 〃nurse
  their grief;〃 as the old ladies express it  that is to say; ruminate
  over the trouble。
  The people of Rattleborough had; indeed; so high an opinion of the wisdom
  and discretion of 〃Old Charley;〃 that the greater part of them felt
  disposed to agree with him; and not make a stir in the business 〃until
  something should turn up;〃 as the honest old gentleman worded it; and I
  believe that; after all this would have been the general determination;
  but for the very suspicious interference of Mr。 Shuttleworthy's nephew; a
  young man of very dissipated habits; and otherwise of rather bad
  character。 This nephew; whose name was Pennifeather; would listen to
  nothing like reason in the matter of 〃lying quiet;〃 but insisted upon
  making immediate search for the 〃corpse of the murdered man。  This was
  the expression he employed; and Mr。 Goodfellow acutely remarked at the
  time; that it was 〃a singular expression; to say no more。〃 This remark of
  'Old Charley's;' too; had great effect upon the crowd; and one of the
  party was heard to ask; very impressively; 〃how it happened that young Mr。
  Pennifeather was so intimately cognizant of all the circumstances
  connected with his wealthy uncle's disappearance; as to feel authorized to
  assert; distinctly and unequivocally; that his uncle was 'a murdered
  man。'〃 Hereupon some little squibbing and bickering occurred among various
  members of the crowd; and especially between 〃Old Charley〃 and Mr。
  Pennifeather  although this latter occurrence was; indeed; by no means a
  novelty; for no good will had subsisted between the parties for the last
  three or four months; and matters had even gone so far that Mr。
  Pennifeather had actually knocked down his uncles friend for some alleged
  excess of liberty that the latter had taken in the uncle's house; of which
  the nephew was an inmate。 Upon this occasion 〃Old Charley〃 is said to have
  behaved with exemplary moderation and Christian charity。 He arose from the
  blow; adjusted his clothes; and made no attempt at retaliation at all
  merely muttering a few words about 〃taking summary vengeance at the first
  convenient opportunity;〃  a natural and very justifiable ebullition of
  anger; which meant nothing; however; and; beyond doubt; was no sooner
  given vent to than forgotten。
  However these matters may be (which have no reference to the point now at
  issue); it is quite certain that the people of Rattleborough; principally
  through the persuasion of Mr。 Pennifeather; came at length to the
  determination of dispersion over the adjacent country in search of the
  missing Mr。 Shuttleworthy。 I say they came to this determination in the
  first instance。 After it had been fully resolved that a search should be
  made; it was considered almost a matter of course that the seekers should
  disperse  that is to say; distribute themselves in parties  for the
  more thorough examination of the region round about。 I forget; however; by
  what ingenious train of reasoning it was that 〃Old Charley〃 finally
  convinced the assembly that this was the most injudicious plan that could
  be pursued。 Convince them; however; he did  all except Mr。 Pennifeather;
  and; in the end; it was arranged that a search should be instituted;
  carefully and very thoroughly; by the burghers en masse; 〃Old Charley〃
  himself leading the way。
  As for the matter of that; there could have been no better pioneer than
  〃Old Charley;〃 whom everybody knew to have the eye of a lynx; but;
  although he led them into all manner of out…of…the…way holes and corners;
  by routes that nobody had ever suspected of existing in the neighbourhood;
  and although the search was incessantly kept up day and night for nearly a
  week; still no trace of Mr。 Shuttleworthy could be discovered。 When I say
  no trace; however; I must not be understood to speak literally; for trace;
  to some extent; there certainly was。 The poor gentleman had been tracked;
  by his horses shoes (which were peculiar); to a spot about three miles to
  the east of the borough; on the main road leading to the city。 Here the
  track made off into a by…path through a piece of woodland  the path
  coming out again into the main road; and cutting off about half a mile of
  the regular distance。 Following the shoe…marks down this lane; the party
  came at length to a pool of stagnant water; half hidden by the brambles;
  to the right of the lane; and opposite this pool all vestige of the track
  was lost sight of。 It appeared; however; that a struggle of some nature
  had here taken place; and it seemed as if some large and heavy body; much
  larger and heavier than a man; had been drawn from the by…path to the
  pool。 This latter was carefully dragged twice; but nothing was found; and
  the party was upon the point of going away; in despair of coming to any
  result; when Providence suggested to Mr。 Goodfellow the expediency of
  draining the water off altogether。 This project was received with cheers;
  and many high compliments to 〃Old Charley〃 upon his sagacity and
  consideration。 As many of the burghers ha