第 12 节
作者:希望之舟      更新:2021-02-20 15:44      字数:9321
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  Shivers gently laid the broken form of Zoraya back; pressed a hurried
  kiss on her painted lips and bounded away to take his cue; the circus band
  out   there   by   the   crimson   curtains   swinging   brazenly   into   the   enlivening
  strains of 〃There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight!〃
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  Zoraya   was   left   behind。   She   was   sent   to   a   hospital   where   she   was
  destined to remain many weeks; before she would be able to be moved to
  her little home in Indiana。      She never performed again。
  In   the  meantime     the  Great   Sparling    Combined     Shows    had   moved
  majestically   along。     They   had   left   the   United   States   and   were   touring
  Canada;   playing   in   many   of   the   quaint   little   French   villages   and   larger
  towns; where the Circus Boys found much to interest and amuse them。
  Teddy and Shivers had made a great hit in their 〃brother〃 clown act;
  which was daily added to and improved upon as the show worked its way
  along the Canadian border。
  One   day   Phil;   who   had   been   downtown   after   the   parade;   where   he
  went to read the papers when he got a chance; came back and sought out
  Mr。 Sparling in the latter's private tent。
  〃Well; Phil;〃 greeted the owner cordially; 〃what's on your mind?〃
  〃Perhaps a good deal; but possibly nothing of any consequence。 You
  will have to decide that。〃
  〃What is it?〃 questioned Mr。 Sparling sharply。
  〃Do we show in Corinto?〃
  〃Yes; why?〃
  〃I thought I had heard you mention that we were to do so。〃
  〃Why do you ask that question?〃
  〃I'll answer it by asking another;〃 smiled the Circus Boy。 〃When do we
  make that stand?〃
  The showman consulted his route book。
  〃A week from next Tuesday;〃 he said。          〃Anything wrong about that?〃
  〃Nothing except that there is another show billed to play there the day
  Mr。 Sparling bent a keen gaze on Phil's face; to make sure the lad was
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  not joking。
  〃Yes; the Sully Hippodrome Circus is billed there for Monday。〃
  〃Where did you find that out?〃
  〃I read it in a St。 Catharines' paper down at the hotel this morning。                 I
  thought you would be interested in knowing of it。〃
  〃Interested?      Why; boy; it will kill our business。          So Sully is cutting
  in   on   us;  is  he?   I   thought    he  was    playing    the  eastern   circuit。   He
  threatened to get even with me。〃
  〃Yes。    Sully was once a partner in this show; but he proved himself so
  dishonest that I had to take legal measures to get him out。               He got money
  from some source last season; and put a show of his own on the road。                    He
  has a twenty…five car show; I understand。             Not such a small outfit at that。
  But I hear it is a graft show。〃
  〃What's   a   graft   show?     I   must   confess   that   I   never  heard   of  that
  〃A  graft   show;   my   boy;   is   a   show   that   gets   money   in   various   ways。
  They frequently  carry  a   gang   of   thieves   and   confidence   men   with   them;
  who work among the spectators on the grounds before the show; robbing
  them and getting a commission on their earnings。〃
  〃Is   it  possible   that   there   are  such    dishonest    people    in  the   show
  business?〃 marveled the lad。
  〃Not only possible; but an actual fact。            I am happy to say; however;
  that there are few shows that will tolerate anything of that sort。〃
  〃I'm   glad   I   did   not   have   the   misfortune   to   get   with   one   of   them;〃
  smiled Phil。      〃Are any of the big shows graft shows?〃
  〃None of them。        But about this heading us off?〃
  〃Yes; what will you do about it?〃
  〃We'll    be   there   on   Monday;      too;〃  decided     the  showman       after   a
  moment's reflection。
  〃On Monday?〃
  〃Thenthen you intend to skip a date somewhere?〃
  〃We shall have to。〃
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  Mr。 Sparling was a man of resource and quick action。                   He   made up
  his mind in a minute as to what course to follow。
  〃I'm going to detach you from the show for a few days; if you don't
  mind; Phil;〃 decided Mr。 Sparling。
  〃I am glad to serve you in any way that you think I can;〃 answered the
  lad with a flash of surprise in his glance。
  〃I know that。      What I want you to do is to join that show right away。〃
  〃Join them?〃
  〃I do not mean that exactly。         I want you to go to the town where they
  are playing tomorrow; I will   get the name of the town before the day  is
  over。    Follow the show right along from town to town until next Monday;
  paying   your   way   when   you   go   in   and   keeping   your   eyes   open   for   their
  game。      You; with your shrewdness; ought to have no difficulty in getting
  sufficient evidence to help me carry out my plans。〃
  〃What sort of evidence do you wish me to get?〃
  〃Make a mental note of everything you see that is not regular; and if
  they  have   a   route   card   get   a   copy   of   that。 It's   perfectly  regular;   young
  man;〃 hastened the showman; noting Phil's look of disapproval。                   〃You are
  not doing anything improper。            I do not ask you to pry into their private
  affairs。    We have a right; however; to find out if we can; what their plans
  are with relation to ourselves。         If they are playing Corinto the day before
  we do; just by mere chance; then I shall make no further objections; but if
  they are planning to move along ahead of us and kill our businesswell;
  that's a different matter。〃
  〃I   see;〃   nodded   Phil。   〃Who   will   take   my   place   in   the   ring   work
  〃We will get along without it; that's all。          It doesn't matter so much in
  these   small   towns。     I   don't   care   if   you   do   not   join   out   until   we   get   to
  Niagara Falls。      We'll be playing in the real country then。〃
  〃And working south?〃
  〃Yes。    As soon as the weather gets cooler we will head for the south
  and stay there until the close of the season。           They are going to have a big
  cotton   crop   in   the   south   this   fall;   and   there   will   be   lots   of   money   lying
  around loose to be picked up by a show like ours。〃
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  The Circus Boys In Dixie Land (Or Winning the Plaudits of the Sunny South)
  〃When do you want me to start?〃 asked Phil。
  〃Just as soon   as   I can   get   an   answer   to   a   telegram  that   I'm  going   to
  send now。       You will be off sometime this afternoon。 But perhaps you can
  go on in your actsno; I guess you had better not。                  You'll be missed at
  night if you do。〃
  〃Yes; that's so。〃
  〃I   shall   have   some    further    directions    for  you。    So    long;   for  the
  Phil     turned    away      thoughtfully。       Shortly      after   the    afternoon
  performance        Mr。   Sparling    sent   for  Phil   again;   the  lad   having    in  the
  meantime   packed   a   few   necessary   articles   in   his   bag   preparatory   to   the
  journey that lay before him。
  〃The other show will be at St。 Catharines tomorrow。 Are you ready?〃
  〃Yes; sir。    What time can I get away?〃
  〃Five o'clock。       You will be there in the morning in time to see them
  set the tents。     Let me warn you that Sully is ugly and unscrupulous。                    If
  he were to know what you are there for it might get you into a mix…up; so
  be careful。〃
  〃I'll be careful。     Have you any further instructions?〃
  〃I want to give you some money。             You can't travel without money。〃
  〃I have plenty;〃 answered Phil。           〃I will keep my expense account and
  turn it in to you when I get back。          Where do you wish me to join you?〃
  〃Corinto; unless you think best