第 58 节
作者:片片      更新:2021-02-20 15:14      字数:9321
  last rays of the sinking orb had shown me something as they died。  There
  on the slope of the hill stood some mud and wattle houses; such as I had
  ordered to be built; and near to them several white…capped wagons。  Only
  I did not see any smoke rising from those houses as there should have
  been at this hour of the day; when men cooked their evening food。  The
  moon would be up presently; I knew; but meanwhile it was dark and the
  tired horse stumbled and floundered among the stones which lay about at
  the foot of the hill。
  I could bear it no longer。
  〃Hans;〃 I said; 〃do you stay here with the horse。  I will creep to the
  houses and see if any dwell there。〃
  〃Be careful; baas;〃 he answered; 〃lest you should find Zulus; for those
  black devils are all about。〃
  I nodded; for I could not speak; and then began the ascent。  For several
  hundred yards I crept from stone to stone; feeling my way; for the
  Kaffir path that led to the little plateau where the spring was; above
  which the shanties stood; ran at the other end of the hill。  I struck
  the spruit or rivulet that was fed by this spring; being guided to it by
  the murmur of the water; and followed up its bank till I heard a sound
  which caused me to crouch and listen。
  I could not be sure because of the ceaseless babble of the brook; but
  the sound seemed like that of sobs。  While I waited the great moon
  appeared suddenly above a bank of inky cloud; flooding the place with
  light; and oh! by that light; looking more ethereal than woman I sawI
  saw Marie!
  She stood not five paces from me; by the side of the stream; whither she
  had come to draw water; for she held a vessel in her hand。  She was
  clothed in some kind of a black garment; such as widows wear; but made
  of rough stuff; and above it her face showed  white in the white rays of
  the moon。  Gazing at her from the shadow; I could even see the tears
  running down her cheeks; for it was she who wept in this lonely place;
  wept for one who would return no more。
  My voice choked in my throat; I could not utter a single word。  Rising
  from behind a rock I moved towards her。  She saw me and started; then
  said in a thrilling whisper:
  〃Oh! husband; has God sent you to call me?  I am ready; husband; I am
  ready!〃 and she stretched out her arms wildly; letting fall the vessel;
  that clanked upon the ground。
  〃Marie!〃 I gasped at length; and at that word the blood rushed to her
  face and brow; and I saw her draw in her breath as though to scream。
  〃Hush!〃 I whispered。  〃It is I; Allan; who have escaped alive。〃
  The next thing I remember was that she lay in my arms。
  〃What has happened here?〃 I asked when I had told my tale; or some of
  〃Nothing; Allan;〃 she answered。  〃I received your letter at the camp;
  and we trekked away as you bade us; without telling the others why;
  because you remember the Commandant Retief wrote to us not to do so。  So
  we were out of the great slaughter; for the Zulus did not know where we
  had gone; and never followed us here; although I have heard that they
  sought for me。  My father and my cousin Hernan only arrived at the camp
  two days after the attack; and discovering or guessing our
  hiding…placeI know not whichrode on hither。  They say they came to
  warn the Boers to be careful; for they did not trust Dingaan; but were
  too late。  So they too were out of the slaughter; for; Allan; many; many
  have been killedthey say five or six hundred; most of them women and
  children。  But thank God! many more escaped; since the men came in from
  the other camps farther off and from their shooting parties; and drove
  away the Zulus; killing them by scores。〃
  〃Are your father and Pereira here now?〃 I asked。
  〃No; Allan。  They learned of the massacre and that the Zulus were all
  gone yesterday morning。  Also they got the bad news that Retief and
  everyone with him had been killed at Dingaan's town; it is said through
  the treachery of the English; who arranged with Dingaan that he should
  kill them。〃
  〃That is false;〃 I said; 〃but go on。〃
  〃Then; Allan; they came and told me that I was a widow like many other
  womenI who had never been a wife。  Allan; Hernan said that I should
  not grieve for you; as you deserved your fate; since you had been caught
  in your own snare; being one of those who had betrayed the Boers。  The
  Vrouw Prinsloo answered to his face that he lied; and; Allan; I said
  that I would never speak to him again until we met before the Judgment
  Seat of God; nor will I do so。〃
  〃But I will speak to him;〃 I muttered。  〃Well; where are they now?〃
  〃They rode this morning back to the other Boers。  I think they want to
  bring a party of them here to settle; if they like this place; as it is
  so easy to defend。  They said they would return to…morrow; and that
  meanwhile we were quite safe; as they had sure tidings that all the
  Zulus were back over the Tugela; taking some of their wounded with them;
  and also the Boer cattle as an offering to Dingaan。  But come to the
  house; Allanour home that I had made ready for you as well as I could。
  Oh! my God! our home on the threshold of which I believed you would
  never set a foot。  Yes; when the moon rose from that cloud I believed
  it; and look; they are still quite close together。  Hark; what is that?〃
  I listened; and caught the sound of a horse's hoofs stumbling among the
  〃Don't be frightened;〃 I answered; 〃it is only Hans with my horse。  He
  escaped also; I will tell you how afterwards。〃  And as I spoke he
  appeared; a woebegone and exhausted object。
  〃Good day; missie;〃 he said with an attempt at cheerfulness。  〃Now you
  should give me a fine dinner; for you see I have brought the baas back
  safe to you。  Did I not tell you; baas; that everything would come
  Then he grew silent from exhaustion。  Nor were we sorry; who at that
  moment did not wish to listen to the poor fellow's talk。
  Something over two hours had gone by since the moon broke out from the
  clouds。  I had greeted the Vrouw Prinsloo and all my other friends; and
  been received by them with rapture as one risen from the dead。  If they
  had loved me before; now a new gratitude was added to their love; since
  had it not been for my warning they also must have made acquaintance
  with the Zulu spears and perished。  It was on their part of the camp
  that the worst of the attack fell。  Indeed; from those wagons hardly
  anyone escaped。
  I had told them all the story; to which they listened in dead silence。
  Only when it was finished the Heer Meyer; whose natural gloom had been
  deepened by all these events; said:
  〃Allemachte! but you have luck; Allan; to be left when everyone else is
  taken。  Now; did I not know you so well; like Hernan Pereira I should
  think that you and that devil Dingaan had winked at each other。〃
  The Vrouw Prinsloo turned on him furiously。
  〃How dare you say such words; Carl Meyer?〃 she exclaimed。  〃Must Allan
  always be insulted just because he is English; which he cannot help?
  For my part; I think that if anyone winked at Dingaan it was the
  stinkcat Pereira。  Otherwise why did he come away before the killing and
  bring that madman; Henri Marais; with him?〃
  〃I don't know; I am sure; aunt;〃 said Meyer humbly; for like everyone
  else he was afraid of the Vrouw Prinsloo。
  〃Then why can't you hold your tongue instead of saying silly things
  which must give pain?〃 asked the vrouw。  〃No; don't answer; for you will
  only make matters worse; but take the rest of that meat to the poor
  Hottentot; Hans〃I should explain that we had been supping〃who;
  although he has eaten enough to burst any white stomach; I dare say can
  manage another pound or two。〃
  Meyer obeyed meekly; and the others melted away also as they were wont
  to do when the vrouw showed signs of war; so that she and we two were
  left alone。
  〃Now;〃 said the vrouw; 〃everyone is tired; and I say that it is time to
  go to rest。  Good night; nephew Allan and niece Marie;〃 and she waddled
  away leaving us together。
  〃Husband;〃 said Marie presently; 〃will you come and see the home that I
  made ready for you before I thought that you were dead?  It is a poor
  place; but I pray God that we may be happy there;〃 and she took me by
  the hand and kissed me once and twice and thrice。
  About noon on the following day; when my wife and I were laughing and
  arguing over some little domestic detail of our meagre establishmentso
  soon are great griefs forgotten in an overwhelming joy; of a sudden I
  saw her face change; and asked what was the matter。
  〃Hist!〃 she said; 〃I hear horses;〃 and she pointed in a certain
  I looked; and there; round the corner of the hill; came a body of Boers
  with their after…riders; thirty…two or three of them in all; of whom
  twenty were white men。
  〃See;〃 said Marie; 〃my father is among them; and my cousin Hernan rides
  at his side。〃