第 11 节
作者:老是不进球      更新:2021-02-20 14:50      字数:9321
  mind in which a man grows to believe that the world is constructed
  of bricks and timber; and kept going by the price of stocks。
  We are all tempted; and the easier and more prosperous we are; the
  more we are tempted; to fall into that sordid and shallow frame of
  mind。  Sordid even when its projects are most daring; its outward
  luxuries most refined; and shallow; even when most acute; when
  priding itself most on its knowledge of human nature; and of the
  secret springs which; so it dreams; move the actions and make the
  history of nations and of men。  All are tempted that way; even the
  noblest…hearted。  ADHAESIT PAVIMENTO VENTER; says the old psalmist。
  I am growing like the snake; crawling in the dust; and eating the
  dust in which I crawl。  I try to lift up my eyes to the heavens; to
  the true; the beautiful; the good; the eternal nobleness which was
  before all time; and shall be still when time has passed away。  But
  to lift up myself is what I cannot do。  Who will help me?  Who will
  quicken me? as our old English tongue has it。  Who will give me
  life?  The true; pure; lofty human life which I did NOT inherit from
  the primaeval ape; which the ape…nature in me is for ever trying to
  stifle; and make me that which I know too well I could so easily
  becomea cunninger and more dainty…featured brute?  Death itself;
  which seems at times so fair; is fair because even it may raise me
  up and deliver me from the burden of this animal and mortal body:
  'Tis life; not death for which I pant;
  'Tis life; whereof my nerves are scant;
  More life; and fuller; that I want。
  Man?  I am a man not by reason of my bones and muscles; nerves and
  brain; which I have in common with apes and dogs and horses。  I am a
  manthou art a man or womannot because we have a fleshGod
  forbid! but because there is a spirit in us; a divine spark and ray;
  which nature did not give; and which nature cannot take away。  And
  therefore; while I live on earth; I will live to the spirit; not to
  the flesh; that I may be; indeed; a man; and this same gross flesh;
  this animal ape…nature in me; shall be the very element in me which
  I will renounce; defy; despise; at least; if I am minded to be; not
  a merely higher savage; but a truly higher civilised man。
  Civilisation with me shall mean; not more wealth; more finery; more
  self…indulgenceeven more aesthetic and artistic luxury; but more
  virtue; more knowledge; more self…control; even though I earn scanty
  bread by heavy toil; and when I compare the Caesar of Rome or the
  great king; whether of Egypt; Babylon; or Persia; with the hermit of
  the Thebaid; starving in his frock of camel's hair; with his soul
  fixed on the ineffable glories of the unseen; and striving; however
  wildly and fantastically; to become an angel and not an ape; I will
  say the hermit; and not the Caesar; is the civilised man。
  There are plenty of histories of civilisation and theories of
  civilisation abroad in the world just now; and which profess to show
  you how the primeval savage has; or at least may have; become the
  civilised man。  For my part; with all due and careful consideration;
  I confess I attach very little value to any of them:   and for this
  simple reason that we have no facts。  The facts are lost。
  Of course; if you assume a proposition as certainly true; it is easy
  enough to prove that proposition to be true; at least to your own
  satisfaction。  If you assert with the old proverb; that you may make
  a silk purse out of a sow's ear; you will be stupider than I dare
  suppose anyone here to be; if you cannot invent for yourselves all
  the intermediate stages of the transformation; however startling。
  And; indeed; if modern philosophers had stuck more closely to this
  old proverb; and its defining verb 〃make;〃 and tried to show how
  some person or personslet them be who they maymen; angels; or
  godsmade the sow's ear into the silk purse; and the savage into
  the sagethey might have pleaded that they were still trying to
  keep their feet upon the firm ground of actual experience。  But
  while their theory is; that the sow's ear grew into a silk purse of
  itself; and yet unconsciously and without any intention of so
  bettering itself in life; why; I think that those who have studied
  the history which lies behind them; and the poor human nature which
  is struggling; and sinning; and sorrowing; and failing around them;
  and which seems on the greater part of this planet going downwards
  and not upwards; and by no means bettering itself; save in the
  increase of opera…houses; liquor…bars; and gambling…tables; and that
  which pertaineth thereto; then we; I think; may be excused if we say
  with the old Stoics'Greek text'I withhold my judgment。  I know
  nothing about the matter yet; and you; oh my imaginative though
  learned friends; know I suspect very little either。
  Eldest of things; Divine Equality:
  so sang poor Shelley; and with a certain truth。  For if; as I
  believe; the human race sprang from a single pair; there must have
  been among their individual descendants an equality far greater than
  any which has been known on earth during historic times。  But that
  equality was at best the infantile innocence of the primary race;
  which faded away in the race as quickly; alas! as it does in the
  individual child。  Divinetherefore it was one of the first
  blessings which man lost; one of the last; I fear; to which he will
  return; that to which civilisation; even at its best yet known; has
  not yet attained; save here and there for short periods; but towards
  which it is striving as an ideal goal; and; as I trust; not in vain。
  The eldest of things which we see actually as history is not
  equality; but an already developed hideous inequality; trying to
  perpetuate itself; and yet by a most divine and gracious law;
  destroying itself by the very means which it uses to keep itself
  〃There were giants in the earth in those days。  And Nimrod began to
  be a mighty one in the earth〃 …
  A mighty hunter; and his game was man。
  No; it is not equality which we see through the dim mist of bygone
  What we do see isI know not whether you will think me
  superstitious or old…fashioned; but so I holdvery much what the
  earlier books of the Bible show us under symbolic laws。  Greek
  histories; Roman histories; Egyptian histories; Eastern histories;
  inscriptions; national epics; legends; fragments of legendsin the
  New World as in the Oldall tell the same story。  Not the story
  without an end; but the story without a beginning。  As in the Hindoo
  cosmogony; the world stands on an elephant; and the elephant on a
  tortoise; and the tortoise onwhat?  No man knows。  I do not know。
  I only assert deliberately; waiting; as Napoleon says; till the
  world come round to me; that the tortoise does not standas is held
  by certain anthropologists; some honoured by me; some personally
  dear to meupon the savages who chipped flints and fed on mammoth
  and reindeer in North…Western Europe; shortly after the age of ice;
  a few hundred thousand years ago。  These sturdy little fellowsthe
  kinsmen probably of the Esquimaux and Lappscould have been but the
  AVANT…COURIERS; or more probably the fugitives from the true mass of
  mankindspreading northward from the Tropics into climes becoming;
  after the long catastrophe of the age of ice; once more genial
  enough to support men who knew what decent comfort was; and were
  strong enough to get the same; by all means fair or foul。  No。  The
  tortoise of the human race does not stand on a savage。  The savage
  may stand on an ape…like creature。  I do not say that he does not。
  I do not say that he does。  I do not know; and no man knows。  But at
  least I say that the civilised man and his world stand not upon
  creatures like to any savage now known upon the earth。  For first;
  it seems to be most unlikely; and next; and more important to an
  inductive philosopher; there is no proof of it。  I see no savages
  becoming really civilised menthat is; not merely men who will ape
  the outside of our so…called civilisation; even absorb a few of our
  ideas; not merely that; but truly civilised men who will think for
  themselves; invent for themselves; act for themselves; and when the
  sacred lamp of light and truth has been passed into their hands;
  carry it on unextinguished; and transmit it to their successors