第 3 节
作者:辣椒王      更新:2021-02-20 14:36      字数:9322
  filled   with   memories   of   old   lawless   days;   was   likewise   guilty。    But   Kit
  Bellew was romantic。           He was fascinated by the froth and sparkle of the
  gold rush; and viewed its life and movement with an artist's eye。                    He did
  not take it seriously。        As he said on the steamer; it was not his funeral。
  He was merely on a vacation; and intended to peep over the top of the pass
  for a 'look see' and then to return。
  Leaving   his   party   on   the   sand   to   wait   for   the   putting   ashore   of   the
  freight; he strolled up the beach toward the old trading post。                  He did not
  swagger; though he noticed that many of the be…revolvered individuals did。
  A strapping; six…foot Indian passed him; carrying an unusually large pack。
  Kit   swung   in   behind;   admiring   the   splendid   calves   of   the   man;   and   the
  grace and ease with which he moved along under his burden。                      The Indian
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  Smoke Bellew
  dropped   his   pack   on   the   scales   in   front   of   the   post;   and   Kit   joined   the
  group of admiring gold…rushers who surrounded him。                  The pack weighed
  one hundred and twenty pounds; which fact was uttered back and forth in
  tones   of   awe。   It   was   going   some;   Kit   decided;   and   he   wondered   if   he
  could lift such a weight; much less walk off with it。
  〃Going to Lake Linderman with it; old man?〃 he asked。
  The Indian; swelling with pride; grunted an affirmative。
  〃How much you make that one pack?〃
  〃Fifty dollar。〃
  Here Kit slid out of the conversation。            A young woman; standing in
  the doorway; had caught his eye。            Unlike other women landing from the
  steamers;      she  was    neither   short…skirted    nor   bloomer…clad。       She    was
  dressed     as  any   woman     travelling    anywhere     would    be  dressed。    What
  struck him was the justness of her being there; a feeling that somehow she
  belonged。      Moreover; she was young and pretty。              The bright beauty and
  colour of her oval face held him; and he looked over…longlooked till she
  resented; and her own eyes; long…lashed and dark; met his in cool survey。
  From   his   face   they   travelled   in   evident   amusement   down   to   the   big
  revolver at his thigh。       Then her eyes came back to his; and in them was
  amused   contempt。        It   struck   him   like   a   blow。 She   turned   to   the   man
  beside her and indicated Kit。          The man glanced him over with the same
  amused contempt。
  〃Chechaquo;〃 the girl said。
  The     man;    who    looked    like   a  tramp    in  his   cheap    overalls    and
  dilapidated woollen jacket; grinned dryly; and Kit felt withered though he
  knew not why。        But anyway she was an unusually pretty girl; he decided;
  as the two moved off。          He noted the way of her walk; and recorded the
  judgment that he would recognize it after the lapse of a thousand years。
  〃Did    you   see   that  man    with  the   girl?〃  Kit's  neighbour     asked   him
  excitedly。     〃Know who he is?〃
  Kit shook his head。
  〃Cariboo Charley。        He was just pointed out to me。           He struck it big
  on Klondike。       Old timer。      Been on the Yukon a dozen years。             He's just
  come out。〃
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  Smoke Bellew
  〃What's chechaquo mean?〃 Kit asked。
  〃You're one; I'm one;〃 was the answer。
  〃Maybe I am; but you've got to search me。                What does it mean?〃
  On his way back to the beach Kit turned the phrase over and over。 It
  rankled to be called tender…foot by a slender chit of a woman。
  Going into   a   corner   among   the   heaps   of   freight;  his   mind   still   filled
  with   the   vision   of   the   Indian   with   the   redoubtable   pack;   Kit   essayed   to
  learn   his   own   strength。     He   picked   out   a   sack   of   flour   which   he   knew
  weighed an even hundred pounds。               He stepped astride of it; reached down;
  and   strove   to   get   it   on   his   shoulder。 His   first   conclusion   was   that   one
  hundred pounds was the real heavy。              His next was that his back was weak。
  His   third   was   an   oath;   and   it   occurred   at   the   end   of   five   futile   minutes;
  when he collapsed on top of the burden with which he was wrestling。                         He
  mopped his   forehead;  and across   a heap   of grub…sacks   saw  John   Bellew
  gazing at him; wintry amusement in his eyes。
  〃God!〃   proclaimed   that   apostle   of   the   hard。       〃Out   of   our   loins   has
  come a race of weaklings。             When I was sixteen I toyed with things like
  〃You   forget;   avuncular;〃   Kit   retorted;   〃that   I   wasn't   raised   on   bear…
  〃And I'll toy with it when I'm sixty。〃
  〃You've got to show me。〃
  John    Bellew   did。     He   was   forty…eight;   but   he   bent   over   the     sack;
  applied a tentative; shifting grip that balanced it; and; with a quick heave;
  stood erect; the somersaulted sack of flour on his shoulder。
  〃Knack; my boy; knackand a spine。〃
  Kit took off his hat reverently。
  〃You're   a   wonder;   avuncular;   a   shining   wonder。          D'ye   think   I   can
  learn the knack?〃
  John Bellew shrugged his shoulders。
  〃You'll be hitting the back trail before we get started。〃
  〃Never   you   fear;〃   Kit   groaned。       〃There's   O'Hara;   the   roaring   lion;
  down there。       I'm not going back till I have to。〃
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  Smoke Bellew
  Kit's   first   pack   was   a   success。   Up   to   Finnegan's   Crossing   they  had
  managed   to   get   Indians   to   carry   the   twenty…five   hundred…pound   outfit。
  From   that   point   their   own   backs   must   do   the   work。        They   planned   to
  move   forward   at   the   rate   of   a   mile   a   day。    It   looked   easyon   paper。
  Since John Bellew was to stay in camp and do the cooking; he would be
  unable   to   make   more   than   an   occasional   pack;   so;   to   each   of   the   three
  young men fell the task of carrying eight hundred pounds one mile each
  day。     If   they   made   fifty…pound   packs;   it   meant   a   daily   walk   of   sixteen
  miles   loaded   and   of   fifteen   miles   light〃Because   we   don't   back…trip   the
  last time;〃 Kit explained the pleasant discovery; eighty…pound packs meant
  nineteen   miles      travel    each   day;   and    hundred…pound        packs    meant     only
  fifteen miles。
  〃I don't like walking;〃 said Kit。            〃Therefore I shall carry one hundred
  pounds。〃       He caught the grin of incredulity on his uncle's face; and added
  hastily:     〃Of   course   I   shall   work   up   to   it。  A  fellow's   got   to   learn   the
  ropes and tricks。        I'll start with fifty。〃
  He did; and ambled gaily along the trail。                He dropped the sack at the
  next camp…site and ambled back。               It was easier than he had thought。             But
  two   miles     had    rubbed    off   the  velvet   of   his   strength    and   exposed      the
  underlying   softness。        His   second   pack   was   sixty…five   pounds。           It   was
  more   difficult;   and   he   no   longer   ambled。       Several   times;   following   the
  custom of all packers; he sat down on the ground; resting the pack behind
  him   on   a   rock    or   stump。    With     the   third   pack   he   became   bold。       He
  fastened the straps to a ninety…five… pound sack of beans and started。                         At
  the end   of a   hundred   yards he   felt that he   must   collapse。            He   sat   down
  and mopped his face。
  〃Short hauls and short rests;〃 he muttered。               〃That's the trick。〃
  Sometimes        he   did   not   make     a   hundred     yards;    and   each    time    he
  struggled   to   his   feet   for   another   short   haul   the   pack   became   undeniably
  heavier。      He     panted     for   breath;    and   the   sweat     streamed      from    him。
  Before he had covered a quarter of a mile he stripped off his woollen shirt
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  Smoke Bellew
  and hung it on a tree。        A little later he discarded his h