第 13 节
作者:幽雨      更新:2021-02-20 14:31      字数:1700
  simplest women in society exact a certain amount of conventional sham
  from the greatest men。 A noble love signifies nothing to them if rough
  and unpolished; it needs the cutting and setting of a jeweller to give
  it value in their eyes。
  In January; 1842; the Comtesse Laginska; with her charm of gentle
  melancholy; inspired a violent passion in the Comte de La Palferine;
  one of the most daring and presumptuous lions of the day。 La Palferine
  was well aware that the conquest of a woman so guarded by reserve as
  the Comtesse Laginska was difficult; but he thought he could inveigle
  this charming creature into committing herself if he took her
  unawares; by the assistance of a certain friend of her own; a woman
  already jealous of her。
  Quite incapable; in spite of her intelligence; of suspecting such
  treachery; the Comtesse Laginska committed the imprudence of going
  with her so…called friend to a masked ball at the Opera。 About three
  in the morning; led away by the excitement of the scene; Clementine;
  on whom La Palferine had expended his seductions; consented to accept
  a supper; and was about to enter the carriage of her faithless friend。
  At this critical moment her arm was grasped by a powerful hand; and
  she was taken; in spite of her struggles; to her own carriage; the
  door of which stood open; though she did not know it was there。
  〃He has never left Paris!〃 she exclaimed to herself as she recognized
  Thaddeus; who disappeared when the carriage drove away。
  Did any woman ever have a like romance in her life? Clementine is
  constantly hoping she may again see Paz。