第 12 节
作者:幽雨      更新:2021-02-20 14:31      字数:9321
  sarcastic look in his eyes which made Clementine thoughtful and
  〃Good…by to the young trees of this beautiful Bois; which you
  Parisians love; and the exiles who find a home here love too;〃 he
  said; presently。 〃My eyes will never again see the evergreens of the
  avenue de Mademoiselle; nor the acacias nor the cedars of the rond…
  points。 On the borders of Asia; fighting for the Emperor; promoted to
  the command; perhaps; by force of courage and by risking my life; it
  may happen that I shall regret these Champs…Elysees where I have
  driven beside you; and where you pass。 Yes; I shall grieve for
  Malaga's hardnessthe Malaga of whom I am now speaking。〃
  This was said in a manner that made Clementine tremble。
  〃Then you do love Malaga very much?〃 she asked。
  〃I have sacrificed for her the honor that no man should ever
  〃What honor?〃
  〃That which we desire to keep at any cost in the eyes of our idol。〃
  After that reply Thaddeus said no more; he was silent until; as they
  passed a wooden building on the Champs Elysees; he said; pointing to
  it; 〃That is the Circus。〃
  He went to the Russian Embassy before dinner; and thence to the
  Foreign office; and the next morning he had started for Havre before
  the count and countess were up。
  〃I have lost a friend;〃 said Adam; with tears in his eyes; when he
  heard that Paz had gone;〃a friend in the true meaning of the word。 I
  don't know what has made him abandon me as if a pestilence were in my
  house。 We are not friends to quarrel about a woman;〃 he said; looking
  intently at Clementine。 〃You heard what he said yesterday about
  Malaga。 Well; he has never so much as touched the little finger of
  that girl。〃
  〃How do you know that?〃 said Clementine。
  〃I had the natural curiosity to go and see Mademoiselle Turquet; and
  the poor girl can't explain even to herself the absolute reserve which
  〃Enough!〃 said the countess; retreating into her bedroom。 〃Can it be
  that I am the victim of some noble mystification?〃 she asked herself。
  The thought had hardly crossed her mind when Constantin brought her
  the following letter written by Thaddeus during the night:
  〃Countess;To seek death in the Caucasus and carry with me your
  contempt is more than I can bear。 A man should die untainted。 When
  I saw you for the first time I loved you as we love a woman whom
  we shall love forever; even though she be unfaithful to us。 I
  loved you thus;I; the friend of the man you had chosen and were
  about to marry; I; poor; I; the steward;a voluntary service; but
  still the steward of your household。
  〃In this immense misfortune I found a happy life。 To be to you an
  indispensable machine; to know myself useful to your comfort; your
  luxury; has been the source of deep enjoyments。 If these
  enjoyments were great when I thought only of Adam; think what they
  were to my soul when the woman I loved was the mainspring of all I
  did。 I have known the pleasures of maternity in my love。 I
  accepted life thus。 Like the paupers who live along the great
  highways; I built myself a hut on the borders of your beautiful
  domain; though I never sought to approach you。 Poor and lonely;
  struck blind by Adam's good fortune; I was; nevertheless; the
  giver。 Yes; you were surrounded by a love as pure as a guardian…
  angel's; it waked while you slept; it caressed you with a look as
  you passed; it was happy in its own existence;you were the sun
  of my native land to me; poor exile; who now writes to you with
  tears in his eyes as he thinks of the happiness of those first
  〃When I was eighteen years old; having no one to love; I took for
  my ideal mistress a charming woman in Warsaw; to whom I confided
  all my thoughts; my wishes; I made her the queen of my nights and
  days。 She knew nothing of all this; why should she? I loved my
  〃You can fancy from this incident of my youth how happy I was
  merely to live in the sphere of your existence; to groom your
  horse; to find the new…coined gold for your purse; to prepare the
  splendor of your dinners and your balls; to see you eclipsing the
  elegance of those whose fortunes were greater than yours; and all
  by my own good management。 Ah! with what ardor I have ransacked
  Paris when Adam would say to me; 'SHE wants this or that。' It was
  a joy such as I can never express to you。 You wished for a trifle
  at one time which kept me seven hours in a cab scouring the city;
  and what delight it was to weary myself for you。 Ah! when I saw
  you; unseen by you; smiling among your flowers; I could forget
  that no one loved me。 On certain days; when my happiness turned my
  head; I went at night and kissed the spot where; to me; your feet
  had left their luminous traces。 The air you had breathed was
  balmy; in it I breathed in more of life; I inhaled; as they say
  persons do in the tropics; a vapor laden with creative principles。
  〃I MUST tell you these things to explain the strange presumption
  of my involuntary thoughts;I would have died rather than avow it
  until now。
  〃You will remember those few days of curiosity when you wished to
  know the man who performed the household miracles you had
  sometimes noticed。 I thought;forgive me; madame;I believed you
  might love me。 Your good…will; your glances interpreted by me; a
  lover; seemed to me so dangerousfor methat I invented that
  story of Malaga; knowing it was the sort of liaison which women
  cannot forgive。 I did it in a moment when I felt that my love
  would be communicated; fatally; to you。 Despise me; crush me with
  the contempt you have so often cast upon me when I did not deserve
  it; and yet I am certain that; if; on that evening when your aunt
  took Adam away from you; I had said what I have now written to
  you; I should; like the tamed tiger that sets his teeth once more
  in living flesh; and scents the blood; and
  〃I could not go on; the memory of that hour is still too living。
  Yes; I was maddened。 Was there hope for me in your eyes? then
  victory with its scarlet banners would have flamed in mine and
  fascinated yours。 My crime has been to think all this; perhaps
  wrongly。 You alone can judge of that dreadful scene when I drove
  back love; desire; all the most invincible forces of our manhood;
  with the cold hand of gratitude;gratitude which must be eternal。
  〃Your terrible contempt has been my punishment。 You have shown me
  there is no return from loathing or disdain。 I love you madly。 I
  should have gone had Adam died; all the more must I go because he
  lives。 A man does not tear his friend from the arms of death to
  betray him。 Besides; my going is my punishment for the thought
  that came to me that I would let him die; when the doctors said
  that his life depended on his nursing。
  〃Adieu; madame; in leaving Paris I lose all; but you lose nothing
  now in my being no longer near you。
  〃Your devoted
  〃Thaddeus Paz。〃
  〃If my poor Adam says he has lost a friend; what have I lost?〃 thought
  Clementine; sinking into a chair with her eyes fixed on the carpet。
  The following letter Constantin had orders to give privately to the
  〃My dear Adam;Malaga has told me all。 In the name of all your
  future happiness; never let a word escape you to Clementine about
  your visits to that girl; let her think that Malaga has cost me a
  hundred thousand francs。 I know Clementine's character; she will
  never forgive you either your losses at cards or your visits to
  〃I am not going to Khiva; but to the Caucasus。 I have the spleen;
  and at the pace at which I mean to go I shall be either Prince Paz
  in three years; or dead。 Good…by; though I have taken sixty…
  thousand francs from Nucingen; our accounts are even。
  〃Idiot that I was;〃 thought Adam; 〃I came near to cutting my throat
  just now; talking about Malaga。〃
  It is now three years since Paz went away。 The newspapers have as yet
  said nothing about any Prince Paz。 The Comtesse Laginska is immensely
  interested in the expeditions of the Emperor Nicholas; she is Russian
  to the core; and reads with a sort of avidity all the news that comes
  from that distant land。 Once or twice every winter she says to the
  Russian ambassador; with an air of indifference; 〃Do you know what has
  become of our poor Comte Paz?〃
  Alas! most Parisian women; those beings who think themselves so clever
  and clear…sighted; pass and repass beside a Paz and never recognize
  him。 Yes; many a Paz is unknown and misconceived; buthorrible to
  think of!some are misconceived even though they are loved。 The
  simplest women in society exact a certain amount of conventional sham
  from the greatest men。 A noble love signifies