第 94 节
作者:旅游巴士      更新:2021-02-20 14:20      字数:9322
  difficulties。  Any sect which showed its superiority in these
  respects might carry all before it; but none other would make much
  headway for long together。  Christianity was true in so far as it
  had fostered beauty; and it had fostered much beauty。  It was false
  in so far as it fostered ugliness; and it had fostered much
  ugliness。  It was therefore not a little true and not a little
  false; on the whole one might go farther and fare worse; the wisest
  course would be to live with it; and make the best and not the worst
  of it。  The writer urged that we become persecutors as a matter of
  course as soon as we begin to feel very strongly upon any subject;
  we ought not therefore to do this; we ought not to feel very
  stronglyeven upon that institution which was dearer to the writer
  than any otherthe Church of England。  We should be churchmen; but
  somewhat lukewarm churchmen; inasmuch as those who care very much
  about either religion or irreligion are seldom observed to be very
  well bred or agreeable people。  The Church herself should approach
  as nearly to that of Laodicea as was compatible with her continuing
  to be a Church at all; and each individual member should only be hot
  in striving to be as lukewarm as possible。
  The book rang with the courage alike of conviction and of an entire
  absence of conviction; it appeared to be the work of men who had a
  rule…of…thumb way of steering between iconoclasm on the one hand and
  credulity on the other; who cut Gordian knots as a matter of course
  when it suited their convenience; who shrank from no conclusion in
  theory; nor from any want of logic in practice so long as they were
  illogical of malice prepense; and for what they held to be
  sufficient reason。  The conclusions were conservative; quietistic;
  comforting。  The arguments by which they were reached were taken
  from the most advanced writers of the day。  All that these people
  contended for was granted them; but the fruits of victory were for
  the most part handed over to those already in possession。
  Perhaps the passage which attracted most attention in the book was
  one from the essay on the various marriage systems of the world。  It
  〃If people require us to construct;〃 exclaimed the writer; 〃we set
  good breeding as the corner…stone of our edifice。  We would have it
  ever present consciously or unconsciously in the minds of all as the
  central faith in which they should live and move and have their
  being; as the touchstone of all things whereby they may be known as
  good or evil according as they make for good breeding or against
  〃That a man should have been bred well and breed others well; that
  his figure; head; hands; feet; voice; manner and clothes should
  carry conviction upon this point; so that no one can look at him
  without seeing that he has come of good stock and is likely to throw
  good stock himself; this is the desiderandum。  And the same with a
  woman。  The greatest number of these well…bred men and women; and
  the greatest happiness of these well…bred men and women; this is the
  highest good; towards this all government; all social conventions;
  all art; literature and science should directly or indirectly tend。
  Holy men and holy women are those who keep this unconsciously in
  view at all times whether of work or pastime。〃
  If Ernest had published this work in his own name I should think it
  would have fallen stillborn from the press; but the form he had
  chosen was calculated at that time to arouse curiosity; and as I
  have said he had wickedly dropped a few hints which the reviewers
  did not think anyone would have been impudent enough to do if he
  were not a bishop; or at any rate some one in authority。  A well…
  known judge was spoken of as being another of the writers; and the
  idea spread ere long that six or seven of the leading bishops and
  judges had laid their heads together to produce a volume; which
  should at once outbid 〃Essays and Reviews〃 and counteract the
  influence of that then still famous work。
  Reviewers are men of like passions with ourselves; and with them as
  with everyone else omne ignotum pro magnifico。  The book was really
  an able one and abounded with humour; just satire; and good sense。
  It struck a new note and the speculation which for some time was
  rife concerning its authorship made many turn to it who would never
  have looked at it otherwise。  One of the most gushing weeklies had a
  fit over it; and declared it to be the finest thing that had been
  done since the 〃Provincial Letters〃 of Pascal。  Once a month or so
  that weekly always found some picture which was the finest that had
  been done since the old masters; or some satire that was the finest
  that had appeared since Swift or some something which was
  incomparably the finest that had appeared since something else。  If
  Ernest had put his name to the book; and the writer had known that
  it was by a nobody; he would doubtless have written in a very
  different strain。  Reviewers like to think that for aught they know
  they are patting a Duke or even a Prince of the blood upon the back;
  and lay it on thick till they find they have been only praising
  Brown; Jones or Robinson。  Then they are disappointed; and as a
  general rule will pay Brown; Jones or Robinson out。
  Ernest was not so much up to the ropes of the literary world as I
  was; and I am afraid his head was a little turned when he woke up
  one morning to find himself famous。  He was Christina's son; and
  perhaps would not have been able to do what he had done if he was
  not capable of occasional undue elation。  Ere long; however; he
  found out all about it; and settled quietly down to write a series
  of books; in which he insisted on saying things which no one else
  would say even if they could; or could even if they would。
  He has got himself a bad literary character。  I said to him
  laughingly one day that he was like the man in the last century of
  whom it was said that nothing but such a character could keep down
  such parts。
  He laughed and said he would rather be like that than like a modern
  writer or two whom he could name; whose parts were so poor that they
  could be kept up by nothing but by such a character。
  I remember soon after one of these books was published I happened to
  meet Mrs Jupp to whom; by the way; Ernest made a small weekly
  allowance。  It was at Ernest's chambers; and for some reason we were
  left alone for a few minutes。  I said to her:  〃Mr Pontifex has
  written another book; Mrs Jupp。〃
  〃Lor' now;〃 said she; 〃has he really?  Dear gentleman!  Is it about
  love?〃  And the old sinner threw up a wicked sheep's eye glance at
  me from under her aged eyelids。  I forget what there was in my reply
  which provoked itprobably nothingbut she went rattling on at
  full speed to the effect that Bell had given her a ticket for the
  opera; 〃So; of course;〃 she said; 〃I went。  I didn't understand one
  word of it; for it was all French; but I saw their legs。  Oh dear;
  oh dear!  I'm afraid I shan't be here much longer; and when dear Mr
  Pontifex sees me in my coffin he'll say; 'Poor old Jupp; she'll
  never talk broad any more'; but bless you I'm not so old as all
  that; and I'm taking lessons in dancing。〃
  At this moment Ernest came in and the conversation was changed。  Mrs
  Jupp asked if he was still going on writing more books now that this
  one was done。  〃Of course I am;〃 he answered; 〃I'm always writing
  books; here is the manuscript of my next;〃 and he showed her a heap
  of paper。
  〃Well now;〃 she exclaimed; 〃dear; dear me; and is that manuscript?
  I've often heard talk about manuscripts; but I never thought I
  should live to see some myself。  Well! well!  So that is really
  There were a few geraniums in the window and they did not look well。
  Ernest asked Mrs Jupp if she understood flowers。  〃I understand the
  language of flowers;〃 she said; with one of her most bewitching
  leers; and on this we sent her off till she should choose to honour
  us with another visit; which she knows she is privileged from time
  to time to do; for Ernest likes her。
  And now I must bring my story to a close。
  The preceding chapter was written soon after the events it records
  that is to say in the spring of 1867。  By that time my story had
  been written up to this point; but it has been altered here and
  there from time to time occasionally。  It is now the autumn of 1882;
  and if I am to say more I should do so quickly; for I am eighty
  years old and though well in health cannot conceal from myself that
  I am no longer young。  Ernest himself is forty…seven; though he
  hardly looks it。
  He is richer than ever; for he has never married and his London and
  North…Western shares have nearly doubled themselves。  Through sheer
  inability to spend his income he has been obliged to hoard in self…
  defence。  He still lives in the Temple in the same rooms I took for
  him when he gave up his shop; for no one has been able to induce him
  to take a house。  His house; he says; is wherever there is a good
  hotel。  When he is in town he likes to work and to be quiet。  When
  out of town he feels that he has left little behind him that can go
  wrong; and he would not like to be tied to a sing