第 1 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2021-02-20 05:36      字数:9322
  What is Property?
  P。 J。 Proudhon
  P。 J。 Proudhon
  PROPERTY CONSIDERED AS A NATURAL RIGHT。OCCUPATION AND CIVIL LAW AS EFFICIENT BASES OF PROPERTY。DEFINITIONS % 1。  Property as a Natural Right。 % 2。  Occupation as the Title to Property。 % 3。  Civil Law as the Foundation and Sanction of Property。
  LABOR AS THE EFFICIENT CAUSE OF THE DOMAIN OF PROPERTY % 1。  The Land cannot be appropriated。 % 2。  Universal Consent no Justification of Property。 % 3。  Prescription gives no Title to Property。 % 4。  Labor。That Labor has no Inherent Power to appropriate          Natural Wealth。 % 5。  That Labor leads to Equality of Property。 % 6。  That in Society all Wages are Equal。 % 7。  That Inequality of Powers is the Necessary Condition of          Equality of Fortunes。 % 8。  That; from the stand…point of Justice; Labor destroys          Property。
  Property is the Right of Increase claimed by the Proprietor over any thing which he has stamped as his own。
  FIRST PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because it demands Something for Nothing。
  SECOND PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because; wherever it exists; Production costs more than it is worth。
  THIRD PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because; with a given Capital; Production is proportional to Labor; not to Property。
  FOURTH PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because it is Homicide。
  FIFTH PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because; if it exists; Society devours itself。
  Appendix to the Fifth Proposition。
  SIXTH PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because it is the Mother of Tyranny。
  SEVENTH PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because; in consuming its Receipts; it loses them; in hoarding them; it nullifies them; and; in using them as Capital; it turns them against Production。
  EIGHTH PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because its Power of Accumulation is infinite; and is exercised only over Finite Quantities。
  NINTH PROPOSITION Property is Impossible; because it is powerless against Property。
  TENTH PROPOSITION。 Property is Impossible; because it is the Negation of Equality。
  PART 1。
  % 1。  Of the Moral Sense in Man and the Animals。 % 2。  Of the First and Second Degrees of Sociability。 % 3。  Of the Third Degree of Sociability。
  PART I 1。 % 1。  Of the Causes of our Mistakes。  The Origin of Property。 % 2。  Characteristics of Communism and of Property。 % 3。  Determination of the Third Form of Society。  Conclusion。
  The correspondence'1' of P。 J。 Proudhon; the first volumes of which we publish to…day; has been collected since his death by the faithful and intelligent labors of his daughter; aided by a few friends。  It was incomplete when submitted to Sainte Beuve; but the portion with which the illustrious academician became acquainted was sufficient to allow him to estimate it as a whole with that soundness of judgment which characterized him as a literary critic。
  '1' In the French edition of Proudhon's works; the above sketch of his life is prefixed to the first volume of his correspondence; but the translator prefers to insert it here as the best method of introducing the author to the American public。
  He would; however; caution readers against accepting the biographer's interpretation of the author's views as in any sense authoritative; advising them; rather; to await the publication of the remainder of Proudhon's writings; that they may form an opinion for themselves。Translator。
  In an important work; which his habitual readers certainly have not forgotten; although death did not allow him to finish it; Sainte Beuve thus judges the correspondence of the great publicist:
  〃The letters of Proudhon; even outside the circle of his particular friends; will always be of value; we can always learn something from them; and here is the proper place to determine the general character of his correspondence。
  〃It has always been large; especially since he became so celebrated; and; to tell the truth; I am persuaded that; in the future; the correspondence of Proudhon will be his principal; vital work; and that most of his books will be only accessory to and corroborative of this。  At any rate; his books can be well understood only by the aid of his letters and the continual explanations which he makes to those who consult him in their doubt; and request him to define more clearly his position。
  〃There are; among celebrated people; many methods of correspondence。  There are those to whom letter…writing is a bore; and who; assailed with questions and compliments; reply in the greatest haste; solely that the job may be over with; and who return politeness for politeness; mingling it with more or less wit。  This kind of correspondence; though coming from celebrated people; is insignificant and unworthy of collection and classification。
  〃After those who write letters in performance of a disagreeable duty; and almost side by side with them in point of insignificance; I should put those who write in a manner wholly external; wholly superficial; devoted only to flattery; lavishing praise like gold; without counting it; and those also who weigh every word; who reply formally and pompously; with a view to fine phrases and effects。  They exchange words only; and choose them solely for their brilliancy and show。  You think it is you; individually; to whom they speak; but they are addressing themselves in your person to the four corners of Europe。  Such letters are empty; and teach as nothing but theatrical execution and the favorite pose of their writers。
  〃I will not class among the latter the more prudent and sagacious authors who; when writing to individuals; keep one eye on posterity。  We know that many who pursue this method have written long; finished; charming; flattering; and tolerably natural letters。  Beranger furnishes us with the best example of this class。
  〃Proudhon; however; is a man of entirely different nature and habits。  In writing; he thinks of nothing but his idea and the person whom he addresses: ad rem et ad hominem。  A man of conviction and doctrine; to write does not weary him; to be questioned does not annoy him。  When approached; he cares only to know that your motive is not one of futile curiosity; but the love of truth; he assumes you to be serious; he replies; he examines your objections; sometimes verbally; sometimes in writing; for; as he remarks; ‘if there be some points which correspondence can never settle; but which can be made clear by conversation in two minutes; at other times just the opposite is the case: an objection clearly stated in writing; a doubt well expressed; which elicits a direct and positive reply; helps things along more than ten hours of oral intercourse!'  In writing to you he does not hesitate to treat the subject anew; he unfolds to you the foundation and superstructure of his thought: rarely does he confess himself defeatedit is not his way; he holds to his position; but admits the breaks; the variations; in short; the EVOLUTION of his mind。  The history of his mind is in his letters; there it must be sought。
  〃Proudhon; whoever addresses him; is always ready; he quits the page of the book on which he is at work to answer you with the same pen; and that without losing patience; without getting confused; without sparing or complaining of his ink; he is a public man; devoted to the propagation of his idea by all methods; and the best method; with him; is always the present one; the latest one。  His very handwriting; bold; uniform; legible; even in the most tiresome passages; betrays no haste; no hurry to finish。  Each line is accurate: nothing is left to chance; the punctuation; very correct and a little emphatic and decided; indicates with precision and delicate distinction all the links in the chain of his argument。  He is devoted entirely to you; to his business and yours; while writing to you; and never to anything else。  All the letters of his which I have seen are serious: not one is commonplace。
  〃But at the same time he is not at all artistic or affected; he does not CONSTRUCT his letters; he does not revise them; he spends no time in reading them over; we have a first draught; excellent and clear; a jet from the fountain…head; but that is all。  The new arguments; which he discovers in support of his ideas and which opposition suggests to him; are an agreeable surprise; and shed a light which we should vainly search for even in his works。  His correspondence differs essentially from his books; in that it gives you no uneasiness; it places you in the very heart of the man; explains him to you; and leaves you with an impression of moral esteem and almost of intellectual security。  We feel his sincerity。  I k