第 26 节
作者:空白协议书      更新:2021-02-19 21:36      字数:9321
  saw   good   canary   thrown   away。        But   you   are   welcome   to   laugh   if   it   so
  please you。      None shall laugh in my company; though it be at my expense;
  but I will have my share of the merriment。 The world is a stage; and life is
  a farce; and he that laughs most has most profit of the performance。                      The
  worst thing is good enough to be laughed at; though it be good for nothing
  else; and the best thing; though it be good for something else; is good for
  nothing better。〃
  And he struck up a song in praise of laughing and quaffing; without
  further   adverting      to   Marian's   insinuated   accusation;   being;   perhaps;   of
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  opinion; that it was a subject on which the least said would be the soonest
  So passed the night。       In the morning a forester came to the friar; with
  intelligence  that   Prince  John   had   been   compelled;   by  the   urgency  of   his
  affairs in   other quarters;  to disembarrass   Nottingham  Castle   of his   royal
  presence。      Our    wanderers     returned    joyfully   to   their  forest…dominion;
  being thus relieved from the vicinity of any more formidable belligerent
  than their old bruised and beaten enemy the sheriff of Nottingham。
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  Maid Marian
  Oh! this life     Is nobler than attending for a check;
  Richer than doing nothing for a bribe            Prouder than rustling in unpaid…for
  So   Robin   and   Marian   dwelt   and   reigned   in   the   forest;   ranging   the
  glades and the greenwoods from the matins of the lark to the vespers of
  the   nightingale;   and   administering       natural   justice   according   to   Robin's
  ideas of rectifying the inequalities of human condition: raising genial dews
  from     the  bags   of   the  rich  and   idle;  and   returning    them    in  fertilising
  showers on the poor and industrious: an operation which more enlightened
  statesmen      have    happily    reversed;    to  the   unspeakable      benefit    of  the
  community at large。 The light footsteps of Marian were impressed on the
  morning dew beside the firmer step of her lover; and they shook its large
  drops about them as they cleared themselves a passage through the thick
  tall fern; without any fear of catching cold; which was not much in fashion
  in   the   twelfth   century。  Robin   was   as   hospitable   as   Cathmor;   for   seven
  men   stood   on   seven   paths   to   call   the   stranger   to   his   feast。   It   is   true;   he
  superadded       the   small   improvement   of   making       the   stranger   pay   for   it:
  than which what could be more generous? For Cathmor was himself the
  prime giver of his feast; whereas Robin was only the agent to a series of
  strangers; who provided in turn for the entertainment of their successors;
  which is carrying the disinterestedness of hospitality to its acme。 Marian
  often killed the deer;
  Which   Scarlet   dressed;   and   Friar   Tuck   blessed     While   Little   John
  wandered in search of a guest。
  Robin was very devout; though there was great unity in his religion: it
  was exclusively given to our Lady the Virgin; and he never set forth in a
  morning till he had said three prayers; and had heard the sweet voice of his
  Marian singing a hymn to their mutual patroness。                 Each of his men had;
  as usual; a patron saint according to his name or taste。 The friar chose a
  saint for himself;  and fixed on   Saint Botolph; whom  he euphonised   into
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  Saint     Bottle;    and    maintained       that   he    was    that    very    Panomphic
  Pantagruelian saint; well known in ancient France as a female divinity; by
  the name of La Dive Bouteille; whose oracular monosyllable 〃Trincq;'; is
  celebrated and under…stood by all nations; and is expounded by the learned
  doctor Alcofribas;'6'   who   has   treated   at   large   on   the   subject;   to   signify
  〃drink。〃 Saint Bottle; then; was the saint of Friar Tuck; who did not yield
  even to Robin and Marian in the assiduity of his devotions to his chosen
  patron。     Such was their summer life; and in their winter caves they had
  sufficient furniture; ample provender; store of old wine; and assuredly no
  lack of fuel; with joyous music and pleasant discourse to charm away the
  season of darkness and storms。
  '6'   Alcofribas   Nasier:     an   anagram   of   Francois   Rabelais;   and   his
  assumed appellation。
  The reader who desires to know more about this oracular divinity; may
  consult   the   said   doctor   Alcofribas   Nasier;   who   will   usher   him   into   the
  adytum through the medium of the high priestess Bacbuc。
  Many moons had waxed and waned; when on the afternoon of a lovely
  summer day a lusty broad…boned knight was riding through the forest of
  Sherwood。        The     sun   shone    brilliantly   on   the  full   green   foliage;   and
  afforded the knight a fine opportunity of observing picturesque effects; of
  which it is to be feared he did not avail himself。 But he had not proceeded
  far;   before   he   had   an   opportunity   of   observing   something   much   more
  interesting;   namely;   a   fine   young   outlaw   leaning;   in   the   true   Sherwood
  fashion; with his back against a tree。 The knight was preparing to ask the
  stranger a question;  the answer to   which;  if correctly  given;  would have
  relieved him from a doubt that pressed heavily on his mind; as to whether
  he   was   in   the   right   road   or   the   wrong;   when   the   youth   prevented   the
  inquiry by saying: 〃In God's name; sir knight; you are late to your meals。
  My master has tarried dinner for you these three hours。〃
  〃I   doubt;〃   said   the   knight;   〃I   am  not   he   you   wot   of。   I   am   no   where
  bidden to day and I know none in this vicinage。〃
  〃We   feared;〃   said   the   youth;   〃your   memory   would   be   treacherous:
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  therefore am I stationed here to refresh it。〃
  〃Who is your master?〃 said the knight; 〃and where does he abide?〃
  〃My   master;〃   said   the   youth;   〃is   called   Robin   Hood;   and   he   abides
  hard by。〃
  〃And what knows he of me?〃 said the knight。
  〃He   knows   you;〃   answered   the   youth   〃as   he   does   every   way…faring
  knight and friar; by instinct。〃
  〃Gramercy;〃 said the knight; 〃then I understand his bidding: but how if
  I say I will not come?〃
  〃I am enjoined to bring you;〃 said the youth。             〃If persuasion avail not;
  I must use other argument。〃
  〃Say'st   thou   so?〃   said   the   knight;   〃I   doubt   if   thy   stripling   rhetoric
  would convince me。〃
  〃That;〃 said the young forester; 〃we will see。〃
  〃We are not equally matched; boy;〃 said the knight。 〃I should get less
  honour by thy conquest; than grief by thy injury。〃
  〃Perhaps;〃 said the youth; 〃my strength is more than my seeming; and
  my     cunning     more    than    my    strength。    Therefore       let  it  please   your
  knighthood to dismount。〃
  〃It shall please my knighthood to chastise thy presumption;〃 said the
  knight; springing from his saddle。
  Hereupon;   which   in   those   days   was   usually   the   result   of   a   meeting
  between any two persons anywhere; they proceeded to fight。                     The knight
  had in an uncommon degree both strength and skill: the forester had less
  strength; but not less skill than the knight; and showed such a mastery of
  his weapon as reduced the latter to great admiration。
  They had not fought many  minutes by the forest clock; the sun;   and
  had   as   yet   done   each   other   no   worse   injury   than   that   the   knight   had
  wounded   the   forester's   jerkin;   and   the   forester   had   disabled   the   knight's
  plume; when they were interrupted by a voice from a thicket; exclaiming;
  〃Well fought; girl: well fought。           Mass; that had nigh been a shrewd hit。
  Thou owest him for that; lass。          Marry; stand by; I'll pay him for thee。〃
  The   knight   turning   to   the   voice;   beheld   a   tall   friar   issuing   from   the
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  Maid Marian
  thicket; brandishing