第 25 节
作者:空白协议书      更新:2021-02-19 21:36      字数:9321
  might   discuss   to   them   poetical   justice:   and   therefore   have   I   cracked   thy
  sconce:      for which; let this be thy medicine。〃
  〃But wherefore;〃 said Marian; 〃do we find you here; when we left you
  joint lord warden of Sherwood?〃
  〃I    do   but   retire  to   my    devotions;〃     replied    the   friar。  〃This    is  my
  hermitage; in which I first took refuge when I escaped from my beloved
  brethren of Rubygill; and to which I still retreat at times from the vanities
  of the world; which else might cling to me too closely; since I have been
  promoted to be peer…spiritual of your forest…court。 For; indeed; I do find in
  myself certain indications and admonitions that my day has past its noon;
  and   none   more   cogent   than   this:   that   daily   of   bad   wine   I   grow   more
  intolerant;   and   of   good   wine   have   a   keener   and   more   fastidious   relish。
  There      is  no   surer   symptom       of  receding     years。    The     ferryman      is  my
  faithful   varlet。  I   send   him  on   some   pious   errand; that   I   may  meditate   in
  ghostly privacy; when my presence in the forest can best be spared: and
  when can it be better spared than now; seeing that the neighbourhood of
  Prince   John;   and   his   incessant   perquisitions   for   Marian;   have   made   the
  forest too hot to hold more of us than are needful to keep up a quorum;
  and preserve unbroken the continuity of our forest…dominion? For; in truth;
  without   your   greenwood   majesties;   we   have   hardly   the   wit   to   live   in   a
  body; and at the same time to keep our necks out of jeopardy; while that
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  Maid Marian
  arch…rebel and traitor John infests the precincts of our territory。〃
  The friar now conducted them to his peaceful cell; where he spread his
  frugal   board   with   fish;   venison;   wild…fowl;   fruit;   and   canary。   Under   the
  compound operation of this materia medica Robin's wounds healed apace;
  and the friar; who hated minstrelsy; began as usual chirping in his   cups。
  Robin   and   Marian   chimed   in   with   his   tuneful   humour   till   the   midnight
  moon peeped in upon their revelry。
  It was now the very witching time of night; when they heard a voice
  shouting; 〃Over!〃         They paused to listen; and the voice repeated 〃Over!〃
  in   accents   clear   and   loud;   but   which   at   the   same   time   either   were   in
  themselves;   or   seemed   to   be;   from   the   place   and   the   hour;       singularly
  plaintive and dreary。 The friar fidgetted about in his seat:                 fell into a deep
  musing:   shook   himself;   and   looked   about   him:         first   at   Marian;   then   at
  Robin;   then   at   Marian   again;   filled   and   tossed   off   a   cup   of   canary;   and
  relapsed into his reverie。
  〃Will   you   not   bring   your   passenger   over?〃   said   Robin。          The   friar
  shook his head and looked mysterious。
  〃That   passenger;〃   said   the   friar;   〃will   never   come   over。   Every   full
  moon; at midnight; that voice calls; 'Over!' I and my varlet have more than
  once   obeyed   the   summons;   and   we   have   sometimes   had   a   glimpse   of   a
  white figure under the opposite trees: but when the boat has touched the
  bank; nothing has been to be seen; and the voice has been heard no more
  till the midnight of the next full moon。〃
  〃It is very strange;〃 said Robin。
  〃Wondrous strange;〃 said the friar; looking solemn。
  The voice again called 〃Over!〃 in a long plaintive musical cry。
  〃I must go to it;〃 said the friar; 〃or it will give us no peace。 I would all
  my customers were of this world。               I begin to think that I am Charon; and
  that this river is Styx。〃
  〃I will go with you; friar;〃 said Robin。
  〃By my flask;〃 said the friar; 〃but you shall not。〃
  〃Then I will;〃 said Marian。
  〃Still less;〃 said the friar; hurrying out of the cell。 Robin and Marian
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  Maid Marian
  followed:      but   the   friar   outstepped   them;   and   pushed   off   his   boat。  A
  white  figure  was visible under the  shade  of   the  opposite trees。 The boat
  approached the shore; and the figure glided away。 The friar returned。
  They   re…entered   the   cottage;   and   sat   some   time   conversing   on   the
  phenomenon they had seen。             The friar sipped his wine; and after a time;
  〃There is a tradition of a damsel who was drowned here some   years
  ago。 The tradition is〃
  But the friar could not narrate a plain tale:            he therefore cleared his
  throat; and sang with due solemnity; in a ghostly voice:
  A damsel came in midnight rain;                   And called across the ferry:
  The weary wight she called in vain;                    Whose senses sleep did bury。
  At   evening;   from   her   father's   door         She   turned   to   meet   her   lover:
  At midnight; on the lonely shore;                 She shouted 〃Over; over!〃
  She had not met him by the tree                 Of their accustomed meeting;
  And sad and sick at heart was she;                 Her heart all wildly beating。         In
  chill suspense the hours went by;                  The wild storm burst above her:
  She turned her to the river nigh;               And shouted; 〃Over; over!〃
  A   dim;   discoloured;     doubtful    light           The    moon's     dark   veil
  permitted;      And thick before her troubled sight                  Fantastic shadows
  flitted。   Her   lover's   form   appeared   to   glide;          And   beckon   o'er   the
  water:     Alas!   his   blood   that   morn   had   dyed         Her   brother's   sword
  with slaughter。
  Upon   a   little   rock   she   stood;       To   make   her   invocation:     She
  marked   not   that   the   rain…swoll'n   flood          Was   islanding   her   station。
  The tempest mocked her feeble cry:                   No saint his aid would give her:
  The flood swelled high and yet more high;                    And swept her down the
  Yet   oft   beneath   the   pale   moonlight;         When   hollow   winds   are
  blowing;      The   shadow   of   that   maiden   bright           Glides   by   the   dark
  stream's flowing。        And when the storms of midnight rave;                      While
  clouds     the  broad   moon     cover;   The     wild   gusts   waft   across   the  wave
  The cry of; 〃Over; over!〃
  … Page 94…
  Maid Marian
  While the friar was singing; Marian was meditating: and when he had
  ended   she   said;   〃Honest   friar;   you   have   misplaced   your   tradition;   which
  belongs   to   the   aestuary   of   a   nobler   river;   where   the   damsel   was   swept
  away by the rising of the tide; for which your land…flood is an indifferent
  substitute。   But   the  true   tradition   of   this   stream  I   think   I   myself   possess;
  and I will narrate it in your own way:
  It  was     a  friar   of  orders    free;    A     friar  of   Rubygill:      At    the
  greenwood…tree a vow made he;               But he kept it very ill:       A vow made he
  of    chastity;    But    he   kept   it  very   ill。  He    kept    it;  perchance;    in   the
  conscious shade         Of the bounds of the forest wherein it was made:                   But
  he roamed where he listed; as free as the wind;                And he left his good vow
  in the forest behind:        For its woods out of sight were his vow out of mind;
  With the friar of Rubygill。
  In   lonely  hut   himself   he   shut;   The   friar   of   Rubygill;     Where   the
  ghostly elf absolved himself;           To follow his own good will:             And he had
  no lack of canary sack;          To keep his conscience still。         And a damsel well
  knew;   when   at   lonely   midnight        It   gleamed   on   the   waters;   his   signal…
  lamp…light:      〃Over! over!〃 she warbled with nightingale throat;                  And the
  friar sprung forth at the magical note;            And she crossed the dark stream in
  his trim ferryboat;       With the friar of Rubygill。
  〃Look   you     now;〃   said    Robin;   〃if   the   friar  does   not   blush。   Many
  strange sights have I seen in my day; but never till this moment did I see a
  blushing friar。〃
  〃I think;〃 said the friar; 〃you never saw one that blushed not; or you
  saw   good   canary   thrown   away。        But   you   are   welcome   to   laugh   if   it   so