第 427 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-19 21:32      字数:8826
  … Strengthening the body。
  Thus; keeping all; innocent and free of knowledge and desire;
  The Sage discourages the cunning from harmful action。
  Wu…Wei …
  Action unforced …
  Permitting all to just happen;
  by itself;
  without effort。
  Tho' Tao is empty … its grace is inexhaustible
  A deep and unfathomable source;
  The ancestor of all there is。
  Through the Tao: … Rough edges are smoothed。
  … Hard knots are untied。
  … Glare of light is softened。
  … Busyness of life is tempered。
  Tho' hidden deeply … it is ever present。
  Its origin ? … A mystery to me。
  It just seems to have been forever。
  Nature is impartial …
  While regarding All Things of the universe
  as sacred;
  Graces them with equality。
  Likewise; the Sage is impartial …
  While regarding all creatures as sacred;
  Graces them with equality。
  The universe … a moving bellows … Yin and Yang
  always emptying … always full;
  Endlessly working … endlessly yielding forth。
  Understanding the nature of the universe
  by words and by intellect;
  Leads to exhaustion。
  Hold instead to that intuition which;
  Rising from the gut of mankind;
  Resembles original nature。
  The spirit of the valley is
  Empty … Receptive … Eternal。
  She is Yin … The Primal Mother。
  At her door … the root of heaven and earth;
  Which is continuous; without end。
  Taking it; using it; drawing upon it;
  It serves eternally … without fail。
  The universe is everlasting。
  Not existing for itself; but giving life to all;
  It endures forever。
  Thus; the Sage …
  … Remaining behind and in the background;
  Finds himself ahead and in the foreground。
  … Staying detached;
  Finds himself at one with all。
  … Being selfless;
  Attains fulfillment。
  The highest good of mankind; is like water …
  … Without competition; gives Life to All Things。
  … Flowing; it seeks and dwells in places rejected by mankind。
  Thus it approaches close to the Tao。
  Accordingly; the Sage …
  … In dwelling; Seeks closeness to the earth。
  … In heart; Seeks that which is profound。
  … In relationships; Seeks gentleness and kindness。
  … In speech; Seeks sincerity and truthfulness。
  … In government; Seeks justice; order and peace。
  … In business; Seeks ability and competence。
  … In movement and action; Seeks timeliness。
  The Sage …
  Remaining free from competition and contention;
  Is without blame … beyond reproach。
  Stop short of full;
  Pour not to the brim。
  Over…sharpen the sword;
  And the edge will soon blunt。
  Be surrounded with treasure;
  And lie ill at ease。
  Claim title and honor and wealth;
  And downfall will follow。
  With mission accomplished … withdraw。
  Such is in harmony with Tao。
  Can you:
  Embrace oneness … Maintaining a unity of mind; body and spirit?
  Control the Ch'i …
  By concentration; cause it to be soft; as a little child?
  Clear and purify inner mystic vision …
  Spotless and without blur; creating perfection?
  Govern and lead … openly; honestly and simply
  The governed barely sensing your effect?
  Handle 〃life's…gate〃 experiences of birth and death …
  Maintaining the receptive principle of Yin?
  Be open to All Things … with true understanding
  Remaining detached; taking no action; not interfering?
  Give birth and nourish All Things …
  Seeking neither to lay claim nor possess?
  Act and work …
  Seeking neither credit nor reward?
  Lead and assist …
  Seeking neither to master nor dominate?
  To do this is the primal virtue …
  The profound and mysterious Te。
  While thirty spokes are the substance
  of the cartwheel;
  The empty space within the hub and between
  the spokes permits the wheel to be useful
  While clay is the substance of the vessel;
  The empty space within permits the vessel
  to be useful。
  While doors and windows are cut
  as the substance of the wall;
  The empty space within these enclosures
  permits them to be useful。
  Form is generated by what IS。
  Usefulness lies in what IS NOT。
  Altogether; the five colors …
  Confuse; overwhelm and blind the eye。
  Altogether; the five sounds …
  Confuse; overwhelm and deafen the ear。
  Altogether; the five flavors …
  Confuse; overwhelm and dull the taste。
  Compulsive activity or pursuit of possessions …
  Confuses; overwhelms and maddens the mind。
  The Sage rejects the sensuous environment;
  Being better guided by intuitive truth …
  His inner nature。
  Favor and glory as well as disfavor and disgrace;
  All cause pain in equal measure。 …
  As disfavor and disgrace cause pain;
  Possessing favor and glory …
  The fear of its loss is ever present。
  What we value and what we choose to fear
  Are both contained within our body/selves。
  We possess fear because we have a body/self。
  Ceasing to acknowledge the body part of self;
  Nothing of significance remains to be feared。
  The leader …
  In honoring and loving his responsibilities
  as he honors and loves the body/self;
  Can be entrusted with the leadership
  of his domain。
  Looking for it; it cannot be seen …
  Being formless; it is called Yi; the invisible。
  Listening to it; it cannot be heard …
  Being soundless; it is called Hsi; the inaudible。
  Grasping at it; it cannot be reached …
  Being subtle; it is called Wei; the intangible。
  These three; imperceptible; indescribable …
  Mystically united and elusively perceived
  as an undefinable oneness。
  As the oneness ascends … no light appears。
  As the oneness descends … no darkness is perceived。
  Unceasingly; continually; form eluding definition;
  Evasively reverting to spirit … to nothingness。
  The form of formlessness。
  The image of imagelessness。
  The oneness remains nameless。
  Meeting it; it has no part which is front。
  Following it; it has no behind。
  Encompassing the ancient Tao;
  Present affairs are mastered。
  Knowing the primal nature of mankind
  and the universe;
  Is to know the essence of Tao。
  The ancient masters and rulers;
  So subtle and mysterious;
  profound and penetrating;
  Too deep to directly comprehend …
  May be known by their appearance;
  Cautious … As if crossing a frozen stream。
  Watchful … As if fearing danger all around。
  Courteous … As if a visiting guest。
  Yielding … As if ice about to melt。
  Genuine … As if a piece of uncarved wood。
  Receptive … As if an open valley。
  Opaque … As if in muddy waters。
  Waiting quietly while the mud settles;
  Remaining still until the moment for action;
  They; who embrace this Tao;
  Obtaining just that which is sufficient;
  AlI needs are satisfied。
  Thus they long endure。
  Let the mind be empty of preconceptions and distraction …
  Permit a meditative quietness to prevail。
  Observe the cycle of All Things …
  Their birth and rise to activity;
  A flourishing;
  And ultimate return to their generative roots。
  Quietness; repose and tranquility characterize the return to the roots of creation。
  Knowing it as the destiny of All Things …
  An unchanging cycle; An eternal law of nature …
  Is to be enlightened。
  To know it not; is to court misfortune。
  Knowing the eternal law is to be all embracing。
  All embracing is to be impartial。
  Impartial is to be noble。
  Being noble is to be one with nature。
  Being one with nature is to be in accord with the Tao。
  Being in accord with the Tao …
  Essence is everlasting。
  Tho' body/self demise; the self is eternal。
  The greatest leader is barely known to exist。
  Next is one who is loved and acclaimed。
  Then one who is feared。
  Finally one who is despised。
  The great leaders;
  Having faith and confidence in others;
  Receive faith and confidence in return。
  In a quiet and calm manner; with few words;
  See the task accomplished;
  See the work complete。
  A measure of great leadership …
  When all feel the task was completed
  of its own accord。
  When the natural Tao is forgotten;
  … Doctrines of humanity and codes of justice arise。
  … Knowledge and wisdom appear with artifice
  and hypocrisy close behind。
  … Harmony departs from family relationships;
  and deeds of filial piety and devoted
  parenthood replace natural instincts。
  … Civil disorder p