第 324 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-19 21:31      字数:8998
  The Master indeed is not bound;
  That is why he is not bound。
  That is how the self…controlled man knows the Self and perceives the not…Self。
  He loves the Self; and honours the not…Self。
  Therefore he passes away from the latter and takes hold of the former。
  A man with courage and daring is slain;
  A man with courage and self…restraint lives。
  Of these two; the one has benefit; the other has injury。
  Who can tell why one of them should incur Heaven's Wrath?
  Because of this the self…controlled man has doubt and difficulty。
  Heavenly Tao strives not; but conquers by love;
  It speaks not; but responds in Love;
  It calls not to men; but of themselves they come;
  It slowly is made manifest; yet its plans are laid in Love。
  The net of Heaven is widely meshed; the meshes are far apart; yet nothing escapes from it。
  If the people do not fear death;
  How then can you frighten them by death?
  But if you cause the people continually to fear death;
  And if one of them becomes a great criminal;
  Can you take hold of him and slay him?
  Would you dare to this?
  There is always one; the Executioner; who kills men。
  But; on the contrary; if you kill as if you were Executioner;
  It would be as if you tried to do the work of a Master Carpenter。
  In attempting to do the work of a Master Carpenter;
  Few there be who do not wound their own hands。
  The people are hungry。
  Because they who are over the food tax it heavily
  That is why the people are hungry。
  The people are difficult to govern。
  Because the rulers trust in possessions and activities
  That is why the people are difficult to govern。
  The people make light of death。
  Because they work hard in order to save their life;
  That is why they make light of death。
  A Master indeed is he whose life…activities are from within。
  He excels all man in his application of Life。
  In life; man is soft and tender;
  In death; he is rigid and hard。
  In life; plants and trees are soft and pliant;
  In death; they are withered and tough。
  Thus rigidity and hardness are companions of death。
  Softness and tenderness are companions of life。
  That is why the soldier who trusts only in strength does not conquer;
  The tree that relies on its strength invites the axe。
  Great strength dwells below;
  Softness and tenderness dwell above。
  Heavenly Tao is like the bending of a bow。
  That which is high is bent downwards;
  That which is low is raised up;
  That which is too much is lessened;
  That which is not enough is increased。
  Heavenly Tao takes from those who have too much;
  And gives to those who have not enough。
  The way of man is not thus;
  He takes from those who have not enough;
  And gives to those who already have too much。
  Who is able to hold his wealth in order to give it to men?
  Only he who has the Tao。
  That is why the self…controlled man acts without looking for reward; he brings to perfectness without claiming credit; he desires not to let his wosdom appear。
  Of the soft and weak things in the world
  None is weaker than water。
  Bur in overcoming that which is firm and strong
  Nothing can equal it。
  It is easy to know the inner meaning of this: 〃That which is weak conquers the strong; that which is soft conquers the hard。〃
  All men know this; No one is able to practice it。
  That is why the self…controlled man says:
  〃He who fears the reproach of the Kingdom is called Ruler of the Land。 He who bears the woes of the Kingdom is called King of the land。〃
  True words in paradox。
  To harmonize great enemies
  We must possess that which far surpasses enmity。
  We must be able to be at peace
  In order to be active in Love。
  That is why the self…controlled man holds the left…hand portion of the contract; but does not insist upon the other man producing his portion。
  He who is virtuous may rule by a contract;
  He whose virtue is within may rule by destroying it。
  Akin to Heavenly Tao is Inner Life。
  A constant giver is the man who loves。
  Take a small kingdom and a few people;
  Cause ten or a hundred of them to carry weapons;
  But not to use them。
  Cause the people to fear death;
  Do not let them travel far;
  Though they may have boats and carriages;
  Let them use them only within the kingdom。
  Though they may have soldiers in uniform;
  Let them parade only within the kingdom。
  Cause the people again to have knotted cords;
  And to use them (instead of written characters)。
  Their food would be sweet;
  Their clothing would be beautiful in their own eyes;
  Their dwellings would be resting…places;
  They would love their simple ways。
  If another kingdom were so near
  That they could hear the sounds of dogs and fowls;
  They would not come into mutual contact
  Until they all grew old and died。
  Faithful words may not be beautiful;
  Beautiful words may not be faithful。
  Those who love do not quarrel;
  Those who quarrel do not love。
  Those who know are not learned;
  Those who are learned do not know。
  The riches of the self…controlled man are in the Inner Life。
  When he spends for others; he has more for himself。
  When he gives to others; he has much more for himself。
  Heavenly Tao blesses all and hurts no one。
  The way of the self…controlled man is to act and not to fight。
  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  English by
  C。 Spurgeon Medhurst; 1905
  The Tao which can be expressed is not the unchanging Tao; the name which can be named is not the unchanging name。
  The nameless is the beginning of the Heaven Earth; the mother of all things is the nameable。
  Thus; while the eternal non…being leads toward the fathomless; the eternal being conduct to the boundary。
  Although these two have been differently named they come from the same。
  As the same they may be described as the abysmal。 The abyss of the abysmal is the gate of all mystery。
  When everyone in the world became conscious of the beauty of the beautiful it turned to evil; They became conscious of the goodness of the good and ceased to be good。
  Thus not…being and being arise the one from the other。 So also do the difficult and the easy; the long and the short; the high and the low; sounds and voices; the preceding and the following。
  Therefore the Holy Man abides by non…attachment is his affairs; and practices a doctrine which cannot be imparted by speech。 He attends to everything in its turn and declines nothing; produces without claiming; acts without dwelling thereon; completes his purposes without resting in them。 Inasmuch as he does this he loses nothing。
  When worth is not honoured the people may be kept from strife。
  When rare articles are not valued the people are kept from theft。
  When the desirable is left unnoticed the heart is not confused。
  Therefore; the method of government by the Holy Man is to empty the heart; while strengthening the purpose; to make the will pliant; and the character strong。 He ever keeps the people simple…minded and passionless; so that the world…wise do not dare to plan。
  Practice non…action and everything will be regulated。
  The Tao is as emptiness; so are its operations。 It resembles non…fullness。
  Fathomless! It seems to be the ancestor of all form。
  It removes sharpness; unravels confusion; harmonizes brightness; and becomes one with everything。
  Pellucid! It bears the appearance of permanence。
  I know not whose son it is。 Its Noumenon was before the Lord。
  Nature is non…benevolent。 It regards the masses as straw dogs。
  The Holy Man is non…benevolent。 He regards the masses as straw dogs。
  The space between the heaven and the earth is like a bellows; though unsupported; it does not warp; when in motion the more it expels。
  Though words could exhaust this theme; they would not be so profitable as the preservation of its inner essence。
  The Valley…God never dies。 She may be styled the Mother of the Abyss。 The Abysmal Mother抯 orifice may be called the Root of the Heaven…Earth。
  Continuous she is as though ever abiding; and may be employed without weariness。
  Nature continues long。 What is the reason that Nature continues long? Because it produces nothing for itself it is able to constantly produce。
  It is for this reason that the Holy Man puts himself in the background; yet he comes to the front。 He is indifferent to himself; yet he is preserved。
  Is it not because he has no interests of his own that he is able to secure his interests?
  The highest goodness resembles water。 Water greatly benefits all things; but does not assert itself。
  He approximates to the Tao; who abides by that which men despise。
  He revolutionizes the place in which he dwells; his depth