第 1 节
作者:抵制日货      更新:2021-02-19 20:53      字数:9322
  Cyrano de Bergerac
  A Play in Five Acts
  by Edmond Rostand
  Translated from the French by Gladys Thomas and Mary F。 Guillemard
  The Characters
  The crowd; troopers; burghers (male and female); marquises; musketeers; pickpockets; pastry…cooks; poets; Gascons cadets; actors (male and female); violinists; pages; children; soldiers; Spaniards; spectators (male and female); precieuses; nuns; etc。
  Act I。
  A Representation at the Hotel de Bourgogne。
  The hall of the Hotel de Bourgogne; in 1640。  A sort of tennis…court arranged and decorated for a theatrical performance。
  The hall is oblong and seen obliquely; so that one of its sides forms the back of the right foreground; and meeting the left background makes an angle with the stage; which is partly visible。
  On both sides of the stage are benches。  The curtain is composed of two tapestries which can be drawn aside。  Above a harlequin's mantle are the royal arms。  There are broad steps from the stage to the hall; on either side of these steps are the places for the violinists。  Footlights。
  Two rows; one over the other; of side galleries:  the highest divided into boxes。  No seats in the pit of the hall; which is the real stage of the theater; at the back of the pit; i。e。; on the right foreground; some benches forming steps; and underneath; a staircase which leads to the upper seats。  An improvised buffet ornamented with little lusters; vases; glasses; plates of tarts; cakes; bottles; etc。
  The entrance to the theater is in the center of the background; under the gallery of the boxes。  A large door; half open to let in the spectators。  On the panels of this door; in different corners; and over the buffet; red placards bearing the words; 'La Clorise。'
  At the rising of the curtain the hall is in semi…darkness; and still empty。 The lusters are lowered in the middle of the pit ready to be lighted。
  Scene 1。I。
  The public; arriving by degrees。  Troopers; burghers; lackeys; pages; a pickpocket; the doorkeeper; etc。; followed by the marquises。  Cuigy; Brissaille; the buffet…girl; the violinists; etc。
  (A confusion of loud voices is heard outside the door。  A trooper enters hastily。)
  THE DOORKEEPER (following him):   Hollo!  You there!  Your money!
  THE TROOPER:   I enter gratis。
  THE TROOPER:   Why?  I am of the King's Household Cavalry; 'faith!
  THE DOORKEEPER (to another trooper who enters):   And you?
  SECOND TROOPER:   I pay nothing。
  SECOND TROOPER:   I am a musketeer。
  FIRST TROOPER (to the second):   The play will not begin till two。  The pit is empty。  Come; a bout with the foils to pass the time。
  (They fence with the foils they have brought。)
  A LACKEY (entering):   Pst。 。 。Flanquin。 。 。!
  ANOTHER (already there):   Champagne?。 。 。
  THE FIRST (showing him cards and dice which he takes from his doublet):   See; here be cards and dice。 (He seats himself on the floor):   Let's play。
  THE SECOND (doing the same):   Good; I am with you; villain!
  FIRST LACKEY (taking from his pocket a candle…end; which he lights; and sticks on the floor):   I made free to provide myself with light at my master's expense!
  A GUARDSMAN (to a shop…girl who advances):   'Twas prettily done to come before the lights were lit!
  (He takes her round the waist。)
  ONE OF THE FENCERS (receiving a thrust):   A hit!
  THE GUARDSMAN (following the girl):   A kiss!
  THE SHOP…GIRL (struggling to free herself):   They're looking!
  THE GUARDSMAN (drawing her to a dark corner):   No fear!  No one can see!
  A MAN (sitting on the ground with others; who have brought their provisions):   By coming early; one can eat in comfort。
  A BURGHER (conducting his son):   Let us sit here; son。
  A CARD…PLAYER:   Triple ace!
  A MAN (taking a bottle from under his cloak; and also seating himself on the floor):   A tippler may well quaff his Burgundy (he drinks):   in the Burgundy Hotel!
  THE BURGHER (to his son):   'Faith!  A man might think he had fallen in a bad house here! (He points with his cane to the drunkard):   What with topers! (One of the fencers in breaking off; jostles him):   brawlers! (He stumbles into the midst of the card…players):   gamblers!
  THE GUARDSMAN (behind him; still teasing the shop…girl):   Come; one kiss!
  THE BURGHER (hurriedly pulling his son away):   By all the holies!  And this; my boy; is the theater where they played Rotrou erewhile。
  THE YOUNG MAN:   Ay; and Corneille!
  A TROOP OF PAGES (hand…in…hand; enter dancing the farandole; and singing):   Tra' a la; la; la; la; la; la; la; lere。 。 。
  THE DOORKEEPER (sternly; to the pages):   You pages there; none of your tricks!。 。 。
  FIRST PAGE (with an air of wounded dignity):   Oh; sir!such a suspicion!。 。 。 (Briskly; to the second page; the moment the doorkeeper's back is turned):   Have you string?
  THE SECOND:   Ay; and a fish…hook with it。
  FIRST PAGE:   We can angle for wigs; then; up there i' th' gallery。
  A PICKPOCKET (gathering about him some evil…looking youths):   Hark ye; young cut…purses; lend an ear; while I give you your first lesson in thieving。
  SECOND PAGE (calling up to others in the top galleries):   You there!  Have you peashooters?
  THIRD PAGE (from above):   Ay; have we; and peas withal!
  (He blows; and peppers them with peas。)
  THE YOUNG MAN (to his father):   What piece do they give us?
  THE BURGHER:   'Clorise。'
  THE YOUNG MAN:   Who may the author be?
  THE BURGHER:   Master Balthazar Baro。  It is a play!。 。 。
  (He goes arm…in…arm with his son。)
  THE PICKPOCKET (to his pupils):   Have a care; above all; of the lace knee…rufflescut them off!
  A SPECTATOR (to another; showing him a corner in the gallery):   I was up there; the first night of the 'Cid。'
  THE PICKPOCKET (making with his fingers the gesture of filching):   Thus for watches
  THE BURGHER (coming down again with his son):   Ah!  You shall presently see some renowned actors。 。 。
  THE PICKPOCKET (making the gestures of one who pulls something stealthily; with little jerks):   Thus for handkerchiefs
  THE BURGHER:   Montfleury。 。 。
  SOME ONE (shouting from the upper gallery):   Light up; below there!
  THE BURGHER:   。 。 。Bellerose; L'Epy; La Beaupre; Jodelet!
  A PAGE (in the pit):   Here comes the buffet…girl!
  THE BUFFET…GIRL (taking her place behind the buffet):   Oranges; milk; raspberry…water; cedar bitters!
  (A hubbub outside the door is heard。)
  A FALSETTO VOICE:   Make place; brutes!
  A LACKEY (astonished):   The Marquises!in the pit?。 。 。
  ANOTHER LACKEY:   Oh! only for a minute or two!
  (Enter a band of young marquises。)
  A MARQUIS (seeing that the hall is half empty):   What now!  So we make our entrance like a pack of woolen…drapers!  Peaceably; without disturbing the folk; or treading on their toes!Oh; fie!  Fie! (Recognizing some other gentlemen who have entered a little before him):   Cuigy!  Brissaille!
  (Greetings and embraces。)
  CUIGY:   True to our word!。 。 。Troth; we are here before the candles are lit。
  THE MARQUIS:   Ay; indeed!  Enough!  I am of an ill humor。
  ANOTHER:   Nay; nay; Marquis! see; for your consolation; they are coming to light up!
  ALL THE AUDIENCE (welcoming the entrance of the lighter):   Ah!。 。 。
  (They form in groups round the lusters as they are lit。  Some people have taken their seats in the galleries。  Ligniere; a distinguished…looking roue; with disordered shirt…front arm…in…arm with christian de Neuvillette。  Christian; who is dressed elegantly; but rather behind the fashion; seems preoccupied; and keeps looking at the boxes。)
  Scene 1。II。
  The same。  Christian; Ligniere; then Ragueneau and Le Bret。
  CUIGY:   Ligniere!
  BRISSAILLE (laughing):   Not drunk as yet?
  LIGNIERE (aside to Christian):   I may introduce you? (Christian nods in assent):   Baron de Neuvillette。
  THE AUDIENCE (applauding as the first luster is lighted and drawn up):   Ah!
  CUIGY (to Brissaille; looking at Christian):   'Tis a pretty fellow!
  FIRST MARQUIS (who has overheard):   Pooh!
  LIGNIERE (introducing them to Christian):   My lords De Cuigy。  De Brissaille。 。 。
  CHRISTIAN (bowing):   Delighted!。 。 。
  FIRST MARQUIS (to second):   He is not ill to look at; but certes; he is not costumed in the latest mode。
  LIGNIERE (to Cuigy):   This gentleman comes from Touraine。
  CHRISTIAN:   Yes; I have scarce been twenty days in Paris; tomorrow I join the Guards; in the Cadets。
  FIRST MARQUIS (watching the people who are coming into the boxes):   There is the wife of the Chief…