第 32 节
作者:江暖      更新:2021-02-19 20:44      字数:9320
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  Life of Marion。
  whole   town;   except   a   few   houses   on   the   outskirts;   was   burnt。   No   doubt
  Manson had his orders from Balfour。
  As the continental troops were without pay and clothing; a plan was
  adopted by the governor and council to impress all the indigo for public
  service which could be found; and it was expected that it would now serve
  instead     of  money     as  a  medium      of  exchange。      The   principle    had   been
  authorised by an old militia law; but it was a rigourous measure and a poor
  expedient; although the best that could be devised at the time。 Many thrifty
  planters had hoarded up their indigo; ever since the commencement of the
  war;   hoping   some   day   to   turn   it   into   money。   Capt。  Wm。   Richardson;   of
  Bloomhill;      was    appointed     commissary       general     by   the  governor;     and
  assistants were appointed by him in the several districts of the state; who
  went about with press warrants in their pockets; and parties to assist them;
  and set a price upon each man's indigo; for which they gave him a receipt;
  promising       payment     from    the   state。  The    general    depot    was    fixed   at
  It was in contemplation at the time likewise to raise two regiments of
  state troops to be attached to Marion's brigade; and for this purpose all the
  horses   fit   for   cavalry   were   impressed;   except   those   of   men   actually   in
  service。 These were indeed high handed measures; but appeared necessary
  at the time。 Winter was approaching; and Gen。 Greene states in a letter to
  Col。 Peter Horry; of the 11th of November; 〃Blankets are so scarce with us;
  that more than three…fourths of our men are without。〃 A few goods fit for
  service     were    afterwards      purchased     for   indigo;    but   at   an   enormous
  *   Instance      New   England   rum   at   3   75。   Soldier's   saddles   25。
  Blankets   none   as   yet。   Best   indigo   in   exchange   three   shillings   sterling。
  Letter 9th October。
  On the 27th of September Gov。 Rutledge had ordered by proclamation;
  that the disaffected should come in within thirty days and do duty for six
  months。  This measure brought down disgrace; and soon after nearly ruin
  upon   Marion's   brigade。   This   proclamation   is   long   but   to   the   following
  〃That   whereas;   the   British   had   been   compelled   to   evacuate   all   their
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  Life of Marion。
  strong posts; and could no more give protection to their adherents; and as
  many  of   them   still   remained   with   the   British   or   lurked   in   secret   places。
  And whereas; the commandant of Charleston; having sent beyond sea the
  wives   and   families   of   all   the   avowed   friends   of   America   in   town   and
  country;   and   the   brigadiers   of   militia   had   been   ordered   to   retaliate   by
  sending the wives and families of such adherents within the British lines;
  and it is understood that they are in great distress and poverty。 Therefore; a
  free pardon is offered for the offence of having borne arms; provided they
  surrender themselves up to a brigadier of the state within thirty days; and
  do     constant    duty    in   the   militia    service    for   six   months;      and   upon
  performance of these conditions their wives and children were allowed to
  return; except such as having joined the enemy; were called upon by two
  proclamations to return in forty days; in pursuance of an ordinance of the
  legislature。 All such as were sent out of the state for refusing to take the
  oath   required   of   them   by   law   and   had   returned。 All   such   as   subscribed
  addresses to Sir H。 Clinton and Lord Cornwallis; congratulating them on
  their victories。 All such as hold or have held military commissions。 And all
  those   whose   conduct   has   been   so   infamous   that   they   cannot   consistent
  with     policy   and    justice   partake    of   the  rights   of   citizens。   But    if  they
  surrender      to   the  commander        in   chief   for  the   time;    and   were    judged
  inadmissible; they should not be detained。〃
  This abstract has been given to show the singular manner of legislating
  in those times。* Not; but that it was necessary thus to legislate; as it was
  certainly   better   to   have   some   kind   of   civil   government   than   none。   The
  raising of   two   regiments   of   cavalry  was   suggested   by  Gen。   Greene;   and
  highly     approved      both    by   the   governor     and    Marion;     and    it  certainly
  promised well at first。 Col。 Hezekiah Maham; who had been elected by the
  provincial congress a captain in the first rifle regiment; when they passed
  an   act   to   raise two such   regiments;  in   March;   1776;  was now   appointed
  commander of one corps; and Col。 Peter Horry commander of the other;
  he had been captain in the 2d regiment from the beginning of 1775; and
  was the older officer of the two; the reader will hereafter see the effect of
  this observation。
  *   Governor   Rutledge   had   but   two   of   his   council   with   him   at   this
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  Life of Marion。
  time; Daniel Huger and John L。 Gervais。
  As they had no bounty money to give; recruiting went on slowly; and
  they   fell   upon   the   following   expedient;   which   was   warmly   opposed   by
  Gov。 Rutledge at first; but it is supposed was favoured by Marion。 All men
  that   could   hire  a   substitute  in   the  regiments   now  raising   were   exempted
  from militia duty。  This soon drew from the ranks the best of Marion's
  men;   men   who   had   served   from   the   first;   and   had   left   their   families   at
  home   in   huts;   and   still   in   distress;   but   they   could   yet   spare   one   or   two
  negroes; which they did not much value; to hire a substitute to do duty for
  them。   The   war   was   now   moved   comparatively   far   from   them;   and   they
  sighed for home。 In the mean time; the six months men came tumbling in
  by scores; to supply their places。 Their new white feathers; fine coats; new
  saddles and bridles; and famished horses; showed they had lately been in
  the British garrison。 These were not the men to endure privations and fight
  their country's battles。 Those of Marion's tried men who remained; could
  never   confide   in   them;   and   now;   as   is   always   usual   in   armies;   the   most
  unprincipled men enlisted in the new regiments; but were not kept in the
  discipline   necessary   for   taming   such   characters;   or   making   them   good
  soldiers。 When   Maham   had   got   about   seventy  men   and   Horry  not   yet   a
  troop; both their commissions being of the same date; they quarreled about
  precedence   in   rank;   and   although   Gov。   Rutledge   reasoned;   Gen。   Greene
  persuaded; and Marion threatened; they could never be reconciled。 Maham
  appears to have been very refractory on this occasion; and would listen to
  no accommodation。 While in the end; Horry acted much in the wrong。
  There   are   in   the   correspondence   of   that   day   many   letters   of   Gov。
  Rutledge; several of which; without the suppression of names; it would be
  highly injurious to the feelings of many to publish at the present time; the
  rest are not interesting; except a few which show the spirit of the times;
  and are mostly long and able constructions of militia laws; now obsolete。
  About this time he issued a proclamation suspending the acts of assembly;
  and   making   paper   money*   a   tender   in   law;   which;   although   strong;   was
  certainly a just proceeding。
  * For an example of its present depreciation; see p。 152。 'Detached
  Narratives for 1781; Paragraph 6  list of prices。  A。 L。'
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  Life of Marion。
  Col。    Maham   having        now    raised    and   equipped     part   of  his   cavalry;
  passed   the   Santee;   burnt   some   British   stores   in   the   house   of   Sir   John
  Colleton; at Fairlawn; and took some prisoners。 On the 16th of October;
  Gen。      Greene     writes     to   Marion;      〃Col。    Maham's       success     is   highly
  honourable   to   himself   and   corps;   and   I   hope   will   be   followed   by   future
  strokes of good   fortune。〃 This hope   was not   realized。 A letter   from  Col。
  Doyle; of the Bri