第 51 节
作者:左思右想      更新:2021-02-19 19:46      字数:9322
  arms?) of his young mistress by the intervention of his
  friend honest William。  A much harder heart than
  George's would have melted at the sight of that sweet
  face so sadly ravaged by grief and despair; and at the
  simple tender accents in which she told her little broken…
  hearted story: but as she did not faint when her mother;
  trembling; brought Osborne to her; and as she only gave
  relief to her overcharged grief; by laying her head on
  her lover's shoulder and there weeping for a while the
  most tender; copious; and refreshing tearsold Mrs。
  Sedley; too greatly relieved; thought it was best to leave
  the young persons to themselves; and so quitted Emmy
  crying over George's hand; and kissing it humbly; as if he
  were her supreme chief and master; and as if she were
  quite a guilty and unworthy person needing every favour
  and grace from him。
  This prostration and sweet unrepining obedience
  exquisitely touched and flattered George Osborne。  He saw a
  slave before him in that simple yielding faithful creature;
  and his soul within him thrilled secretly somehow
  at the knowledge of his power。  He would be generous…
  minded; Sultan as he was; and raise up this kneeling
  Esther and make a queen of her:  besides; her sadness
  and beauty touched him as much as her submission; and
  so he cheered her; and raised her up and forgave her; so
  to speak。  All her hopes and feelings; which were dying
  and withering; this her sun having been removed from
  her; bloomed again and at once; its light being restored。
  You would scarcely have recognised the beaming little
  face upon Amelia's pillow that night as the one that was
  laid there the night before; so wan; so lifeless; so
  careless of all round about。  The honest Irish maid…servant;
  delighted with the change; asked leave to kiss the face
  that had grown all of a sudden so rosy。  Amelia put her
  arms round the girl's neck and kissed her with all her
  heart; like a child。  She was little more。  She had that night
  a sweet refreshing sleep; like oneand what a spring of
  inexpressible happiness as she woke in the morning sunshine!
  〃He will be here again to…day;〃 Amelia thought。  〃He is
  the greatest and best of men。〃  And the fact is; that
  George thought he was one of the generousest creatures
  alive: and that he was making a tremendous sacrifice in
  marrying this young creature。
  While she and Osborne were having their delightful
  tete…a…tete above stairs; old Mrs。 Sedley and Captain
  Dobbin were conversing below upon the state of the
  affairs; and the chances and future arrangements of the
  young people。  Mrs。 Sedley having brought the two lovers
  together and left them embracing each other with all their
  might; like a true woman; was of opinion that no power
  on earth would induce Mr。 Sedley to consent to the match
  between his daughter and the son of a man who had so
  shamefully; wickedly; and monstrously treated him。  And
  she told a long story about happier days and their earlier
  splendours; when Osborne lived in a very humble way in
  the New Road; and his wife was too glad to receive some
  of Jos's little baby things; with which Mrs。 Sedley
  accommodated her at the birth of one of Osborne's own
  children。  The fiendish ingratitude of that man; she was
  sure; had broken Mr。 S。's heart: and as for a marriage;
  he would never; never; never; never consent。
  〃They must run away together; Ma'am;〃 Dobbin said;
  laughing; 〃and follow the example of Captain Rawdon
  Crawley; and Miss Emmy's friend the little governess。〃
  Was it possible? Well she never!  Mrs。 Sedley was all
  excitement about this news。  She wished that Blenkinsop were
  here to hear it:  Blenkinsop always mistrusted that Miss
  Sharp。What an escape Jos had had! and she described
  the already well…known love…passages between Rebecca and
  the Collector of Boggley Wollah。
  It was not; however; Mr。 Sedley's wrath which Dobbin
  feared; so much as that of the other parent concerned;
  and he owned that he had a very considerable doubt
  and anxiety respecting the behaviour of the black…browed
  old tyrant of a Russia merchant in Russell Square。  He
  has forbidden the match peremptorily; Dobbin thought。
  He knew what a savage determined man Osborne was; and
  how he stuck by his word。  The only chance George has
  of reconcilement;〃 argued his friend; 〃is by distinguishing
  himself in the coming campaign。  If he dies they both go
  together。  If he fails in distinctionwhat then?  He has
  some money from his mother; I have heard enough to
  purchase his majorityor he must sell out and go and
  dig in Canada; or rough it in a cottage in the country。〃
  With such a partner Dobbin thought he would not mind
  Siberiaand; strange to say; this absurd and utterly
  imprudent young fellow never for a moment considered that
  the want of means to keep a nice carriage and horses;
  and of an income which should enable its possessors to
  entertain their friends genteelly; ought to operate as bars
  to the union of George and Miss Sedley。
  It was these weighty considerations which made him
  think too that the marriage should take place as quickly
  as possible。  Was he anxious himself; I wonder; to have it
  over。?as people; when death has occurred; like to press
  forward the funeral; or when a parting is resolved upon;
  hasten it。  It is certain that Mr。 Dobbin; having taken the
  matter in hand; was most extraordinarily eager in the
  conduct of it。  He urged on George the necessity of immediate
  action:  he showed the chances of reconciliation with
  his father; which a favourable mention of his name in the
  Gazette must bring about。  If need were he would go himself
  and brave both the fathers in the business。  At all
  events; he besought George to go through with it before
  the orders came; which everybody expected; for the
  departure of the regiment from England on foreign service。
  Bent upon these hymeneal projects; and with the applause
  and consent of Mrs。 Sedley; who did not care to
  break the matter personally to her husband; Mr。 Dobbin
  went to seek John Sedley at his house of call in the City;
  the Tapioca Coffee…house; where; since his own offices
  were shut up; and fate had overtaken him; the poor
  broken…down old gentleman used to betake himself daily;
  and write letters and receive them; and tie them up into
  mysterious bundles; several of which he carried in the
  flaps of his coat。  I don't know anything more dismal than
  that business and bustle and mystery of a ruined man:  those
  letters from the wealthy which he shows you:  those worn
  greasy documents promising support and offering
  condolence which he places wistfully before you; and on
  which he builds his hopes of restoration and future fortune。
  My beloved reader has no doubt in the course of
  his experience been waylaid by many such a luckless
  companion。  He takes you into the corner; he has his bundle
  of papers out of his gaping coat pocket; and the tape off;
  and the string in his mouth; and the favourite letters
  selected and laid before you; and who does not know the
  sad eager half…crazy look which he fixes on you with his
  hopeless eyes?
  Changed into a man of this sort; Dobbin found the
  once florid; jovial; and prosperous John Sedley。  His
  coat; that used to be so glossy and trim; was white at the
  seams; and the buttons showed the copper。  His face had
  fallen in; and was unshorn; his frill and neckcloth hung
  limp under his bagging waistcoat。  When he used to treat
  the boys in old days at a coffee…house; he would shout
  and laugh louder than anybody there; and have all the
  waiters skipping round him; it was quite painful to see
  how humble and civil he was to John of the Tapioca; a
  blear…eyed old attendant in dingy stockings and cracked
  pumps; whose business it was to serve glasses of wafers;
  and bumpers of ink in pewter; and slices of paper to the
  frequenters of this dreary house of entertainment; where
  nothing else seemed to be consumed。  As for William
  Dobbin; whom he had tipped repeatedly in his youth; and
  who had been the old gentleman's butt on a thousand
  occasions; old Sedley gave his hand to him in a very
  hesitating humble manner now; and called him 〃Sir。〃 A
  feeling of shame and remorse took possession of William
  Dobbin as the broken old man so received and addressed
  him; as if he himself had been somehow guilty of the
  misfortunes which had brought Sedley so low。
  〃I am very glad to see you; Captain Dobbin; sir;〃 says
  he; after a skulking look or two at his visitor (whose lanky
  figure and military appearance caused some excitement
  likewise to twinkle in the blear eyes of the waiter in the
  cracked dancing pumps; and awakened the old lady in
  black; who dozed among the mouldy old coffee…cups in the
  bar)。  〃How is the worthy alderman; and my lady; your
  excellent mother; sir?〃  He looked round at the waiter as
  he said; 〃My lady;〃 as much as to say; 〃Hark ye; John; I
  have friends still; and persons of rank and reputation;
  too。〃  〃Are you come to do anything in my way; sir?  My
  young friends Dale and Spiggot do all my business for me
  now; until my new offices are ready; for I'm only here
  temporarily; you know; Captain。  What can we do for you。
  sir?  Will you like to take anything?〃
  Dobbin; with a great deal of hesitation and stuttering;