第 12 节
作者:美丽心点      更新:2021-02-19 19:37      字数:9322
  issues nor to larger reach Than to suspicion。 OTHELLO。 I will not。 IAGO。
  Should you do so; my lord; My speech should fall into such vile success
  Which my thoughts aim not at。 Cassio's my worthy friend My lord; I see
  you're    moved。     OTHELLO。         No;   not   much    moved。     I  do  not   think   but
  Desdemona's honest。 IAGO。 Long live she so! and long live you to think
  so! OTHELLO。 And yet; how nature erring from itself IAGO。 Ay; there's
  the point; asto be bold with you Not to affect many proposed matches
  Of her own clime; complexion; and degree; Whereto we see in all things
  nature     tends   Foh;    one   may    smell    in  such   a   will  most    rank;   Foul
  disproportion;   thoughts   unnatural。   But   pardon   me。   I   do   not   in   position
  Distinctly speak of her; though I may fear; Her will; recoiling to her better
  judgement;   May  fall   to   match   you   with   her   country  forms; And   happily
  repent。 OTHELLO。 Farewell; farewell。 If more thou dost perceive; let me
  know more; Set on thy wife to observe。 Leave me; Iago。 IAGO。 'Going。'
  My   lord;   I   take   my   leave。   OTHELLO。   Why   did   I   marry?   This   honest
  creature   doubtless   Sees   and   knows   more;   much   more;   than   he   unfolds。
  IAGO。 'Returning。' My lord; I would I might entreat your honor To scan
  this thing no further; leave it to time。 Though it be fit that Cassio have his
  place; For sure he fills it up with great ability; Yet; if you please to hold
  him off awhile; You shall by that perceive him and his means。 Note if your
  lady   strain   his   entertainment   With   any   strong   or   vehement   importunity;
  Much will be seen in that。 In the meantime; Let me be thought too busy in
  my fears As worthy cause I have to fear I am And hold her free; I do
  … Page 58…
  beseech your honor。 OTHELLO。 Fear not my government。 IAGO。 I once
  more take my leave。 Exit。 OTHELLO。 This fellow's of exceeding honesty;
  And knows all qualities; with a learned spirit; Of human dealings。 If I do
  prove her haggard; Though that her jesses were my dear heartstrings; I'ld
  whistle her off and let her down the wind To prey at fortune。 Haply; for I
  am black And have not those soft parts of conversation That chamberers
  have;   or   for   I   am   declined   Into   the   vale   of   yearsyet   that's   not   much
  She's gone。 I am abused; and my relief Must be to loathe her。 O curse of
  marriage;   That   we   can   call   these   delicate   creatures   ours;   And   not   their
  appetites! I had rather be a toad; And live upon the vapor of a dungeon;
  Than keep a corner in the thing I love For others' uses。 Yet; 'tis the plague
  of   great   ones:    Prerogatived     are   they   less  than   the   base;   'Tis  destiny
  unshunnable; like death。 Even then this forked plague is fated to us When
  we do quicken。 Desdemona comes:
  Re…enter Desdemona and Emilia。
  If  she   be   false;  O;   then   heaven     mocks     itself!  I'll  not  believe't。
  DESDEMONA。             How     now;    my    dear    Othello!    Your    dinner;    and   the
  generous islanders By you invited; do attend your presence。 OTHELLO。 I
  am to blame。 DESDEMONA。 Why do you speak so faintly? Are you not
  well? OTHELLO。 I have a pain upon my forehead here。 DESDEMONA。
  Faith;   that's   with   watching;   'twill   away   again。   Let   me   but   bind   it   hard;
  within this hour It will be well。 OTHELLO。 Your napkin is too little; He
  puts the handkerchief from him; and she drops it。 Let it alone。 Come; I'll
  go   in   with   you。   DESDEMONA。   I   am   very   sorry   that   you   are   not   well。
  Exeunt   Othello   and   Desdemona。   EMILIA。   I   am   glad   I   have   found   this
  napkin;   This   was   her   first   remembrance   from   the   Moor。   My   wayward
  husband hath a hundred times Woo'd me to steal it; but she so loves the
  token;  For   he   conjured   her   she   should   ever   keep   it; That   she   reserves   it
  evermore about her To kiss and talk to。 I'll have the work ta'en out; And
  give't Iago。 What he will do with it Heaven knows; not I; I nothing but to
  please his fantasy。
  Re…enter Iago。
  IAGO。   How   now;   what   do   you   here   alone?   EMILIA。   Do   not   you
  chide; I have a thing for you。 IAGO。 A thing for me? It is a common thing…
  … Page 59…
  …   EMILIA。   Ha!   IAGO。   To   have   a   foolish   wife。   EMILIA。   O;   is   that   all?
  What   will   you   give   me   now   For   that   same   handkerchief?   IAGO。   What
  handkerchief?       EMILIA。      What     handkerchief?      Why;    that  the  Moor     first
  gave   to   Desdemona;   That   which   so   often   you   did   bid   me   steal。   IAGO。
  Hast stol'n it from her? EMILIA。 No; faith; she let it drop by negligence;
  And; to the advantage; I being here took't up。 Look; here it is。 IAGO。 A
  good wench; give it me。 EMILIA。 What will you do with't; that you have
  been so earnest To have me filch it? IAGO。 'Snatching it。' Why; what is
  that to   you? EMILIA。  If't be   not for some purpose of import;  Give't   me
  again。   Poor   lady;   she'll   run   mad   When   she   shall   lack   it。   IAGO。   Be   not
  acknown   on't;   I   have   use   for   it。   Go;   leave   me。   Exit   Emilia。   I   will   in
  Cassio's lodging lose this napkin; And let him find it。 Trifles light as air
  Are to the jealous confirmations strong As proofs of holy writ; this may do
  something。       The    Moor     already    changes     with   my    poison:    Dangerous
  conceits are in their natures poisons; Which at the first are scarce found to
  distaste; But with a little act upon the blood Burn like the mines of sulphur。
  I did say so。 Look; where he comes!
  Re…enter Othello。
  Not poppy; nor mandragora; Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world;
  Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep Which thou owedst yesterday。
  OTHELLO。 Ha; ha; false to me? IAGO。 Why; how now; general! No more
  of   that。   OTHELLO。  Avaunt!   be   gone!   Thou   hast   set   me   on   the   rack。   I
  swear 'tis better to be much abused Than but to know't a little。 IAGO。 How
  now; my lord? OTHELLO。 What sense had I of her stol'n hours of lust? I
  saw't not; thought it not; it harm'd not me; I slept the next night well; was
  free and merry; I found not Cassio's kisses on her lips。 He that is robb'd;
  not wanting what is stol'n; Let him not know't and he's not robb'd at all。
  IAGO。 I am sorry to hear this。 OTHELLO。 I had been happy if the general
  camp; Pioners and all; had tasted her sweet body; So I had nothing known。
  O; now forever Farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content! Farewell the
  plumed   troop   and   the   big   wars   That   make   ambition   virtue!   O;   farewell;
  Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump; The spirit…stirring drum;
  the ear…piercing fife; The royal banner; and all quality; Pride; pomp; and
  circumstance   of   glorious   war!   And   O   you   mortal   engines;   whose   rude
  … Page 60…
  throats The immortal Jove's dread clamors counterfeit; Farewell! Othello's
  occupation's gone! IAGO。 Is't possible; my lord? OTHELLO。 Villain; be
  sure thou prove my love a whore; Be sure of it。 Give me the ocular proof;
  Or; by the worth of man's eternal soul; Thou hadst been better have been
  born    a  dog   Than    answer   my    waked     wrath!   IAGO。     Is't   come   to  this?
  OTHELLO。          Make    me    to  see't;  or  at  the  least  so   prove   it;  That   the
  probation bear no hinge nor loop To hang a doubt on; or woe upon thy life!
  IAGO。 My noble   lord OTHELLO。 If   thou dost slander her and torture
  me;   Never   pray   more;      abandon   all   remorse;    On   horror's   head    horrors
  accumulate; Do deeds to make heaven weep; all earth amazed; For nothing
  canst thou to damnation add Greater than that。 IAGO。 O grace! O heaven
  defend me! Are   you a   man? have you a   soul or sense?   God be wi'   you;
  take mine office。 O wretched fool; That livest to make thine honesty a vice!
  O monstrous world! Take note; take note; O world; To be direct and honest
  is not safe。 I thank you for this profit; and from hence I'll love no friend
  sith   love   breeds   such   offense。   OTHELLO。   Nay;   stay;   thou   shouldst   be
  honest。   IAGO。   I   should   be   wise;   for   honesty's   a   fool; And   loses   that   it
  works for。 OTHELLO。 By the world; I think my wife be honest; and think
  she is not; I think that thou art just; and think thou art not。 I'll have some
  proof。 Her name; that was as fresh As Dia