第 6 节
作者:美丽心点      更新:2021-02-19 19:37      字数:9322
  hopes      do   shape     him    for   the    governor。     Guns     heard。    SECOND
  GENTLEMAN。 They do discharge their shot of courtesy Our friends at
  least。 CASSIO。 I pray you; sir; go forth; And give us truth who 'tis that is
  arrived。  SECOND   GENTLEMAN。  I   shall。   Exit。  MONTANO。   But;   good
  lieutenant;   is   your   general   wived?   CASSIO。   Most   fortunately:   he   hath
  achieved a maid That paragons description and wild fame; One that excels
  the quirks of blazoning pens; And in the essential vesture of creation Does
  tire the ingener。
  Re…enter second Gentleman。
  How now! who has put in? SECOND GENTLEMAN。 'Tis one Iago;
  ancient   to   the   general。   CASSIO。   He   has   had   most   favorable   and   happy
  speed: Tempests   themselves;  high seas; and   howling   winds; The  gutter'd
  rocks; and congregated sands; Traitors ensteep'd to clog the guiltless keel;
  As having sense of beauty; do omit Their mortal natures; letting go safely
  by The divine Desdemona。 MONTANO。 What is she? CASSIO。 She that I
  spake of; our great captain's captain; Left in the conduct of the bold Iago;
  Whose   footing   here   anticipates   our   thoughts   A   se'nnight's   speed。   Great
  Jove;  Othello   guard; And   swell   his sail   with   thine   own   powerful   breath;
  That he may bless this bay with his tall ship; Make love's quick pants in
  Desdemona's arms; Give renew'd fire to our extincted spirits; And bring all
  Cyprus comfort。
  Enter Desdemona; Emilia Iago; Roderigo; and Attendants。 O; behold;
  The riches of the ship is come on shore! Ye men of Cyprus; let her have
  … Page 29…
  your knees。   Hall to thee; lady! And   the grace of heaven;   Before;   behind
  thee; and on every hand; Enwheel thee round! DESDEMONA。 I thank you;
  valiant Cassio。 What tidings can you tell me of my lord? CASSIO。 He is
  not   yet   arrived;   nor   know   I   aught   But   that   he's   well   and   will   be   shortly
  here。   DESDEMONA。   O;   but   I   fearHow   lost   you   company?   CASSIO。
  The great contention of the sea and skies Parted our fellowshipBut; hark!
  a sail。 A cry within; 〃A sail; a sail!〃 Guns heard。 SECOND GENTLEMAN。
  They give their greeting to the citadel; This likewise is a friend。 CASSIO。
  See   for   the   news。   Exit   Gentleman。  Good   ancient;   you   are   welcome。   'To
  Emilia。' Welcome; mistress。 Let it not gall your patience; good Iago; That
  I extend my  manners; 'tis my breeding That gives me this bold show  of
  courtesy。 Kisses her。 IAGO。 Sir; would she give you so much of her lips
  As     of   her   tongue     she   oft   bestows     on    me;    You'ld    have    enough。
  DESDEMONA。 Alas; she has no speech。 IAGO。 In faith; too much; I find
  it still when I have list to sleep。 Marry; before your ladyship I grant; She
  puts   her  tongue   a   little   in   her  heart And   chides   with   thinking。   EMILIA。
  You   have   little   cause   to   say   so。   IAGO。    Come   on;   come     on。   You   are
  pictures   out   of   doors;   Bells   in   your   parlors;   wildcats   in   your   kitchens;
  Saints in your injuries; devils being offended; Players in your housewifery;
  and housewives in your beds。 DESDEMONA。 O; fie upon thee; slanderer!
  IAGO。 Nay; it is true; or else I am a Turk: You rise to play; and go to bed
  to work。 EMILIA。 You shall not write my praise。 IAGO。 No; let me not。
  DESDEMONA。  What   wouldst   thou   write   of   me;   if   thou   shouldst   praise
  me?   IAGO。   O   gentle   lady;   do   not   put   me   to't;   For   I   am   nothing   if   not
  critical。 DESDEMONA。 Come on; assayThere's one gone to the harbor?
  IAGO。 Ay; madam。 DESDEMONA。 I am not merry; but I do beguile The
  thing   I   am   by   seeming   otherwise。   Come;   how   wouldst   thou   praise   me?
  IAGO。   I   am   about   it;   but   indeed   my   invention   Comes   from   my   pate   as
  birdlime does from frieze; It plucks out brains and all。 But my Muse labors;
  And   thus   she   is   deliver'd。   If   she   be   fair   and   wise;   fairness   and   wit; The
  one's for use; the other useth it。 DESDEMONA。 Well praised! How if she
  be black and witty? IAGO。 If she be black; and thereto have a wit; She'll
  find a white that shall her blackness fit。 DESDEMONA。 Worse and worse。
  EMILIA。 How if fair and foolish? IAGO。 She never yet was foolish that
  … Page 30…
  was fair; For even her folly help'd her to an heir。 DESDEMONA。 These
  are    old  fond    paradoxes     to  make     fools  laugh    i'  the  alehouse。    What
  miserable praise hast thou for her that's foul and foolish? IAGO。 There's
  none so foul and   foolish thereunto; But does   foul pranks which fair   and
  wise ones do。 DESDEMONA。 O heavy ignorance! Thou praisest the worst
  best。 But what praise couldst thou bestow on a deserving woman indeed;
  one that in the authority of her merit did justly put on the vouch of very
  malice itself? IAGO。 She that was ever fair and never proud; Had tongue
  at will and yet was never loud; Never lack'd gold and yet went never gay;
  Fled from her wish and yet said; 〃Now I may〃; She that; being anger'd; her
  revenge being nigh; Bade her wrong stay and her displeasure fly; She that
  in wisdom never was so frail To change the cod's head for the salmon's tail;
  She that could think and ne'er disclose her mind; See suitors following and
  not    look    behind;     She    was    a  wight;    if   ever   such    wight     were
  DESDEMONA。 To do what? IAGO。 To suckle fools and chronicle small
  beer。 DESDEMONA。 O most lame and impotent conclusion! Do not learn
  of him; Emilia; though he be thy husband。 How say you; Cassio? Is he not
  a most profane and liberal counselor? CASSIO。 He speaks home; madam。
  You may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar。 IAGO。 'Aside。'
  He takes her by the palm; ay; well said; whisper。 With as little a web as
  this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio。 Ay; smile upon her; do; I will
  gyve   thee   in   thine   own   courtship。   You   say   true;   'tis   so;   indeed。   If   such
  tricks as these strip you out of your lieutenantry; it had been better you had
  not kissed your three fingers so oft; which now again you are most apt to
  play   the   sir   in。   Very   good。   Well   kissed!   an   excellent   courtesy!   'tis   so;
  indeed。 Yet again your fingers to your lips? Would they were clyster…pipes
  for your sake! 'Trumpet within。' The Moor! I know his trumpet。 CASSIO。
  'Tis truly so。 DESDEMONA。 Let's meet him and receive him。 CASSIO。
  Lo; where he comes!
  Enter Othello and Attendants。
  OTHELLO。   O   my   fair   warrior!   DESDEMONA。   My   dear   Othello!
  OTHELLO。   It   gives   me   wonder   great   as   my   content   To   see   you   here
  before me。 O my soul's joy! If after every tempest come such calms; May
  the   winds   blow   till   they   have   waken'd   death! And   let   the   laboring   bark
  … Page 31…
  climb hills of   seas   Olympus…high; and   duck   again   as low As hell's   from
  heaven! If it were now to die; 'Twere now to be most happy; for I fear My
  soul   hath   her   content   so   absolute   That   not   another   comfort   like   to   this
  Succeeds in unknown fate。 DESDEMONA。 The heavens forbid But   that
  our    loves    and   comforts     should    increase;    Even    as   our   days   do   grow!
  OTHELLO。 Amen   to that;   sweet   powers!   I  cannot   speak   enough   of   this
  content;   It   stops   me   here;   it   is   too   much   of   joy。 And   this;   and   this;   the
  greatest   discords   be   Kisses   her。   That   e'er   our   hearts   shall   make!   IAGO。
  'Aside。' O; you are well tuned now! But I'll set down the pegs that make
  this   music;   As   honest   as   I   am。   OTHELLO。   Come;   let   us   to   the   castle。
  News; friends:   our   wars   are   done;  the Turks   are drown'd。  How  does   my
  old acquaintance of this isle? Honey; you shall be well desired in Cyprus; I
  have found great love amongst them。 O my sweet; I prattle out of fashion;
  and I dote In mine own comforts。 I prithee; good Iago; Go to the bay and
  disembark my coffers。 Bring thou the master to the citadel; He is a good
  one; and his worthiness Does challenge much respect。 Come; Desdemona;
  Once more well met at Cyprus。 Exeunt all but Iago and Roderigo。 IAGO。
  Do     thou   meet    me   presently     at  the  harbor。    Come     hither。   If  thou   be'st
  valiantas they say base men being in love have then a nobility in their
  natures     more    than    is  native   to   themlist    me。   The    lieutenant