第 4 节
作者:美丽心点      更新:2021-02-19 19:37      字数:9321
  intentively。 I did consent; And often did beguile her of her tears When I
  did   speak   of   some   distressful   stroke   That   my   youth   suffer'd。   My   story
  being   done;   She   gave   me   for   my   pains   a   world   of   sighs;   She   swore;   in
  faith;   'twas   strange;   'twas   passing   strange;   'Twas   pitiful;   'twas   wondrous
  pitiful。   She   wish'd she   had not   heard   it;   yet   she   wish'd That heaven   had
  made her such a man; she thank'd me; And bade me; if I had a friend that
  loved   her;   I   should   but   teach   him  how   to   tell   my  story; And   that   would
  woo her。 Upon this hint I spake: She loved me for the dangers I had pass'd;
  And I loved her that she did pity them。 This only is the witchcraft I have
  used。 Here comes the lady; let her witness it。
  Enter Desdemona; Iago; and Attendants。
  DUKE。 I think this tale would win my daughter too。 Good Brabantio;
  Take   up   this   mangled   matter   at   the   best:   Men   do   their   broken   weapons
  rather   use   Than   their   bare   hands。   BRABANTIO。   I   pray   you;   hear   her
  speak。 If she confess that she was half the wooer; Destruction on my head;
  if my bad blame Light on the man! Come hither; gentle mistress。 Do you
  perceive     in   all  this  noble    company      Where     most    you   owe    obedience?
  DESDEMONA。   My   noble   father;   I   do   perceive   here   a   divided   duty。   To
  you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn
  me   How   to   respect   you;   you   are   the   lord   of   duty;   I   am   hitherto   your
  daughter。 But here's my husband; And so much duty as my mother show'd
  To you; preferring you before her father; So much I challenge that I may
  profess Due to the Moor; my lord。 BRABANTIO。 God be with you! I have
  done。 Please it your Grace; on to the state affairs; I had rather to adopt a
  child than get it。 Come hither; Moor。 I here do give thee that with all my
  heart Which; but thou hast already; with all my heart I would keep from
  thee。 For your sake; jewel; I am glad at soul I have no other child; For thy
  escape would teach me tyranny; To hang clogs on them。 I have done; my
  lord。 DUKE。 Let me speak like yourself; and lay a sentence Which; as a
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  grise or step; may help these lovers Into your favor。 When remedies   are
  past;    the  griefs    are  ended     By   seeing    the   worst;   which     late  on   hopes
  depended。 To mourn a mischief that is past and gone Is the next way to
  draw   new   mischief   on。   What   cannot   be   preserved   when   Fortune   takes;
  Patience      her   injury    a  mockery      makes。     The    robb'd    that   smiles    steals
  something   from   the   thief;   He   robs   himself   that   spends   a   bootless   grief。
  BRABANTIO。 So let the Turk of Cyprus us beguile; We lose it not so long
  as   we  can smile。  He  bears   the   sentence  well;  that   nothing   bears   But   the
  free comfort which from thence he hears; But he bears both the sentence
  and   the   sorrow  That;   to   pay   grief;   must   of   poor   patience   borrow。  These
  sentences; to sugar or to gall; Being strong on both sides; are equivocal。
  But   words   are   words;   I   never   yet   did   hear   That   the   bruised   heart   was
  pierced through the ear。 I humbly  beseech you; proceed to the affairs   of
  state。 DUKE。 The Turk with a most mighty preparation makes for Cyprus。
  Othello;  the  fortitude   of  the  place   is   best   known   to   you;   and   though   we
  have     there    a  substitute     of  most     allowed     sufficiency;     yet   opinion;    a
  sovereign mistress of effects; throws a more safer voice on you。 You must
  therefore   be   content   to   slubber   the   gloss   of   your   new   fortunes   with   this
  more stubborn and boisterous expedition。 OTHELLO。 The tyrant custom;
  most   grave   senators;   Hath   made   the   flinty   and   steel   couch   of   war   My
  thrice…driven bed of down。 I do agnize A natural and prompt alacrity I find
  in   hardness   and   do   undertake   These   present   wars   against   the   Ottomites。
  Most humbly therefore bending to your state; I crave fit disposition for my
  wife;   Due   reference   of   place   and   exhibition;   With   such   accommodation
  and besort As levels with her breeding。 DUKE。 If you please; Be't at her
  father's。     BRABANTIO。            I'll   not    have     it  so。    OTHELLO。          Nor     I。
  DESDEMONA。              Nor   I。  I  would    not   there   reside    To   put  my    father   in
  impatient      thoughts     By   being    in  his   eye。  Most     gracious    Duke;     To   my
  unfolding   lend   your   prosperous   ear;   And   let   me   find   a   charter   in   your
  voice   To   assist   my   simpleness。   DUKE。   What   would   you;   Desdemona?
  DESDEMONA。 That I did love the Moor to live with him; My downright
  violence   and   storm   of   fortunes   May   trumpet   to   the   world。   My   heart's
  subdued Even to the very quality of my lord。 I saw Othello's visage in his
  mind; And to his honors and his valiant parts Did I my soul and fortunes
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  consecrate。 So that; dear lords; if I be left behind; A moth of peace; and he
  go to the war; The rites for which I love him are bereft me; And I a heavy
  interim shall support By his dear absence。 Let me go with him。 OTHELLO。
  Let her have your voices。 Vouch with me; heaven; I therefore beg it not To
  please   the   palate   of   my   appetite;   Nor   to   comply   with   heatthe   young
  affects    In   me    defunctand     proper    satisfaction;    But    to  be   free   and
  bounteous to her mind。 And heaven defend your good souls; that you think
  I will your serious and great business scant For she is with me。 No; when
  light…wing'd      toys   Of   feather'd    Cupid    seal   with   wanton     dullness    My
  speculative and officed instruments; That my disports corrupt and taint my
  business; Let housewives make a skillet of my helm; And all indign and
  base adversities Make head   against   my estimation!   DUKE。  Be it   as   you
  shall   privately   determine;   Either   for   her   stay   or   going。   The   affair   cries
  haste; And speed must answer't: you must hence tonight。 DESDEMONA。
  Tonight;   my   lord?   DUKE。   This   night。   OTHELLO。   With   all   my   heart。
  DUKE。 At nine i' the morning here we'll meet again。 Othello; leave some
  officer   behind;   And   he   shall   our   commission   bring   to   you;   With   such
  things   else   of   quality   and   respect   As   doth   import   you。   OTHELLO。   So
  please your Grace; my ancient; A man he is of honesty and trust。 To his
  conveyance   I   assign   my   wife;   With   what   else   needful   your   good   Grace
  shall   think   To   be   sent  after  me。   DUKE。   Let      it  be  so。  Good    night   to
  everyone。 'To Brabantio。' And; noble signior; If virtue no delighted beauty
  lack;   Your    son…in…law     is  far  more   fair  than   black。   FIRST   SENATOR。
  Adieu;   brave   Moor;   use   Desdemona   well。   BRABANTIO。   Look   to   her;
  Moor; if thou hast eyes to see; She has deceived her father; and may thee。
  Exeunt Duke; Senators; and Officers。 OTHELLO。 My life upon her faith!
  Honest Iago; My Desdemona must I leave to thee。 I prithee; let thy wife
  attend     on   her;  And    bring    them    after  in  the   best   advantage。     Come;
  Desdemona; I have but an hour Of love; of worldly matters and direction;
  To    spend    with    thee。   We    must    obey    the   time。   Exeunt     Othello    and
  Desdemona。   RODERIGO。   Iago!   IAGO。   What   say'st   thou;   noble   heart?
  RODERIGO。 What will I do; thinkest thou? IAGO。 Why; go to bed and
  sleep。 RODERIGO。 I will incontinently drown myself。 IAGO。 If thou dost;
  I shall never love thee after。 Why; thou silly gentleman! RODERIGO。 It is
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  silliness to live when to live is torment; and then have we a prescription to
  die when death is our physician。 IAGO。 O villainous! I have looked upon
  the world for four times seven years; and since I could distinguish betwixt
  a benefit and an injury; I never found man that knew how to love himself。
  Ere   I   would   say   I   would   drown   myself   for   the   love   of   a   guinea   hen;   I
  would change my humanity with a baboon。 RODERIGO。 What should I
  do? I confess it is my shame to be so fond; but it is not in my virtue to
  amend it。 IAGO。 Virtue? a fig! 'Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus。
  Our bodies are