第 22 节
作者:点绛唇      更新:2021-02-19 16:49      字数:9322
  up a riding party to San Mateo for Mrs。 Ashwood。  We must show them
  some civility; and that Boston brother of hers; Mr。 Shipley; will
  have to be invited also。  I can't get away; and my wife; of course;
  will only be able to join them at San Mateo in the carriage。  I
  reckon it would be easier for Clementina if you took my place; and
  helped her look after the riding party。  It will need a man; and I
  think she'd prefer youas you know she's rather particular
  unless; of course; you'd be wanted for Mrs。 Ashwood or Phemie; or
  somebody else。〃
  From his shadowed corner he could see that a pleasant light had
  sprung into Grant's eyes; although his reply was in his ordinary
  easy banter。  〃I shall be only too glad to act as Miss Clementina's
  vaquero; and lasso her runaways; or keep stragglers in the road。〃
  There seemed to be small necessity; however; for this active co…
  operation; for when the cheerful cavalcade started from the house a
  few mornings later; Mr。 Lawrence Grant's onerous duties seemed to
  be simply confined to those of an ordinary cavalier at the side of
  Miss Clementina; a few paces in the rear of the party。  But this
  safe distance gave them the opportunity of conversing without being
  overheard;an apparently discreet precaution。
  〃Your father was so exceedingly affable to me the other day that if
  I hadn't given you my promise to say nothing; I think I would have
  fallen on my knees to him then and there; revealed my feelings;
  asked for your hand and his blessingor whatever one does at such
  a time。  But how long do you intend to keep me in this suspense?〃
  Clementina turned her clear eyes half abstractedly upon him; as if
  imperfectly recalling some forgotten situation。  〃You forget;〃 she
  said; 〃that part of your promise was that you wouldn't even speak
  of it to me again without my permission。〃
  〃But my time is so short now。  Give me some definite hope before I
  go。  Let me believe that when we meet in New York〃
  〃You will find me just the same as now!  Yes; I think I can promise
  THAT。  Let that suffice。  You said the other day you liked me
  because I had not changed for five years。  You can surely trust
  that I will not alter in as many months。〃
  〃If I only knew〃
  〃Ah; if I only knew;if WE ALL only knew。  But we don't。  Come;
  Mr。 Grant; let it rest as it is。  Unless you want to go still
  further back and have it as it WAS; at Sidon。  There I think you
  fancied Euphemia most。〃
  〃That is my name; and those people ahead of us know it already。〃
  〃You are called CLEMENTINA;but you are not merciful!〃
  〃You are very wrong; for you might see that Mr。 Shipley has twice
  checked his horse that he might hear what you are saying; and
  Phemie is always showing Mrs。 Ashwood something in the landscape
  behind us。〃
  All this was the more hopeless and exasperating to Grant since in
  the young girl's speech and manner there was not the slightest
  trace of coquetry or playfulness。  He could not help saying a
  little bitterly: 〃I don't think that any one would imagine from
  your manner that you were receiving a declaration。〃
  〃But they might imagine from yours that you had the right to
  quarrel with me;which would be worse。〃
  〃We cannot part like this!  It is too cruel to me。〃
  〃We cannot part otherwise without the risk of greater cruelty。〃
  〃But say at least; Clementina; that I have no rival。  There is no
  other more favored suitor?〃
  〃That is so like a manand yet so unlike the proud one I believed
  you to be。  Why should a man like you even consider such a
  possibility?  If I were a man I know I couldn't。〃  She turned upon
  him a glance so clear and untroubled by either conscious vanity or
  evasion that he was hopelessly convinced of the truth of her
  statement; and she went on in a slightly lowered tone; 〃You have no
  right to ask me such a question;but perhaps for that reason I am
  willing to answer you。  There is none。  Hush!  For a good rider you
  are setting a poor example to the others; by crowding me towards
  the bank。  Go forward and talk to Phemie; and tell her not to worry
  Mrs。 Ashwood's horse nor race with her; I don't think he's quite
  safe; and Mrs。 Ashwood isn't accustomed to using the Spanish bit。
  I suppose I must say something to Mr。 Shipley; who doesn't seem to
  understand that I'M acting as chaperon; and YOU as captain of the
  She cantered forward as she spoke; and Grant was obliged to join
  her sister; who; mounted on a powerful roan; was mischievously
  exciting a beautiful quaker…colored mustang ridden by Mrs。 Ashwood;
  already irritated by the unfamiliar pressure of the Eastern woman's
  hand upon his bit。  The thick dust which had forced the party of
  twenty to close up in two solid files across the road compelled
  them at the first opening in the roadside fence to take the field
  in a straggling gallop。  Grant; eager to escape from his own
  discontented self by doing something for others; reined in beside
  Euphemia and the fair stranger。
  〃Let me take your place until Mrs。 Ashwood's horse is quieted;〃 he
  half whispered to Euphemia。
  〃Thank you;and I suppose it does not make any matter to Clem who
  quiets mine;〃 she said; with provoking eyes and a toss of her head
  worthy of the spirited animal she was riding。
  〃She thinks you quite capable of managing yourself and even
  others;〃 he replied with a playful glance at Shipley; who was
  riding somewhat stiffly on the other side。
  〃Don't be too sure;〃 retorted Phemie with another dangerous look;
  〃I may give you trouble yet。〃
  They were approaching the first undulation of the russet plain they
  had emerged upon;an umbrageous slope that seemed suddenly to
  diverge in two defiles among the shaded hills。  Grant had given a
  few words of practical advice to Mrs。 Ashwood; and shown her how to
  guide her mustang by the merest caressing touch of the rein upon
  its sensitive neck。  He had not been sympathetically inclined
  towards the fair stranger; a rich and still youthful widow;
  although he could not deny her unquestioned good breeding; mental
  refinement; and a certain languorous thoughtfulness that was almost
  melancholy; which accented her blonde delicacy。  But he had noticed
  that her manner was politely reserved and slightly constrained
  towards the Harcourts; and he had already resented it with a lover's
  instinctive loyalty。  He had at first attributed it to a want of
  sympathy between Mrs。 Ashwood's more intellectual sentimentalities
  and the Harcourts' undeniable lack of any sentiment whatever。  But
  there was evidently some other innate antagonism。  He was very
  polite to Mrs。 Ashwood; she responded with a gentlewoman's courtesy;
  and; he was forced to admit; even a broader comprehension of his own
  merits than the Harcourt girls had ever shown; but he could still
  detect that she was not in accord with the party。
  〃I am afraid you do not like California; Mrs。 Ashwood?〃 he said
  pleasantly。  〃You perhaps find the life here too unrestrained and
  She looked at him in quick astonishment。  〃Are you quite sincere?
  Why; it strikes me that this is just what it is NOT。  And I have so
  longed for something quite different。  From what I have been told
  about the originality and adventure of everything here; and your
  independence of old social forms and customs; I am afraid I
  expected the opposite of what I've seen。  Why; this very party
  except that the ladies are prettier and more expensively gotten up
  is like any party that might have ridden out at Saratoga or New
  〃And as stupid; you would say。〃
  〃As CONVENTIONAL; Mr。 Grant; always excepting this lovely creature
  beneath me; whom I can't make out and who doesn't seem to care that
  I should。  There! look! I told you so!〃
  Her mustang had suddenly bounded forward; but as Grant followed he
  could see that the cause was the example of Phemie; who had; in
  some mad freak; dashed out in a frantic gallop。  A half…dozen of
  the younger people hilariously accepted the challenge; the
  excitement was communicated to the others; until the whole
  cavalcade was sweeping down the slope。  Grant was still at Mrs。
  Ashwood's side; restraining her mustang and his own impatient horse
  when Clementina joined them。  〃Phemie's mare has really bolted; I
  fear;〃 she said in a quick whisper; 〃ride on; and never mind us。〃
  Grant looked quickly ahead; Phemie's roan; excited by the shouts
  behind her and to all appearance ungovernable; was fast disappearing
  with her rider。  Without a word; trusting to his own good
  horsemanship and better knowledge of the ground; he darted out of
  the cavalcade to overtake her。
  But the unfortunate result of this was to give further impulse to
  the now racing horses as they approached a point where the slope
  terminated in two diverging canyons。  Mrs。 Ashwood gave a sharp
  pull upon her bit。  To her consternation the mustang stopped short
  almost i