第 15 节
作者:点绛唇      更新:2021-02-19 16:49      字数:9322
  while you were sitting there。〃
  Meanwhile the subject of this discussion; quite unconscious of the
  sensation he had created; or perhaps like most heroes philosophically
  careless of it; was sauntering indifferently towards Harcourt's
  house。  But he had no business with his former host; his only object
  was to pass an idle hour before his train left。  He was; of course;
  not unaware that he himself was largely responsible for Harcourt's
  success; that it was HIS hint which had induced the petty trader of
  Sidon to venture his all in Tasajara; HIS knowledge of the
  topography and geology of the plain that had stimulated Harcourt's
  agricultural speculations; HIS hydrographic survey of the creek that
  had made Harcourt's plan of widening the channel to commerce
  practicable and profitable。  This he could not help but know。  But
  that it was chiefly owing to his own clear; cool; far…seeing; but
  never visionary; scientific observation;his own accurate analysis;
  unprejudiced by even a savant's enthusiasm; and uninfluenced by any
  personal desire or greed of gain;that Tasajara City had risen from
  the stagnant tules; was a speculation that had never occurred to
  him。  There was a much more uneasy consciousness of what he had done
  in Mr。 Harcourt's face a few moments later; when his visitor's name
  was announced; and it is to be feared that if that name had been
  less widely honored and respected than it was; no merely grateful
  recollection of it would have procured Grant an audience。  As it
  was; it was with a frown and a touch of his old impatient asperity
  that he stepped to the threshold of an adjoining room and called;
  Clementina appeared at the door。
  〃There's that man Grant in the parlor。  What brings HIM here; I
  wonder?  Who does he come to see?〃
  〃Who did he ask for?〃
  〃Me;but that don't mean anything。〃
  〃Perhaps he wants to see you on some business。〃
  〃No。  That isn't his high…toned style。  He makes other people go to
  him for that;〃 he said bitterly。  〃Anyhowdon't you think it's
  mighty queer his coming here after his friendfor it was he who
  introduced Rice to ushad behaved so to your sister; and caused
  all this divorce and scandal?〃
  〃Perhaps he may know nothing about it; he and Rice separated long
  ago; even before Grant became so famous。  We never saw much of him;
  you know; after we came here。  Suppose you leave him to ME。  I'll
  see him。〃
  Mr。 Harcourt reflected。  〃Didn't he used to be rather attentive to
  Clementina shrugged her shoulders carelessly。  〃I dare saybut I
  don't think that NOW〃
  〃Who said anything about NOW?〃 retorted her father; with a return
  of his old abruptness。  After a pause he said: 〃I'll go down and
  see him first; and then send for you。  You can keep him for the
  opening and dinner; if you like。〃
  Meantime Lawrence Grant; serenely unsuspicious of these domestic
  confidences; had been shown into the parlora large room furnished
  in the same style as the drawing…room of the hotel he had just
  quitted。  He had ample time to note that it was that wonderful
  Second Empire furniture which he remembered that the early San
  Francisco pioneers in the first flush of their wealth had imported
  directly from France; and which for years after gave an unexpected
  foreign flavor to the western domesticity and a tawdry gilt
  equality to saloons and drawing…rooms; public and private。  But he
  was observant of a corresponding change in Harcourt; when a moment
  later he entered the room。  That individuality which had kept the
  former shopkeeper of Sidon distinct from; although perhaps not
  superior to; his customerswas strongly marked。  He was perhaps
  now more nervously alert than then; he was certainly more impatient
  than before;but that was pardonable in a man of large affairs and
  action。  Grant could not deny that he seemed improved;rather
  perhaps that the setting of fine clothes; cleanliness; and the
  absence of petty worries; made his characteristics respectable。
  That which is ill breeding in homespun; is apt to become mere
  eccentricity in purple and fine linen; Grant felt that Harcourt
  jarred on him less than he did before; and was grateful without
  superciliousness。  Harcourt; relieved to find that Grant was
  neither critical nor aggressively reminiscent; and above all not
  inclined to claim the credit of creating him and Tasajara; became
  more confident; more at his ease; and; I fear; in proportion more
  unpleasant。  It is the repose and not the struggle of the parvenu
  that confounds us。
  〃And YOU; Grant;you have made yourself famous; and; I hear; have
  got pretty much your own prices for your opinions ever since it was
  known that youyouerwere connected with the growth of Tasajara。〃
  Grant smiled; he was not quite prepared for this; but it was
  amusing and would pass the time。  He murmured a sentence of half
  ironical deprecation; and Mr。 Harcourt continued:
  〃I haven't got my San Francisco house here to receive you in; but I
  hope some day; sir; to see you there。  We are only here for the day
  and night; but if you care to attend the opening ceremonies at the
  new hall; we can manage to give you dinner afterwards。  You can
  escort my daughter Clementina;she's here with me。〃
  The smile of apologetic declination which had begun to form on
  Grant's lips was suddenly arrested。  〃Then your daughter is here?〃
  he asked; with unaffected interest。
  〃Yes;she is in fact a patroness of the library and sewing…circle;
  and takes the greatest interest in it。  The Reverend Doctor
  Pilsbury relies upon her for everything。  She runs the society;
  even to the training of the young ladies; sir。  You shall see their
  This was certainly a new phase of Clementina's character。  Yet why
  should she not assume the role of Lady Bountiful with the other
  functions of her new condition。  〃I should have thought Miss
  Harcourt would have found this rather difficult with her other
  social duties;〃 he said; 〃and would have left it to her married
  sister。〃  He thought it better not to appear as if avoiding
  reference to Euphemia; although quietly ignoring her late
  experiences。  Mr。 Harcourt was less easy in his response。
  〃Now that Euphemia is again with her own family;〃 he said
  ponderously; with an affectation of social discrimination that was
  in weak contrast to his usual direct business astuteness; 〃I
  suppose she may take her part in these things; but just now she
  requires rest。  You may have heard some rumor that she is going
  abroad for a time?  The fact is she hasn't the least intention of
  doing so; nor do we consider there is the slightest reason for her
  going。〃  He paused as if to give great emphasis to a statement that
  seemed otherwise unimportant。  〃But here's Clementina coming; and I
  must get you to excuse ME。  I've to meet the trustees of the church
  in ten minutes; but I hope she'll persuade you to stay; and I'll
  see you later at the hall。〃
  As Clementina entered the room her father vanished and; I fear; as
  completely dropped out of Mr。 Grant's mind。  For the daughter's
  improvement was greater than her father's; yet so much more refined
  as to be at first only delicately perceptible。  Grant had been
  prepared for the vulgar enhancement of fine clothes and personal
  adornment; for the specious setting of luxurious circumstances and
  surroundings; for the aplomb that came from flattery and conscious
  power。  But he found none of these; her calm individuality was
  intensified rather than subdued; she was dressed simply; with an
  economy of ornament; rich material; and jewelry; but an accuracy of
  taste that was always dominant。  Her plain gray merino dress;
  beautifully fitting her figure; suggested; with its pale blue
  facings; some uniform; as of the charitable society she patronized。
  She came towards him with a graceful movement of greeting; yet her
  face showed no consciousness of the interval that had elapsed since
  they met; he almost fancied himself transported back to the
  sitting…room at Sidon with the monotonous patter of the leaves
  outside; and the cool moist breath of the bay and alder coming in
  at the window。
  〃Father says that you are only passing through Tasajara to…day; as
  you did through Sidon five years ago;〃 she said with a smiling
  earnestness that he fancied however was the one new phase of her
  character。  〃But I won't believe it!  At least we will not accept
  another visit quite as accidental as that; even though you brought
  us twice the good fortune you did then。  You see; we have not
  forgotten it if you have; Mr。 Grant。  And unless you want us to
  believe that your fairy gifts will turn some day to leaves and
  ashes; you will promise to stay with us tonight; and let me show
  you some of the good we have done with them。  Perhaps you don't
  know; or don't want to know; that it was I who got up this 'Library
  and Home Circle of the Sisters of Tasajara' which we are to open