第 5 节
作者:不落的滑翔翼      更新:2021-02-19 01:14      字数:634
  you as an enemy; for they will know that you have done your best to destroy
  us。  Listen; then; to us and not to Crito。'
  This; dear Crito; is the voice which I seem to hear murmuring in my ears;
  like the sound of the flute in the ears of the mystic; that voice; I say;
  is humming in my ears; and prevents me from hearing any other。  And I know
  that anything more which you may say will be vain。  Yet speak; if you have
  anything to say。
  CRITO:  I have nothing to say; Socrates。
  SOCRATES:  Leave me then; Crito; to fulfil the will of God; and to follow
  whither he leads。