第 35 节
作者:指点迷津      更新:2021-02-19 00:27      字数:9320
  moved   along;   even   beneath   his   feet   the   sheen   rose   up   from   the   earth。
  And he strode on now with the fleece covering his left shoulder from the
  height of his neck to his feet; and now again he gathered it up in his hands;
  for   he   feared   exceedingly;   lest   some   god   or   man   should   meet   him   and
  deprive him thereof。
  (ll。 183…189)     Dawn was spreading over the earth when they reached
  the throng of heroes; and the youths marvelled to behold the mighty fleece;
  which gleamed like the lightning of Zeus。             And each one started up eager
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  to touch it and clasp it in his hands。 But the son of Aeson restrained them
  all; and threw over it a mantle newly…woven; and he led the maiden to the
  stern and seated her there; and spake to them all as follows:
  (ll。 190…205)      〃No longer now; my friends; forbear to return to your
  fatherland。      For now the task for   which we dared this grievous voyage;
  toiling    with   bitter   sorrow    of   heart;  has   been    lightly   fulfilled   by   the
  maiden's counsels。         Herfor such is her willI will bring home to be my
  wedded wife; do ye preserve her; the glorious saviour of all Achaea and of
  yourselves。      For of a surety; I ween; will Aeetes come with his host to bar
  our passage from the river into the sea。              But do some of you toil at the
  oars   in   turn;   sitting   man   by   man;   and   half   of   you   raise   your   shields   of
  oxhide;   a   ready   defence   against   the   darts   of   the   enemy;   and   guard   our
  return。    And now in our hands we hold the fate of our children and dear
  country and of our aged parents; and on our venture all Hellas depends; to
  reap either the shame of failure or great renown。〃
  (ll。 206…211)      Thus he spake; and donned his armour of war; and they
  cried aloud; wondrously eager。             And he drew his sword from the sheath
  and cut the hawsers at the stern。           And near the maiden he took his stand
  ready   armed   by   the   steersman Aneaeus;   and   with   their   rowing   the   ship
  sped on as they strained desperately to drive her clear of the river。
  (ll。  212…235)      By    this   time   Medea's     love   and   deeds    had   become
  known to haughty Aeetes and to all the Colchians。                  And they thronged to
  the assembly in arms; and countless as the waves of the stormy sea when
  they rise crested by the wind; or as the leaves that fall to the ground from
  the wood with its myriad branches in the month when the leaves fallwho
  could   reckon   their   tale?so   they   in   countless   number   poured   along   the
  banks   of   the   river   shouting   in   frenzy;   and   in   his   shapely   chariot Aeetes
  shone forth above all with his steeds; the gift of Helios; swift as the blasts
  of the wind。      In his left hand he raised his curved shield; and in his right a
  huge pine…torch; and near him in front stood up his mighty spear。                       And
  Apsyrtus held in his hands the reins of the steeds。                 But already the ship
  was   cleaving   the   sea   before   her;   urged   on   by   stalwart   oarsmen;   and   the
  stream     of  the   mighty    river   rushing    down。     But    the   king   in  grievous
  anguish lifted his hands and called on Helios and Zeus to bear witness to
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  their evil deeds; and terrible threats he uttered against all his people; that
  unless they  should   with their own hands seize  the  maiden;  either  on the
  land or still finding the ship on the swell of the open sea; and bring her
  back; that so he might satisfy his eager soul with vengeance for all those
  deeds; at the cost of their own lives they should learn and abide all his rage
  and revenge。
  (ll。 236…240)      Thus spake Aeetes; and on that same day the Colchians
  launched   their  ships   and   cast   the  tackle on   board;  and   on   that   same   day
  sailed forth on the sea; thou wouldst not say so mighty a host was a fleet
  of   ships;   but   that  a   countless    flight  of   birds;  swarm     on   swarm;     was
  clamouring over the sea。
  (ll。 241…252)      Swiftly the wind blew; as the goddess Hera planned; so
  that most quickly Aeaean Medea might reach the Pelasgian land; a bane to
  the   house   of   Pelias;   and   on   the   third   morn   they   bound   the   ship's   stern
  cables to the shores of the Paphlagonians; at the mouth of the river Halys。
  For Medea bade them land and propitiate Hecate with sacrifice。                      Now all
  that the maiden prepared for offering the sacrifice may no man know; and
  may my soul not urge me to sing thereof。               Awe restrains my lips; yet from
  that   time   the   altar   which   the   heroes   raised   on   the   beach   to   the   goddess
  remains till now; a sight to men of a later day。
  (ll。 253…256)      And straightway Aeson's son and the rest of the heroes
  bethought   them  of   Phineus;   how   that   he   had   said   that   their   course   from
  Aea   should   be   different;   but   to   all   alike   his   meaning   was   dim。   Then
  Argus spake; and they eagerly hearkened:
  (ll。   257…293)     〃We   go    to   Orchomenus;   whither        that   unerring   seer;
  whom      ye   met   aforetime;     foretold   your    voyage。     For    there   is  another
  course; signified by those priests of the immortal gods; who have sprung
  from Tritonian Thebes。          As yet all the stars that wheel in the heaven were
  not; nor yet; though one should inquire; could aught be heard of the sacred
  race   of   the   Danai。   Apidanean Arcadians   alone   existed; Arcadians   who
  lived even before the moon; it is said; eating acorns on the hills; nor at that
  time was the Pelasgian land ruled by the glorious sons of Deucalion; in the
  days when Egypt; mother of men of an older time; was called the fertile
  Morning…land; and the river fair…flowing Triton; by which all the Morning…
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  land is watered; and never does the rain from Zeus moisten the earth; but
  from the flooding of the river abundant crops spring up。                      From this land;
  it is said; a king (1) made his way all round through the whole of Europe
  and Asia; trusting in the might and strength and courage of his people; and
  countless   cities   did   he   found   wherever   he   came;   whereof   some   are   still
  inhabited   and some   not;   many  an   age   hath   passed   since then。              But Aea
  abides   unshaken   even   now   and   the   sons   of   those   men   whom   that   king
  settled    to   dwell    in  Aea。    They   preserve        the  writings     of  their   fathers;
  graven on pillars; whereon are marked all the ways and the limits of sea
  and land as ye journey on all sides round。                 There is a river; the uttermost
  horn   of    Ocean;     broad    and    exceeding   deep;      that   a  merchant      ship   may
  traverse; they  call   it   Ister   and   have   marked   it   far   off;   and   for   a   while   it
  cleaves the boundless tilth alone in one stream; for beyond the blasts of
  the north wind; far off in the Rhipaean mountains; its springs burst forth
  with   a   roar。    But   when   it   enters   the   boundaries   of   the   Thracians   and
  Scythians; here; dividing its stream into two; it sends its waters partly into
  the   Ionian   sea;   (2)   and   partly   to   the   south   into   a   deep   gulf   that   bends
  upwards   from  the Trinaerian sea;   that   sea   which lies   along   your   land;   if
  indeed Achelous flows forth from your land。〃
  (ll。   204…302)      Thus   he     spake;    and   to   them   the   goddess      granted    a
  happy   portent;   and   all   at   the   sight   shouted   approval;   that   this   was   their
  appointed path。         For before them appeared a trail of heavenly light; a sign
  where   they   might   pass。        And   gladly   they   left   behind   there   the   son   of
  Lyeus and with canvas outspread sailed over the sea; with their eyes on the
  Paphlagonian         mountains。       But     they   did   not   round     Carambis;      for   the
  winds      and   the   gleam     of  the   heavenly   fire     stayed    with   them     till  they
  reached Ister's mighty stream。
  (ll。  303…337)       Now   some   of   the   Colchians;  in   a   vain   search;   passed
  out from Pontus through the Cyanean rocks; but the rest went to the river;
  and   them Apsyrtus   led;   and;   turning   aside;