第 36 节
作者:浪剑飞舟      更新:2021-02-18 23:59      字数:9321
  〃And had the choice been left to me I could not have
  chosen a more fitting mate for the first princess of Barsoom。
  Here is my hand upon your shoulder; John Carter; and my
  word that Sab Than shall go out at the point of my sword
  for the sake of my love for Helium; for Dejah Thoris; and for
  you。  This very night I shall try to reach his quarters in the
  〃How?〃 I asked。  〃You are strongly guarded and a quadruple
  force patrols the sky。〃
  He bent his head in thought a moment; then raised it
  with an air of confidence。
  〃I only need to pass these guards and I can do it;〃 he said
  at last。  〃I know a secret entrance to the palace through
  the pinnacle of the highest tower。  I fell upon it by chance
  one day as I was passing above the palace on patrol duty。
  In this work it is required that we investigate any unusual
  occurrence we may witness; and a face peering from the pinnacle
  of the high tower of the palace was; to me; most unusual。
  I therefore drew near and discovered that the possessor of
  the peering face was none other than Sab Than。  He was slightly
  put out at being detected and commanded me to keep the
  matter to myself; explaining that the passage from the tower
  led directly to his apartments; and was known only to him。
  If I can reach the roof of the barracks and get my machine
  I can be in Sab Than's quarters in five minutes; but how am
  I to escape from this building; guarded as you say it is?〃
  〃How well are the machine sheds at the barracks guarded?〃 I asked。
  〃There is usually but one man on duty there at night upon
  the roof。〃
  〃Go to the roof of this building; Kantos Kan; and wait
  me there。〃
  Without stopping to explain my plans I retraced my way to
  the street and hastened to the barracks。  I did not dare to enter
  the building; filled as it was with members of the air…scout
  squadron; who; in common with all Zodanga; were on the
  lookout for me。
  The building was an enormous one; rearing its lofty head
  fully a thousand feet into the air。  But few buildings in
  Zodanga were higher than these barracks; though several topped
  it by a few hundred feet; the docks of the great battleships
  of the line standing some fifteen hundred feet from the
  ground; while the freight and passenger stations of the
  merchant squadrons rose nearly as high。
  It was a long climb up the face of the building; and one
  fraught with much danger; but there was no other way; and
  so I essayed the task。  The fact that Barsoomian architecture
  is extremely ornate made the feat much simpler than I had
  anticipated; since I found ornamental ledges and projections
  which fairly formed a perfect ladder for me all the way to the
  eaves of the building。  Here I met my first real obstacle。  The
  eaves projected nearly twenty feet from the wall to which I
  clung; and though I encircled the great building I could find
  no opening through them。
  The top floor was alight; and filled with soldiers engaged
  in the pastimes of their kind; I could not; therefore; reach
  the roof through the building。
  There was one slight; desperate chance; and that I decided
  I must takeit was for Dejah Thoris; and no man has lived
  who would not risk a thousand deaths for such as she。
  Clinging to the wall with my feet and one hand; I unloosened
  one of the long leather straps of my trappings at the end
  of which dangled a great hook by which air sailors are hung
  to the sides and bottoms of their craft for various purposes
  of repair; and by means of which landing parties are lowered
  to the ground from the battleships。
  I swung this hook cautiously to the roof several times
  before it finally found lodgment; gently I pulled on it to
  strengthen its hold; but whether it would bear the weight of
  my body I did not know。  It might be barely caught upon the
  very outer verge of the roof; so that as my body swung out
  at the end of the strap it would slip off and launch me to
  the pavement a thousand feet below。
  An instant I hesitated; and then; releasing my grasp upon
  the supporting ornament; I swung out into space at the end
  of the strap。  Far below me lay the brilliantly lighted streets;
  the hard pavements; and death。  There was a little jerk at
  the top of the supporting eaves; and a nasty slipping; grating
  sound which turned me cold with apprehension; then the
  hook caught and I was safe。
  Clambering quickly aloft I grasped the edge of the eaves
  and drew myself to the surface of the roof above。  As I gained
  my feet I was confronted by the sentry on duty; into the
  muzzle of whose revolver I found myself looking。
  〃Who are you and whence came you?〃 he cried。
  〃I am an air scout; friend; and very near a dead one;
  for just by the merest chance I escaped falling to the avenue
  below;〃 I replied。
  〃But how came you upon the roof; man?  No one has
  landed or come up from the building for the past hour。
  Quick; explain yourself; or I call the guard。〃
  〃Look you here; sentry; and you shall see how I came and
  how close a shave I had to not coming at all;〃 I answered;
  turning toward the edge of the roof; where; twenty feet
  below; at the end of my strap; hung all my weapons。
  The fellow; acting on impulse of curiosity; stepped to my
  side and to his undoing; for as he leaned to peer over the
  eaves I grasped him by his throat and his pistol arm and
  threw him heavily to the roof。  The weapon dropped from
  his grasp; and my fingers choked off his attempted cry for
  assistance。  I gagged and bound him and then hung him
  over the edge of the roof as I myself had hung a few
  moments before。  I knew it would be morning before he would
  be discovered; and I needed all the time that I could gain。
  Donning my trappings and weapons I hastened to the
  sheds; and soon had out both my machine and Kantos Kan's。
  Making his fast behind mine I started my engine; and skimming
  over the edge of the roof I dove down into the streets of
  the city far below the plane usually occupied by the air
  patrol。  In less than a minute I was settling safely upon
  the roof of our apartment beside the astonished Kantos Kan。
  I lost no time in explanation; but plunged immediately
  into a discussion of our plans for the immediate future。
  It was decided that I was to try to make Helium while Kantos
  Kan was to enter the palace and dispatch Sab Than。  If successful
  he was then to follow me。  He set my compass for me; a clever
  little device which will remain steadfastly fixed upon any given
  point on the surface of Barsoom; and bidding each other farewell
  we rose together and sped in the direction of the palace which
  lay in the route which I must take to reach Helium。
  As we neared the high tower a patrol shot down from
  above; throwing its piercing searchlight full upon my craft;
  and a voice roared out a command to halt; following with a
  shot as I paid no attention to his hail。  Kantos Kan dropped
  quickly into the darkness; while I rose steadily and at terrific
  speed raced through the Martian sky followed by a dozen of
  the air…scout craft which had joined the pursuit; and later
  by a swift cruiser carrying a hundred men and a battery of
  rapid…fire guns。  By twisting and turning my little machine;
  now rising and now falling; I managed to elude their search…
  lights most of the time; but I was also losing ground by these
  tactics; and so I decided to hazard everything on a straight…
  away course and leave the result to fate and the speed of my
  Kantos Kan had shown me a trick of gearing; which is known
  only to the navy of Helium; that greatly increased the speed
  of our machines; so that I felt sure I could distance
  my pursuers if I could dodge their projectiles for a few moments。
  As I sped through the air the screeching of the bullets
  around me convinced me that only by a miracle could I escape;
  but the die was cast; and throwing on full speed I raced
  a straight course toward Helium。  Gradually I left my
  pursuers further and further behind; and I was just
  congratulating myself on my lucky escape; when a well…directed
  shot from the cruiser exploded at the prow of my little craft。
  The concussion nearly capsized her; and with a sickening
  plunge she hurtled downward through the dark night。
  How far I fell before I regained control of the plane I do
  not know; but I must have been very close to the ground
  when I started to rise again; as I plainly heard the squealing
  of animals below me。  Rising again I scanned the heavens for
  my pursuers; and finally making out their lights far behind me;
  saw that they were landing; evidently in search of me。
  Not until their lights were no longer discernible did I
  venture to flash my little lamp upon my compass; and then
  I found to my consternation that a fragment of the
  projectile had utterly destroyed my only guide; as well as my
  speedometer。  It was true I could follow the stars in the
  general direction