第 17 节
作者:低诉      更新:2021-02-18 23:48      字数:9316
  mutterings of the priest who draws back the cur… tains of the shrineand
  here; after the scribe has left these two yellow pages blank as though to set
  a space of reverence between himself and what comes nexthere speaks
  the   truth;   the   voice;   the   fact   of   all   life。〃 But   〃Oh!   Jones;〃   she   said;
  turning   from   the   dusty   pages   and   clasping   her   young;   milk…warm   hands
  over mine   and leaning  towards me   until   her blushing   cheek was   near   to
  my   shoulder   and   the   incense   of   her   breath   upon   me。     〃Oh!     Gulliver
  Jones;〃 she said。       〃Make me read no more; my soul revolts from the task;
  the crazy brown letters swim before my eyes。               Is there no learning near at
  hand     that  would    be   pleasanter    reading    than   this  silly   book  of  yours?
  What; after all;〃 she said; growing bolder at the sound of her own voice;
  〃what; after all; is the musty reticence of gods to the whispered secret of a
  maid?      Jones; splendid stranger for whom all men stand aside and women
  look over shoulders; oh; let me be your book!〃 she whispered; slipping on
  to my knee and winding her arms round my neck till; through the white
  glimmer   of   her   single   vest;   I   could   feel   her   heart   beating   against   mine。
  〃Newest and dearest of friends; put by this dreary learning and look in my
  eyes; is there nothing to be spelt out there?〃
  And I was constrained to do as she bid me; for she was as fresh as an
  almond      blossom      touched     by   the   sun;   and    looking    down     into   two
  swimming blue lakes where shyness and passion were contendingbooks
  easy   enough;   in   truth;   to   be   read;  I   saw   that   she   loved  me;   with  the
  unconventional ardour of her nature。
  It was a pleasant discovery; if its abruptness was em… barrassing; for
  she was a maid in a thousand; and half ashamed and half laughing I let her
  escalade   me;   throwing   now   and   then   a   rueful   look   at   the   Secret   of   the
  Gods; and all that priceless knowledge treated so unworthily。
  … Page 58…
  What   else   could   I   do?    Besides;   I   loved   her   myself!     And   if   there
  was a momentary chagrin at having yonder golden knowledge put off by
  this lovely interruption; yet I was flesh and blood; the gods could wait
  they   had   to   wait   long   and   often   before;   and   when   this   sweet   interpreter
  was comforted we would have another try。                 So it happened I took her into
  my heart and gave her the answer she asked for。
  For a long time we sat in the dusky grandeur of the royal library; my
  mind      revolving     between     wonder      and    ad…   miration    of   the   neglected
  knowledge all about; and the stir… rings of a new love; while Heru herself;
  lapsed again into Martian calm; lay half sleeping on my shoulder; but pre…
  sently; unwinding her arms; I put her down。
  〃There;   sweetheart;〃   I   whispered;   〃enough   of   this   for   the   moment;
  tonight; perhaps; some more; but while we are here amongst all this lordly
  litter; I can think of nothing else。〃 Again I bid her turn the pages; noting as
  she did so how each chapter was headed by the coloured configuration of
  a world。      Page by page we turned of crackling parchment; until by chance;
  at   the   top   of   one;   my   eye   caught   a   coloured   round   I   could   not   fail   to
  recognise'twas        the   spinning      but…   ton    on   the   blue    breast    of   the
  immeasurable that yesterday I inhabited。                〃Read here;〃 I cried; clapping
  my   finger   upon   the   page   midway   down;   where   there   were   some   signs
  looking like Egyptian writing。            〃Says this quaint dabbler in all knowledge
  anything of Isis; anything of Phra; of Am… mon; of Ammon Top?〃
  〃And who was Isis? who Ammon Top?〃 asked the lady。
  〃Nay; read;〃 I answered; and down the page her slender fingers went
  awandering   till   at   a   spot   of   knotted   signs   they   stopped。   〃Why;   here   is
  something   about   thy   Isis;〃   ex…   claimed   Heru;   as   though   amused   at   my
  perspicuity。      〃Here; halfway down this chapter of earth…history; it says;〃
  and   putting   one   pink   knee   across   the   other   to   better   prop   the   book   she
  〃And the priests of Thebes were gone; the sand stood un… trampled on
  the    temple    steps   a   thousand     years;    the  wild    bees   sang    the   song    of
  desolation   in   the   ears   of   Isis;   the   wild   cats   littered   in   the   stony   lap   of
  Ammon;   ay;   another   thou…   sand   years   went   by;   and   earth   was   tilled   of
  unseen hands and sown with yellow grain from Paradise; and the thin veil
  … Page 59…
  that separates the known from the unknown was rent; and men walked to
  and fro。〃
  〃Go on;〃 I said。
  〃Nay;〃 laughed the other; 〃the little mice in their eager… ness have been
  before yousee; all this corner is gnawed away。〃
  〃Read      on   again;〃   I  said;   〃where     the  page    is  whole;    those    sips  of
  knowledge you have given make me thirsty for more。 There; begin where
  this blazonry of initialed red and gold looks so like the carpet spread by
  the scribe for the feet of a sovereign truthwhat says he here?〃                    And she;
  half pouting to be set back once more to that task; half won… dering as she
  gazed on those magic letters; let her eyes run down the page; then began:
  〃And   it   was   the   Beginning;   and   in   the   centre   void   pres…   ently   there
  came   a   nucleus   of   light:   and   the   light   brightened   in   the   grey   primeval
  morning and became definite and articulate。                  And from the midst of that
  natal    splendour;      behind     which     was    the   Unknowable;         the   life  came
  hitherward;   from   the   midst   of   that   nucleus   undescribed;   undescribable;
  there issued presently the primeval sigh that breathed the breath of life into
  all   things。     And     that   sigh   thrilled   through     the   empty     spaces    of   the
  illimitable: it   breathed the breath of promise   over the   frozen hills   of   the
  outside planets where the night…frost had lasted without beginning: and the
  waters   of   ten   thousand   nameless   oceans;  girding   nameless   planets;   were
  stirred;   trembling   into      their   depth。   It   crossed   the    il…   limitable   spaces
  where   the   herding   aerolites   swirl   forever   through   space   in   the   wake   of
  careering      world;     and    all  their   whistling     wings     answered      to   it。   It
  reverberated   through   the   grey   wastes   of   vacuity;   and   crossed   the   dark
  oceans      of  the   Outside;    even    to  the   black    shores    of  the   eternal   night
  〃And hardly  had   echo   of   that   breath   died   away  in   the   hollow  of   the
  heavens and the empty wombs of a million barren worlds; when the light
  brightened again;   and draw… ing   in   upon itself became   definite   and took
  form; and therefrom; at the moment of primitive conception; there came〃
  And   just   then;   as   she   had   read   so   far   as   that;   when   all   my   faculties
  were   aching   to   know   what   came   next   whether   this   were   but   the   idle
  scribbling of   a  vacuous   fool;  or   something   elsethere   rose   the   sound   of
  … Page 60…
  soft flutes and tinkling bells in the corridors; as seneschals wandered pip…
  ing   round   the   palace   to   call   folk   to   meals;   a   smell   of   roast   meat   and
  grilling fish as that procession lifted the curtains between the halls; and
  〃Dinner!〃   shouted   my   sweet   Martian;   slapping   the   cov…   ers   of   The
  Secret of the Gods together and pushing the stately tome headlong from
  the    table。   〃Dinner!       'Tis   worth    a  hundred     thousand     planets    to  the
  Nothing I could say would keep her; and; scarcely know… ing whether
  to   laugh   or   to   be   angry   at   so   unseemly   an   interruption;   but   both   being
  purposeless      I  dug   my    hands    into  my    pockets;    and   somewhat      sulkily
  refusing Heru's invita… tion to luncheon in the corridor (Navy rations had
  not fitted my stomach for these constant debauches of gos… samer food);
  strolled into the town again in no very pleasant frame of mind。