第 20 节
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  they do battle for their possession; a spirit of disunion'16' enters; and the
  parties   range   themselves   in   adverse   camps。   Discord   and   anger   sound   a
  note   of   war:   the   passion   of   more…   having;   staunchless   avarice;   threatens
  hostility; and envy is a hateful fiend。'17'
  '15' i。e。 a cunning intertwining of the threads of warp and woof。
  '16' Cf。 Shelley; 〃The devil of disunion in their souls。〃
  '17' The diction is poetical。
  But   nevertheless;   through   all   opposing   barriers   friendship   steals   her
  way and binds together the beautiful and good among mankind。'18' Such
  is their virtue that they would rather possess scant means painlessly than
  wield an empire won by war。 In spite of hunger and thirst they will share
  their meat and drink without a pang。 Not bloom of lusty youth; nor love's
  delights can warp their self…control; nor will they be tempted to cause pain
  where pain should be unknown。 It is theirs not merely to eschew all greed
  of riches; not merely to make a just and lawful distribution of wealth; but
  to   supply   what   is   lacking   to   the   needs   of   one   another。   Theirs   it   is   to
  compose   strife   and   discord   not   in   painless   oblivion   simply;   but   to   the
  general   advantage。   Theirs   also   to   hinder   such   extravagance   of   anger   as
  shall   entail   remorse   hereafter。   And   as   to   envy   they   will   make   a   clean
  sweep and clearance of it: the good things which a man possesses shall be
  also the property of his friends; and the goods which they possess are to be
  looked upon as his。 Where then is the improbability that the beautiful and
  noble should be sharers in the honours'19' of the state not only without
  injury; but even to their mutual advantage?
  '18' Or; as we say; 〃the elite of human kind。〃
  '19' 〃And the offices。〃
  They indeed who covet and desire the honours and offices in a state
  for   the   sake   of   the   liberty   thereby   given   them   to   embezzle   the   public
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  moneys; to deal violently by their fellow…creatures; and to batten in luxury
  themselves;       may    well   be   regarded     as   unjust   and    villainous    persons
  incapable of harmony with one another。 But if a man desire to obtain these
  selfsame honours in order that; being himself secure against wrong…doing;
  he may be able to assist his friends in what is right; and; raised to a high
  position;'20' may essay to confer some blessing on the land of his fathers;
  what is there to hinder him from working in harmony with some other of a
  like spirit? Will he; with the 〃beautiful and noble〃 at his side; be less able
  to aid his friends? or will his power to benfit the community be shortened
  because   the   flower   of   that   community   are   fellow…workers   in   that   work?
  Why; even in the contests of the games it is obvious that if it were possible
  for   the   stoutest   combatants   to   combine   against   the   weakest;   the   chosen
  band   would   come   off   victors   in   every   bout;   and   would   carry   off   all   the
  prizes。 This indeed is against the rules of the actual arena; but in the field
  of politics; where the beautiful and good hold empery; and there is nought
  to   hinder   any   from   combining   with   whomsoever   a   man   may   choose   to
  benefit the state; it will be a clear gain; will it not; for any one engaged in
  state    affairs  to  make     the  best   men    his  friends;   whereby      he  will   find
  partners   and   co…operators   in   his   aims   instead   of   rivals   and   antagonists?
  And this at least is obvious: in case of foreign war a man will need allies;
  but all the more if in the ranks opposed to him should stand the flower of
  the enemy。'21' Moreover; those who are willing to fight your battles must
  be kindly  dealt with;  that   goodwill may  quicken to enthusiasm;   and one
  good man'22' is better worth your benefiting that a dozen knaves; since a
  little kindness goes a long way with the good; but with the base the more
  you give them the more they ask for。
  '20' 〃As archon;〃 or 〃raised to rule。〃
  '21' Lit。 〃the beautiful and good。〃
  '22' Or;  〃the best; though   few; are   better   worth   your   benefiting than
  the many base。〃
  So keep a good heart; Critobulus; only try to become good yourself;
  and when you have attained; set to your hand to capture the beautiful and
  good。 Perhaps   I  may  be able   to give   you   some help in this   quest;  being
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  myself an adept in Love's lore。'23' No matter who it is for whom my heart
  is   aflame;    in   an  instant   my    whole     soul   is  eager    to  leap   forth。   With
  vehemence I speed to the mark。 I; who love; demand to be loved again;
  this desire in me must be met by counter desire in him; this thirst for his
  society by thirst reciprocal for mine。 And these will be your needs also; I
  foresee; whenever you are seized with longing to contract a friendship。 Do
  not hide from me; therefore; whom you would choose as a friend; since;
  owing      to  the   pains   I  take   to  please    him    who    pleases    me;   I  am    not
  altogether unversed; I fancy; in the art of catching men。'24'
  '23' 〃An authority in matters of love。〃 Cf。 Plat。 〃Symp。〃 177 D; Xen。
  〃Symp。〃 viii。 2。
  '24'   See   below;   III。   xi。   7;   cf。   Plat。   〃Soph。〃   222;   N。   T。   Matt。   iv。   19;
  {alieis anthropon}。
  Critobulus   replied:      Why;   these     are   the  very   lessons    of  instruction;
  Socrates; for which I have been long athirst; and the more particularly if
  this same love's lore will enable me to capture those who are good of soul
  and those who are beautiful of person。
  Soc。 Nay; now I warn you; Critobulus; it is not within the province of
  my science to make the beautiful endure him who would lay hands upon
  them。 And that is why men fled from Scylla; I am persuaded; because she
  laid   hands   upon   them;   but   the   Sirens   were   differentthey   laid   hands   on
  nobody;   but   sat   afar   off   and   chanted   their   spells   in   the   ears   of   all;   and
  therefore; it is said; all men endured to listen; and were charmed。
  Cri。   I   promise   I   will   not   lay   violent   hands   on   any;   therefore;   if   you
  have any good device for winning friends; instruct your pupil。
  Soc。 And if there is to be no laying on of the hands; there must be no
  application either of the lips; is it agreed?
  Cri。 No; nor application of the lips to any onenot beautiful。
  Soc。   See   now!   you   cannot   open   your   mouth   without   some   luckless
  utterence。   Beauty  suffers   no such   liberty;  however   eagerly  the   ugly   may
  invite   it;   making   believe   some   quality   of   soul   must   rank   them   with   the
  Cri。 Be of good cheer then; let the compact stand thus: 〃Kisses for the
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  beautiful; and for the   good a rain of kisses。〃 So now teach   us the art   of
  catching friends。
  Soc。 Well then; when you wish to win some one's affection; you will
  allow me to lodge  information against you to  the effect that you   admire
  him and desire to be his friend?
  Cri。 Lodge the indictment; with all my heart。 I never heard of any one
  who hated his admirers。
  Soc。 And if I add to the indictment the further charge that through your
  admiration you   are  kindly  disposed  towards him;   you   will   not   feel   I  am
  taking away your character?
  Cri。   Why;   no;   for   myself   I   know   a   kindly   feeling   springs   up   in   my
  heart towards any one whom I conceive to be kindly disposed to me。
  Soc。 All this I shall feel empowered to say about you to those whose
  friendship      you   seek;   and   I  can  promise     further   help;   only   there   is  a
  comprehensive 〃if〃   to be   considered:   if you   will   further authorise   me   to
  say that you are devoted to your friends; that nothing gives you so much
  joy as a good friend; that you pride yourself no less on the fine deeds of
  those you love than on your own; and on their good things equally with
  your own; that you never weary of plotting and planning to procure them a
  rich   harvest   of   the   same;   and   lastly;   that   you   have   discovered   a   man's
  virtue is to excel his friends in kindness and his foes in hostility。 If I am
  authorised   thus   to   report   of   you;   I   think   you