第 29 节
作者:曾氏六合网      更新:2021-02-18 23:03      字数:9322
  has been in this incident;〃 he said; 〃a twisted; ugly; complex quality that does not belong to the straight bolts either of heaven or hell。  As one knows the crooked track of a snail; I know the crooked track of a man。〃     The white lightning opened its enormous eye in one wink; the sky shut up again; and the priest went on:     〃Of all these crooked things; the crookedest was the shape of that piece of paper。  It was crookeder than the dagger that killed him。〃     〃You mean the paper on which Quinton confessed his suicide;〃 said Flambeau。     〃I mean the paper on which Quinton wrote; ‘I die by my own hand;'〃 answered Father Brown。  〃The shape of that paper; my friend; was the wrong shape; the wrong shape; if ever I have seen it in this wicked world。〃     〃It only had a corner snipped off;〃 said Flambeau; 〃and I understand that all Quinton's paper was cut that way。〃     〃It was a very odd way;〃 said the other; 〃and a very bad way; to my taste and fancy。  Look here; Flambeau; this QuintonGod receive his soul!was perhaps a bit of a cur in some ways; but he really was an artist; with the pencil as well as the pen。  His handwriting; though hard to read; was bold and beautiful。  I can't prove what I say; I can't prove anything。  But I tell you with the full force of conviction that he could never have cut that mean little piece off a sheet of paper。  If he had wanted to cut down paper for some purpose of fitting in; or binding up; or what not; he would have made quite a different slash with the scissors。  Do you remember the shape?  It was a mean shape。  It was a wrong shape。  Like this。  Don't you remember?〃     And he waved his burning cigar before him in the darkness; making irregular squares so rapidly that Flambeau really seemed to see them as fiery hieroglyphics upon the darknesshieroglyphics such as his friend had spoken of; which are undecipherable; yet can have no good meaning。     〃But;〃 said Flambeau; as the priest put his cigar in his mouth again and leaned back; staring at the roof; 〃suppose somebody else did use the scissors。  Why should somebody else; cutting pieces off his sermon paper; make Quinton commit suicide?〃     Father Brown was still leaning back and staring at the roof; but he took his cigar out of his mouth and said: 〃Quinton never did commit suicide。〃     Flambeau stared at him。  〃Why; confound it all;〃 he cried; 〃then why did he confess to suicide?〃     The priest leant forward again; settled his elbows on his knees; looked at the ground; and said; in a low; distinct voice: 〃He never did confess to suicide。〃     Flambeau laid his cigar down。  〃You mean;〃 he said; 〃that the writing was forged?〃     〃No;〃 said Father Brown。  〃Quinton wrote it all right。〃     〃Well; there you are;〃 said the aggravated Flambeau; 〃Quinton wrote; ‘I die by my own hand;' with his own hand on a plain piece of paper。〃     〃Of the wrong shape;〃 said the priest calmly。     〃Oh; the shape be damned!〃 cried Flambeau。  〃What has the shape to do with it?〃     〃There were twenty…three snipped papers;〃 resumed Brown unmoved; 〃and only twenty…two pieces snipped off。  Therefore one of the pieces had been destroyed; probably that from the written paper。  Does that suggest anything to you?〃     A light dawned on Flambeau's face; and he said: 〃There was something else written by Quinton; some other words。  ‘They will tell you I die by my own hand;' or ‘Do not believe that'〃     〃Hotter; as the children say;〃 said his friend。  〃But the piece was hardly half an inch across; there was no room for one word; let alone five。  Can you think of anything hardly bigger than a comma which the man with hell in his heart had to tear away as a testimony against him?〃     〃I can think of nothing;〃 said Flambeau at last。     〃What about quotation marks?〃 said the priest; and flung his cigar far into the darkness like a shooting star。     All words had left the other man's mouth; and Father Brown said; like one going back to fundamentals:     〃Leonard Quinton was a romancer; and was writing an Oriental romance about wizardry and hypnotism。  He〃     At this moment the door opened briskly behind them; and the doctor came out with his hat on。  He put a long envelope into the priest's hands。     〃That's the document you wanted;〃 he said; 〃and I must be getting home。  Good night。〃     〃Good night;〃 said Father Brown; as the doctor walked briskly to the gate。  He had left the front door open; so that a shaft of gaslight fell upon them。  In the light of this Brown opened the envelope and read the following words:                                                                             DEAR FATHER BROWN;Vicisti Galilee。  Otherwise; damn your        eyes; which are very penetrating ones。  Can it be possible that         there is something in all that stuff of yours after all?                    I am a man who has ever since boyhood believed in Nature and        in all natural functions and instincts; whether men called them         moral or immoral。  Long before I became a doctor; when I was a          schoolboy keeping mice and spiders; I believed that to be a good        animal is the best thing in the world。  But just now I am shaken;       I have believed in Nature; but it seems as if Nature could betray       a man。  Can there be anything in your bosh?  I am really getting        morbid。                                                                     I loved Quinton's wife。  What was there wrong in that?  Nature      told me to; and it's love that makes the world go round。  I also        thought quite sincerely that she would be happier with a clean          animal like me than with that tormenting little lunatic。  What was      there wrong in that?  I was only facing facts; like a man of            science。  She would have been happier。                                      According to my own creed I was quite free to kill Quinton;         which was the best thing for everybody; even himself。  But as a         healthy animal I had no notion of killing myself。  I resolved;          therefore; that I would never do it until I saw a chance that           would leave me scot free。  I saw that chance this morning。                  I have been three times; all told; into Quinton's study today。      The first time I went in he would talk about nothing but the weird      tale; called 〃The Cure of a Saint;〃 which he was writing; which         was all about how some Indian hermit made an English colonel kill       himself by thinking about him。  He showed me the last sheets; and       even read me the last paragraph; which was something like this:         〃The conqueror of the Punjab; a mere yellow skeleton; but still         gigantic; managed to lift himself on his elbow and gasp in his          nephew's ear: ‘I die by my own hand; yet I die murdered!'〃  It so       happened by one chance out of a hundred; that those last words          were written at the top of a new sheet of paper。  I left the room;      and went out into the garden intoxicated with a frightful               opportunity。                                                                We walked round the house; and two more things happened in my       favour。  You suspected an Indian; and you found a dagger which the      Indian might most probably use。  Taking the opportunity to stuff        it in my pocket I went back to Quinton's study; locked the door;        and gave him his sleeping draught。  He was against answering            Atkinson at all; but I urged him to call out and quiet the fellow;      because I wanted a clear proof that Quinton was alive when I left       the room for the second time。  Quinton lay down in the conservatory;    and I came through the study。  I am a quick man with my hands; and      in a minute and a half I had done what I wanted to do。  I had           emptied all the first part of Quinton's romance into the fireplace;     where it burnt to ashes。  Then I saw that the quotation marks           wouldn't do; so I snipped them off; and to make it seem likelier;       snipped the whole quire to match。  Then I came out with the             knowledge that Quinton's confession of suicide lay on the front         table; while Quinton lay alive but asleep in the conservatory           beyond。                                                                     The last act was a desperate one; you can guess it: I pretended     to have seen Quinton dead and rushed to his room。  I delayed you        with the paper; and; being a quick man with my hands; killed            Quinton while you were looking at his confession of suicide。  He        was half…asleep; being drugged; and I put his own hand on the           knife and drove it into his body。  The knife was of so queer a          shape that no one but an operator could have calculated the angle       that would reach his heart。  I wonder if you noticed this。                  When I had done it; the extraordinary thing happened。  Nature       deserted me。  I felt ill。  I felt just as if I had done something       wrong。  I think my brain is breaking up; I feel some sort of            desperate pleasure in thinking I have told the thing to somebody;       that I shall not have to be alone with it if I marry and have           childr