第 1 节
作者:瞎说呗      更新:2021-02-18 22:17      字数:4276
  a wild; disorderly way of living; so that they never came home again。
  The youngest; who was called simpleton; set out to seek his brothers;
  but when at length he found them they mocked him for thinking that he
  with his simplicity could get through the world; when they two could
  not make their way; and yet were so much cleverer。
  They all three traveled away together; and came to an ant…hill。  The
  two elder wanted to destroy it; to see the little ants creeping about
  in their terror; and carrying their eggs away; but simpleton said;
  leave the creatures in peace; I will not allow you to disturb them。
  Then they went onwards and came to a lake; on which a great number of
  ducks were swimming。  The two brothers wanted to catch a couple and
  roast them; but simpleton would not permit it; and said; leave the
  creatures in peace; I will not suffer you to kill them。
  At length they came to a bee's nest; in which there was so much honey
  that it ran out of the trunk of the tree where it was。  The two
  wanted to make a fire beneath the tree; and suffocate the bees in
  order to take away the honey; but simpleton again stopped them and
  said; leave the creatures in peace; I will not allow you to burn
  At length the three brothers arrived at a castle where stone horses
  were standing in the stables; and no human being was to be seen; and
  they went through all the halls until; quite at the end; they came to
  a door in which were three locks。  In the middle of the door;
  however; there was a little pane; through which they could see into
  the room。  There they saw a little grey man; who was sitting at a
  table。  They called him; once; twice; but he did not hear; at last
  they called him for the third time; when he got up; opened the locks;
  and came out。  He said nothing; however; but conducted them to a
  handsomely…spread table; and when they had eaten and drunk; he took
  each of them to a bedroom。
  Next morning the little grey man came to the eldest; beckoned to him;
  and conducted him to a stone table; on which were inscribed three
  tasks; by the performance of which the castle could be delivered from
  The first was that in the forest; beneath the moss; lay the
  princess's pearls; a thousand in number; which must be picked up; and
  if by sunset one single pearl was missing; he who had looked for them
  would be turned into stone。  The eldest went thither; and sought the
  whole day; but when it came to an end; he had only found one hundred;
  and what was written on the table came true; and he was turned into
  stone。 Next day; the second brother undertook the adventure; but it
  did not fare much better with him than with the eldest; he did not
  find more than two hundred pearls; and was changed to stone。  At last
  it was simpleton's turn to seek in the moss; but it was so difficult
  for him to find the pearls; and he got on so slowly; that he seated
  himself on a stone; and wept。  And while he was thus sitting; the
  king of the ants whose life he had once saved; came with five
  thousand ants; and before long the little creatures had got all the
  pearls together; and laid them in a heap。
  The second task; however; was to fetch out of the lake the key of the
  king's daughter's bed…chamber。  When simpleton came to the lake; the
  ducks which he had saved; swam up to him; dived down; and brought the
  key out of the water。
  But the third task was the most difficult; from amongst the three
  sleeping daughters of the king was the youngest and dearest to be
  sought out。  They; however; resembled each other exactly; and were
  only to be distinguished by their having eaten different sweetmeats
  before they fell asleep; the eldest a bit of sugar; the second a
  little syrup; and the youngest a spoonful of honey。
  Then the queen of the bees; whom simpleton had protected from the
  fire; came and tasted the lips of all three; and at last she remained
  sitting on the mouth which had eaten honey; and thus the king's son
  recognized the right princess。  Then the enchantment was at an end;
  everything was delivered from sleep; and those who had been turned to
  stone received once more their natural forms。
  Simpleton married the youngest and sweetest princess; and after her
  father's death became king; and his two brothers received the two
  other sisters。