第 42 节
作者:这就是结局      更新:2021-02-18 21:46      字数:9322
  Billy had to apologize again at the theater; for
  the curtain had already risen on the ancient quarrel
  between the houses of Capulet and Montague;
  and Billy knew her husband's special abhorrence
  of tardy arrivals。  Later; though; when well
  established in their seats; Billy's mind was plainly
  not with the players on the stage。
  ‘‘Do you suppose Baby _is_ all right?'' she
  whispered; after a time。
  ‘‘Sh…h!  Of course he is; dear!''
  There was a brief silence; during which Billy
  peered at her program in the semi…darkness。
  Then she nudged her husband's arm ecstatically。
  ‘‘Bertram; I couldn't have chosen a better
  play if I'd tried。  There are _five_ acts!  I'd forgotten
  there were so many。  That means you can
  telephone four times!''
  ‘‘Yes; dear。''  Bertram's voice was sternly
  ‘‘You must be sure they tell you exactly how
  Baby is。''
  ‘‘All right; dear。  Sh…h!  Here's Romeo。''
  Billy subsided。  She even clapped a little in
  spasmodic enthusiasm。  Presently she peered at
  her program again。
  ‘‘There wouldn't be time; I suppose; to telephone
  between the scenes;'' she hazarded wistfully。
  ‘‘There are sixteen of those!''
  ‘‘Well; hardly!  Billy; you aren't paying one
  bit of attention to the play!''
  ‘‘Why; of course I am;'' whispered Billy;
  indignantly。  ‘‘I think it's perfectly lovely; and
  I'm perfectly contented; toosince I found out
  about those five acts; and as long as I _can't_ have
  the sixteen scenes;'' she added; settling back in
  her seat。
  As if to prove that she was interested in the
  play; her next whisper; some time later; had to
  do with one of the characters on the stage。
  ‘‘Who's thatthe nurse?  Mercy!  We
  wouldn't want her for Baby; would we?''
  In spite of himself Bertram chuckled this time。
  Billy; too; laughed at herself。  Then; resolutely;
  she settled into her seat again。
  The curtain was not fairly down on the first
  act before Billy had laid an urgent hand on her
  husband's arm。
  ‘‘Now; remember; ask if he's waked up; or
  anything;'' she directed。  ‘‘And be sure to say I'll
  come right home if they need me。  Now hurry。''
  ‘‘Yes; dear。''  Bertram rose with alacrity。
  ‘‘I'll be back right away。''
  ‘‘Oh; but I don't want you to hurry _too_ much;''
  she called after him; softly。  ‘‘I want you to take
  plenty of time to ask questions。''
  ‘‘All right;'' nodded Bertram; with a quizzical
  smile; as he turned away。
  Obediently Bertram asked all the question
  she could think of; then came back to his wife。
  There was nothing in his report that even Billy
  could disapprove of; or worry about; and with
  almost a contented look on her face she turned
  toward the stage as the curtain went up on the
  second act。
  ‘‘I love this balcony scene;'' she sighed happily。
  Romeo; however; had not half finished his
  impassioned love…making when Billy clutched her
  husband's arm almost fiercely。
  ‘‘Bertram;'' she fairly hissed in a tragic
  whisper; ‘‘I've just happened to think!  Won't it be
  awful when Baby falls in love?  I know I shall
  just hate that girl for taking him away from me!''
  ‘‘Sh…h!  _Billy!_'' expostulated her husband;
  choking with half…stifled laughter。  ‘‘That woman
  in front heard you; I know she did!''
  ‘‘Well; I shall;'' sighed Billy; mournfully;
  turning back to the stage。
  ‘‘ ‘Good night; good night! parting is such sweet sorrow;
  That I shall say good night; till it be morrow;'''
  sighed Juliet passionately to her Romeo。
  ‘‘Mercy!  I hope not;'' whispered Billy flippantly
  in Bertram's ear。  ‘‘I'm sure I don't want
  to stay here till to…morrow!  I want to go home
  and see Baby。''
  ‘‘_Billy!_'' pleaded Bertram so despairingly;
  that Billy; really conscience…smitten; sat back in
  her seat and remained; for the rest of the act;
  very quiet indeed。
  Deceived by her apparent tranquillity; Bertram
  turned as the curtain went down。
  ‘‘Now; Billy; surely you don't think it'll be
  necessary to telephone so soon as this again;'' he
  Billy's countenance fell。
  ‘‘But; Bertram; you _said_ you would!  Of course
  if you aren't willing tobut I've been counting on
  hearing all through this horrid long act; and''
  ‘‘Goodness me; Billy; I'll telephone every
  minute for you; of course; if you want me to;''
  cried Bertram; springing to his feet; and trying
  not to show his impatience。
  He was back more promptly this time。
  ‘‘Everything 0。 K。;'' he smiled reassuringly
  into Billy's anxious eyes。  ‘‘Delia said she'd just
  been up; and the little chap was sound asleep。''
  To the man's unbounded surprise; his wife
  grew actually white。
  ‘‘Up!  Up!'' she exclaimed。  ‘‘Do you mean
  that Delia went down…stairs to _stay_; and left my
  baby up there alone?''
  ‘‘But; Billy; she said he was all right;''
  murmured Bertram; softly; casting uneasy sidelong
  glances at his too interested neighbors。
  ‘‘ ‘All right'!  Perhaps he was; _then_but he
  may not be; later。  Delia should stay in the next
  room all the time; where she could hear the least
  ‘‘Yes; dear; she will; I'm sure; if you tell her
  to;'' soothed Bertram; quickly。  ‘‘It'll be all
  right next time。''
  Billy shook her head。  She was obviously near
  to crying。
  ‘‘But; Bertram; I can't stand it to sit here
  enjoying myself all safe and comfortable; and know
  that Baby is _alone_ up there in that great big room!
  Please; _please_ won't you go and telephone Delia
  to go up _now_ and stay there?''
  Bertram; weary; sorely tried; and increasingly
  aware of those annoyingly interested neighbors;
  was on the point of saying a very decided no; but
  a glance into Billy's pleading eyes settled it。
  Without a word he went back to the telephone。
  The curtain was up when he slipped into his
  seat; very red of face。  In answer to Billy's hurried
  whisper he shook his head; but in the short
  pause between the first and second scenes he said;
  in a low voice:
  ‘‘I'm sorry; Billy; but I couldn't get the house
  at all。''
  ‘‘Couldn't get them!  But you'd just been
  talking with them!''
  ‘‘That's exactly it; probably。  I had just
  telephoned; so they weren't watching for the bell。
  Anyhow; I couldn't get them。''
  ‘‘Then you didn't get Delia at all!''
  ‘‘Of course not。''
  ‘‘And Baby is stillall alone!''
  ‘‘But he's all right; dear。  Delia's keeping
  watch of him。''
  For a moment there was silence; then; with
  clear decisiveness carne Billy's voice。
  ‘‘Bertram; I am going home。''
  ‘‘I am。''
  ‘‘Billy; for heaven's sake don't be a silly goose!
  The play's half over already。  We'll soon be going;
  Billy's lips came together in a thin little
  determined line。
  ‘‘Bertram; I am going home now; please;'' she
  said。  ‘‘You needn't come with me; I can go
  Bertram said two words under his breath which
  it was just as well; perhaps; that Billyand the
  neighborsdid not hear; then he gathered up
  their wraps and; with Billy; stalked out of the
  At home everything was found to be absolutely
  as it should be。  Bertram; Jr。; was peacefully
  sleeping; and Delia; who had come up from
  downstairs; was sewing in the next room。
  ‘‘There; you see;'' observed Bertram; a little
  Billy drew a long; contented sigh。
  ‘‘Yes; I see; everything is all right。  But that's
  exactly what I wanted to do; Bertram; you know
  to _see for myself_;'' she finished happily。
  And Bertram; looking at her rapt face as she
  hovered over the baby's crib; called himself a
  brute and a beast to mind _anything_ that could
  make Billy look like that。
  Bertram did not ask Billy very soon again to
  go to the theater。  For some days; indeed; he did
  not ask her to do anything。  Then; one evening;
  he did beg for some music。
  ‘‘Billy; you haven't played to me or sung to
  me since I could remember;'' he complained。  ‘‘I
  want some music。''
  Billy gave a merry laugh and wriggled her
  fingers experimentally。
  ‘‘Mercy; Bertram!  I don't believe I could
  play a note。  You know I'm all out of practice。''
  ‘‘But why _don't_ you practice?''
  ‘‘Why; Bertram; I can't。  In the first place I
  don't seem to have any time except when Baby's
  asleep; and I can't play then…I'd wake him
  Bertram sighed irritably; rose to his feet; and
  began to walk up and down the room。  He came
  to a pause at last; his eyes bent a trifle
  disapprovingly on his wife。
  ‘‘Billy; dear; _don't_ you wear anything but
  those wrapper things nowadays?'' he asked plaintively。
  Again Billy laughed。  But this time a troubled
  frown followed the laugh。
  ‘‘I know; Bertram; I suppose they do look
  dowdy; someti