第 39 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9320
  are but different modes of motion of the same primitive atoms; there being
  in Nature but three thingsEther; Intelligence; and Motion。 What Ether is;
  no one knows。 We call it the formless spirit; the unmanifest; etc。 But; there
  can be no doubt but; that Motion is the product of Intelligence; since we
  never   see   Motion   but   as   the   manifestation   of   evolution;   and   this   is   the
  expression of Mind。 Therefore; we have a dualityEther and Intelligence;
  one the living spirit; the other the eternal substance for its manifestation。
  Every molecule of matter is the outward form; the center of which; is
  the incarnating spirit; in some degree of progress。 Man's physical organism
  is a system of life and development for countless billions of them。 So the
  Earth; in its functional expression as the womb of Nature for the outward
  expression of Man; is only so in a material sense。 HE IS PRIOR TO THE
  PLANET。   He   (Man)   is   only   the   offspring   of   the   planet   by   virtue   of   his
  material body being a part of the substance of the Earth。 This life is a stage;
  only;    of  his  material    journey;    and;   just  as  Man's    body    is  continually
  throwing off useless dead matter and replacing the same with new life; so;
  too;   the   countless    organic    forms   of  Earth    are  hourly   returning     to  the
  ground from which they sprang; and new forms; rising from the same dust;
  are taking their places。
  Here;   then;   is   the   sum   total:   First   is   revealed   to   us   the   grand Astral
  Man; the Zodiac being the outward idea or form; the Sun and his system
  the vital functions thereof。 The Earth; apart from its functional expression
  or place; is also an individual。 Man; apart from forming a molecule of the
  planetary womb; by comparison; is also an individual。 And; lastly; every
  molecule   of   Man's   organism   is   also;   in   reality;   an   individual;   and   small
  only by comparison with the human frame。 And as there are the high Solar
  Archangels of the Sun; and a chief amongst these seated upon his throne
  of   fire;   so  there   is   an   Archangelic   Chief   of   the   Earth;   surrounded   by
  descending degrees of wisdom and power to Man; who also; in his turn;
  stands as the Deific center and chief of his being; his soul being the sphere
  of consciousness; which; when united to the feminine soul; constitutes the
  Angel of Life; Eternal。 Down still we go; and find that this Divine scale of
  life and being is; from the lowly molecule; system upon system climbing;
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  sphere     upon     sphere;   upward      and   onward;     forever;    evermore;      and   all
  eternity cannot bring nearer the end of Man's glorious immortality。
  In the full revelation of this divine scheme of creation; so full of light;
  life; love; joy and harmony; a scheme void of death and annihilation; the
  mind once more reflects upon the physical illusions of slowly advancing
  scientific    thought。     Camille    Flammarion;       the   great   psychomaterialist       of
  France; has painted; in his various novels; a lurid; almost horrible; picture
  of what the mighty universe must become from the logical deductions of
  his   own     school   of   thought;    a  school    which    would     be   best  named      as
  transcendental materialism。 According to this conception; 〃thousands; aye;
  millions of worlds are rushing through space; inert; frozen; and dead。 Suns
  have cooled down and ceased to give forth the life…sustaining element of
  light;   but   have   still   retained   their   mighty   attraction   upon   their   attendant
  planets; according to the laws of gravity; by virtue of their material mass;
  and   thus   hold   their   planetary   offspring   in   the   eternal;   cold;   icy   grasp   of
  death。   Our   Sun;   too;   is   cooling   fast;   the   Earth   has   already   lost   a   great
  portion   of   her   own   internal   heat。   She   has   passed   her   prime   of   life;   and
  deathcold; icy deathhas already begun to encroach upon her extremities。
  The   South      pole   (the  feet)   is  now    practically   lifeless   in  one    perpetual
  covering   of   ice。   So;   too;   her   head;   her   locks   are   the   white   of   perpetual
  snow。 No longer has she the blush and beauty of youth; no longer adorned
  with the healthy covering of verdue which youthfulness gives; and as our
  geologists prove was once the case。 So that; although the time may still be
  long;   according   to   our   reckoning   of   years;   it   is   only   a   brief   moment   in
  eternity when this fair Earth; and also the beauteous splendor of the silent
  stars; will be locked forever in darkness; and the final sleep of doom。〃 If
  this be so; we ask of the inmost soul; if life be but the fitful awakenings of
  the indestructible spirit; ebbing and flowing in response to the rise and fall
  of Nature's cosmic barometer and the transmutations of matter; if life is; in
  reality; but a brief and passing moment; eternally repeated; from the flush
  of youth; 〃the gilded salon to the bier and the shroud; then why; O why
  should the spirit of mortal be proud?〃 Why aspire to penetrate the inward
  realities of life and enter the Holy of Holiesto seek and find out God? As
  the rushing torrent of this thought swept o'er the mental chambers of the
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  soul and saturated the spirit with its icy sting; as it lay still chained within
  the prison   house of   matter;  the higher self   rose;  sublime   in   its   grandeur;
  and consciousness of divine relationship; and; in the last earthly appeal for
  light; for divine truth; as to Man and his immortality; it turned in reverence
  and awe before the still; shimmering veil of the sacred Penetralia。 The trial
  had come; the crucial test; whether of life or death; the final revelation to
  Man。     In  purity   of   heart   and   humility    of  soul   we   await    in  agonizing
  suspense。 There is a thrilling sensation; as though of ten thousand electric
  currents consuming the frame; and a swaying to and fro; as if drifting upon
  an   ocean   of   fire;   then   a   dead   silence;   so   profound   that   whole   eternities
  seem to pass; without either beginning or end。 And the sight of the inward
  spirit is opened slowly。 Who? Where? What? For the shadows have fled;
  the luminous curtain fades; is gone; and flashing before the inward sight
  stands the ineffable Adonai。 It is IYOU! There is no God but this; and in
  one   moment   the   interior   consciousness   becomes   at…one…with…self;   God;
  and from that inconceivable height of profound vision we again look upon
  Nature。 Behold Sun; Moon and planets in all the original magnificence of
  their   nebulous   luminosity;   from   nebulous   rings   we   proceed;   stage   after
  stage; each producing its own degrees of life。 On; on we pass the ages; the
  geological      cycles   of  inconceivable      duration    in  time;   but   only   a  mere
  instant in eternity; and on and on; as the changes roll; until we see Earth as
  she is now; still on; at the ever…urging desire of the triumphant Soul; and a
  remarkable change is apparent。 From forces; at present latent; there comes
  a    change;    and;    instead    of  so…called     physical;    electrical    races   have
  superceded the present humanity。 Crystallization has ceased; and all things
  become lighter in density and more ethereal in nature; AND THE ORBIT
  OF   THE   EARTH   GROWS   LESS。   Nearer   and   nearer   shines   the   mighty
  Sun; first Vulcan; then the swift messenger of the gods are indrawn within
  the solar vortex; each absorption producing a cataclysmic change upon our
  Earth。 Then comes the turn of Venus; while slowly and surely the orbit of
  the Earth contracts; and nearer shines the Sun。 And; finally; the beautiful
  Earth; her mission over; the last atom of life beyond her rule; inward she
  sweeps; and is lost in the mighty ocean of fire as a stone is lost in the lake。
  Verily is the word of prophecy a literal truth: 〃The Earth shall be destroyed
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  with fire。〃 And so on with the rest; each planet in its proper turn fulfilling
  the functions at present performed by the Earth; each becoming the grand
  theater    of  material    and   ethereal   life;  and   the  cometary   bodies;      to…day
  chasing   unknown   orbits   in   the   realms   of   ether;   gradually   fall   into   line
  when      their  erratic   cycle    is  ended;    taking   the   places    of  the   present
  outermost planets。