第 30 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9303
  derive   our   word   wander;   i。e。;   to   roam;   and   wandering;   i。e。;   moving   and
  continually restless。
  We have now the original; therefore real; meaning of the words Magic
  Wand; thus an object that sets in motion the powers of the magician; and
  the magician; an Initiate of the sacred ritesA MASTER OF WISDOM;
  possessing all the resources that enable him TO BUILD mould; and form;
  to create in fact; by virtue of his knowledge of the secret powers of mental
  imagery and the potential use of his own imagination。 He is both Mental
  Mason and learned philosopher。
  The student may doubtless ask; why all this care and labor regarding
  mere   definitions?   We   reply   that;   it   is   because;   the   real   meaning   of   the
  words     we    have    purposely   selected      for  the   title  of  our  studies    are;  in
  themselves;   a   far   better   revelation   than   we   could   possibly   have   written。
  … Page 105…
  Originally;      ideas   and    words     were    related   as   absolute    expressions      or
  correspondences; of each other。 This is not so now。 As the different races
  became interblended; the purity of both language and morals retrograded;
  and the people grew more to the external。 The intuitions and spirit were
  compelled to retreat; giving place to only the intellectual and mental。 The
  blending   of   the   languages   gave   birth   to   many   words   wherein   different
  meanings   were   transmitted;   hence;   the          trouble   arising   to…day   over     the
  numerous interpretations of a single word。
  Hybrid races have no such thing as a pure language。 Their ideas and
  language;       like    their    blood;     is   badly    mixed      up;    confusing;      and
  unsatisfactory; so far as the real meaning of the words are concerned。 For
  this very reason we find so many different meanings for the same word;
  and   also   for   this   reason;   we   cannot   formulate   a   legal   enactment   in   the
  Anglo…Saxon         tongue     that;  a  learned     lawyer;    versed    in   this  senseless
  jugglery   of   words;   cannot   demonstrate;   to   the   satisfaction   of   the   courts;
  means   something   the   very   opposite   of   the   real   intentions   the   spirit
  which the framers thereof; intended it to convey。 Anciently; it required no
  artful cunning of the lawyer to interpret the laws。 The words had only one
  simple and obvious meaning。 If a language could be so constructed to…day;
  and     the   antiquated      precedents      of   the   courts    annihilated;     the    legal
  profession       would    be    exterminated      inside    of   twelve    months;     and    an
  affliction removed from the people。
  The  philosophy  of   the   Magic Wand   is   this。   It   is   a   magnetic;   electric
  conductor   for   the   magician's   will。   It   directs   the   flow   of   his   thought   and
  concentrates it upon a given point in space or an object。 It is; magically;
  what the sights of a rifle are to a sportsman。 It enables him to focus his
  powers with exact precision upon the mark against which; or upon which;
  his will is directed。 Apart from this there is no power; per se; in the Wand
  itself; any more than there is in a lightning conductor without the electric
  storm。   Ergo;   the   Wand   is   the   conductor;   in   the   magician's   hand;   for   the
  lightnings of the soul; and just as the lightning rod is most useful and most
  powerful to protect; when the storm is the strongest; so is the Wand most
  powerful       in  the  hands     of  the   most    potential    magician。     We    can   only
  transmit through this Wand the degree of force we may happen to possess
  … Page 106…
  in the soul。
  In a properly prepared Wand lies the most powerful weapon; to protect
  or   destroy;   that   can   be   placed   within   a   magician's   hands。   With   his   own
  spiritual force and knowledge; combined with the magic power attached to
  the   instrument;   nothing   can   withstand   its   power;   when   directed   with   a
  determined and powerful will。
  Many   substances   have   been   employed   in   the   manufacture   of   these
  Magic Wands。 Metals or stones will not serve this purpose; unless covered
  with some organic matter。 In any case stones are worthless。 The very finest
  Wands are made from the live ivory of a female elephant。 A short Wand;
  twenty…one inches long; tipped with gold at the largest end and silver or
  copper   at   the   other;   is   very   powerful。   Next   to   these   costly   articles   are
  Wands   with   a   gold   or   copper   core;   a   wire;   in   fact;   cased   with   ebony;
  boxwood;   rosewood;   cedar   or   sandalwood。   English   yew   also   serves   the
  purpose;   so   does   almond   wood。   Simpler;   less   expensive;   and   almost   as
  effective; are Wands made of witch…hazel。 In fact; apart from the Wands of
  live ivory; I consider that witch…hazel is as powerful as the golden Wand。
  Next in force to this witch…hazel are   the shoots of the almond tree;  and;
  lastly; the peach and swamp willow。
  The proper time to manufacture a Magic Wand is whenever you can
  find the person who is able to do the work。 But after it is constructed it
  must be thoroughly magnetized; with proper ceremony and aspiration; the
  first or the second full Moon after the Sun enters Capricorn; at midnight;
  when the Moon will be culminating in her own sign upon the mid…heaven。
  The best time TO CUT a shoot of witch…hazel or other material for a
  Wand      is  the  first  full  Moon     after  the   Sun's   entry   into   Capricorn;     at
  midnight; and then magnetize it upon the next full Moon at the same hour。
  In   conclusion;   let   us   repeat   that;   the   Magic   Wand   is   but   the   highly
  sensitive magical medium for transmitting and concentrating the force of
  the learned magician; that it is equally powerful under great excitement of
  mind;     WHETHER          USED      CONSCIOUSLY            OR    NOT。     The   stream    of
  mental fire will go in the direction the Wand happens to be pointed; and;
  therefore; should never be in the hands of the wicked or foolish; any more
  than firearms。 It is potential or otherwise; in exact proportion to the artist's
  … Page 107…
  wisdom and dynamic mentality; and is useless in the hands of the idiotic or
  weak…minded。 A Magic Wand requires brains and vigorous mental force to
  make     it  effective;  just  as  the  steam  engine  requires   an  apparatus    for
  generating the steam; that moves it。 With a determined will; and a mental
  conception of one's inward power; any man or woman can; by means of
  this sensitive Wand; defy all the legionaries of Hell; and quickly disperse
  every form of spiritual iniquity。
  The firearms which have become so intricate in their mechanism and
  so   destructive   in   their   operations;   are   only   a   degeneration   of   the   Magic
  Wand。  The   first   weapons   of   warfare   and   slaughter   were   very   crude   and
  clumsy; then larger and more destructive; until at last they have become as
  fine in texture and mechanical genius; compared with their early brothers;
  as the Magic Wand is to…day; above and beyond; the present weapons of
  warfare。 At   last;   the   original   mode   of   defense   will   be   rediscovered   and
  become a utility in the hands of the majority of mankind。 At the same time;
  the mental and moral nature will be evolving into better conditions; too; so
  that their use will not be given to the ignorant and evildoers; but placed in
  charge   of   the   educated;   those   who   are   morally   capable   of   leading   and
  Yes;   we   are   now   stepping   upon   the   plane   of   reason   and   intuition;
  where right; not might; will prevail and rule the world。 The present mode
  of government and rule will be changed; and one of humanitarian justice
  take its place。
  God hasten the Millenium。
  NOW       FOR     THE    FIRST     TIME     TRANSCRIBED           FROM      THE
  TO     WHICH       IS   ADDED        A   SERIES      OF    INTERPRETATIVE
  REFLECTIONS           FOR     THE     SPIRITUAL        MEDITATION         OF    THE
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